Yes, i get this from co workers and family. My suggestion, not to say anything, fighting fire with fire causes more harm. you snicker....they gossip. or ... poke them in the belly and say YOUR NEXT
The Onion Girl - Charles de Lint Anything by Charles de Lint Currently reading An Open Heart - Dali Lama Im on, user name atomicfirenat ... add me
-Tofurky -not a fan of the tofurky stuffing, so we'll make homemade -Homemade cranberry sauce -Some sort of salad The family will be making other traditional stuff (a real turkey etc...) :D
There are some really good yogurts out there that are just as thick as greek yogurt. Greek yogurt is defiantly not for everyone. When you buy yogurt watch out for added sugars. I just had some blueberry yogurt today and gagged from how sweet it was.
yumm must try
@K0135 9, great smile
Great idea on the ramekins : )
Physical: My collar bones, neck and legs. I like to draw with charcol and those are my favorite parts to draw. Non Physical: My ability to be a buffer or wingman when i have friends in need.
I'm not sure what type of MP3 player you have but if your on itunes, there are some great podcasts for fitness music, check it out when you have a chance.
Drama aside. I love doing bodyrock, i would suggest having a mirror near by to check your form, for the longest time i was doing plank with my butt higher than it should have been .... hahah I deff. see results. I also play dodgeball, perform and go to cardio classes so the high energy week helps with that as well.