

  • Yes I would say that it is a little "crunchier" than pasta- but it is a soft crunch. It is also noticably sweeter. My younger, picky sisters didn't seem to mind the difference and if you use spagetti sauce it flavors it quite well. I think its worth a try.
  • i would love to be apart of MFP runners club- what are the details? How does it work?
  • I agree with everyone - try peppermint, ginger and lemon lime soda but I also recently read that cinnamon helps upset stomachs- best way is to mix it with applesauce for tummy problems....
  • I believe you are supposed to go up to the next level every 2 wks. Ramp it up is just that- taking it to the next level. If you feel you are active enough I'd suggest trying it once. If you feel you can stay at that level then stay but if you feel you need another week on Start it up and give it more of your effort then…
  • I did it for 6-8 weeks last New Years. I could tell I was getting a workout but I never saw any weight loss. I think I wasnt watching my food intake and didn't go up the levels every 2 wks like suggested. I stopped due to an injury but I still do it every once in a while when I can't get to the gym.... What other ?'s do…
  • Way to be motivated this morning! I hope I can follow this advise all day ( I tend to whine alot:ohwell: )
  • Welcome! You can get alot of support here. It has been the best program I have been on. Good luck and have fun on vacation:drinker:
  • Thanks for sharing. I was going to do the same thing- try it out for the first time BUT I need to not be hungry at work SO you saved me some $$$$$ THANKS!
  • I do that all the time. If I am out gardening or mowing or do lots of errands then I will definately log them into my exercise for the day. I do also try to over estimate my calorie intake and under estimate my exercise. SO to answer you question - Yes I thnk that is a fair assesment :wink:
  • P.S. I ran my first 5K yesterday and it felt GREAT!!!!:bigsmile: WOOHOO!!
  • I used to get them all the time too. I work in a medical office and one of the PA's advised that I wasn't stretching enough before hand. But to help with the current pain she suggested to ice the area then do a stretch - take a huge rubber band and hook it on a coffee table leg and put your foot on the other end where you…
  • I know just how you feel. I get asked all the time too. So CONGRATS!
  • I would love a challenge! I would love to join your black team!!!! Thanks for inviting....
  • Don't look at the time you took off as failure. You need to listen to your body- when you are sick it's not going to help you recoup if your energy is divided between getting you well again and workouts. But as soon as your feeling better tell yourself "Ok now I am ready to give it my 100% again" AND DO IT!!! Keep up the…
  • That is the kind of strength I need- Way To Go!
  • I am so glad I came here tonight- Thank you EVERYBODY! I feel so much better just letting it out and not keeping it a secret. I feel more in control. I did take several bits of info tonight and it helped me get thru tonight without binging so Thanks.....
  • I can go all day being "good". I plan out my meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But whenever I get overly tired, stressed or upset I tend to eat myslef into oblivion:sad: I just seem to have no self control when I get started. HELP! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Welcome back and good work on losing!!!! I also love your quote:flowerforyou: Created by - Free Calorie Counter