recker80 Member


  • To drink non sweetens almond milk is ok during induction. The first few days I felt weak and the almond milk was a savior. I also added a teaspoon of coco powder and stevia to make a sweet chocolate drink.
  • The tangy mayo has a lot of sugar, that was a change and it's giving you sugar carbs when you really want fiber carbs
  • Hi, I viewed your diary. I have a few suggestions and I did notice something that could be causing the drop. For keto you need to avoid spikes in blood sugar. About 2 weeks ago you started using mayonnaise with 5 or 6 grams of sugar (don't eat that) mayo should have no carbs. You also don't eat much. Get your calories up…
  • I had the keto flu from day 3-7. I also was scared. As a nurse, I did some home testing to see what was going on. I was severely dehydrated, blood pressure low, pulse increased and thready ,blood sugar normally elevated at 93, my sodium was depleted, my urine was a ph of 5 (very acidic and not good). I was dizzy often, if…
  • Good for you!!!! Induction will help detox and jump start your loss. Hey if it works for you then why not? I don't think you should skip the induction because being in keto is important to move onto the next phases
  • Yes!! I'm on day 5 and I cringe when I get hungry as of today! But I did invent something fun off the list of acceptable foods of Atkins. I noticed in my old book, sugar free jello is listed but not on the new list, not sure why cause sf jello never affected me or my ketones. 1.5 cup heavy cream. And whip it up until…
  • I just started Atkins, on Sunday june29, so today is day 5 and I lost 8.5 pounds. My goal is to lose 30, but 40 would be great. I have had some duirisis over the past few days so I'm salting my food up good as of today. This is my 3rd or 4th go-around with Atkins. Maintenance is the hardest for me. Then I go years without…
  • Sugar free anything can give you diarrhea. Sf jello doesnt normally have sugar alcohol, but avoid sugar alcohol if your tummy gets upset. It can cause horrid stomach issues.
  • Thanks everyone so much. I know my diet can use improvement. I have made a million changes already and im eager for more. I used to have 2-3 sodas a day (regular cherry or grape) candy 2-3 times a day, I ate whatever I wanted really with no regard to my health. I lived off boxed granola bars and lucky charm cereal. Not a…
  • By the way I am losing weight. I think im under eating though. Cant force myself to eat.
  • So rather than measuring food weigh it then. Wow!!!! What if the calries are right on the package?
  • No I havent been weighing my meat, but using a deck of cards as a serving size. I measure everything else out. Most days I go way over on protein,, I did have 2 days it was low mainly because of salads and not eating much meat. What else should I weigh?
  • i agree lol. its true. we should be able to track any activity that is above the "laying in bed status".
  • I have been at this for about 2 weeks now and had great weight loss. i went to a wedding on Sunday and had about 1800 calories (400 over what i should have had) but since then i have been starving every day. between meals and late at night. im loosing my mind and feel like i cant do this. why do i have all of a sudden…
  • do you have a recipe for it??? i actually never had it, so i have no clue, just trying to help.