nutrition help please

recker80 Posts: 19 Member
Im opening my diary to public, I need some feedback. 33 year old female. Im a junk food and sweets junkie!!! Im trying to eat healthier. Breakfast honestly has been a challage, always has been since I was in high school lol. Im trying to limit chemicals and additives . 2 weeks ago I started but I was sooooo hungry all the time so I have been using protein powder to help me curb my appitite. I have a good 40 pounds to lose, but I have a lot of muscle and I dont want to lose that. I am 12 weeks post op hysterectomy and I take an estrogen supplement most days. Any help is appreciated.


  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You're not weighing your food, which means you're underestimating your food.

    MFP's 20% protein goal is a minimum—and you're way under. More protein (and fiber) will help you feel less hungry.

    Read this:
  • recker80
    recker80 Posts: 19 Member
    No I havent been weighing my meat, but using a deck of cards as a serving size. I measure everything else out. Most days I go way over on protein,, I did have 2 days it was low mainly because of salads and not eating much meat. What else should I weigh?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Weigh everything. Not just meat—everything. You'll be shocked by how much you've been underestimating your calories.
  • sushidulces
    sushidulces Posts: 69 Member
    Weigh everything. Not just meat—everything. You'll be shocked by how much you've been underestimating your calories.

    Absolutely! I was at a standstill, then I bought a food scale. Changed my life (and my weight!). Use grams as they are most accurate. Definitely up your protein and make sure your carbohydrate rich foods come with fiber. Fiber minimum of 30g a day. It does a word of good. Opt for high fiber breads/tortillas/yogurt, etc.

    You may look into what your macronutrients are and toy around with those to get a good idea of where your carbs/fat/protein/fiber should be.

    Breakfast, as inane as it may be, make the same thing. I keep 1/4 measuring cup in my large oatmeal container. I scoop out 1/4, mix with half cup of almond milk, add cinnamon and nuke for a minute. I then add about 8 frozen blueberries. I cook up 2 egg whites with a whole egg and throw some fresh greens (spinach) in it. Every single morning, that is what I have at 6 am. I am satiated until 10 pm, where I will have 1/4 cup of raw nuts and drink a whole cup of water. Then I am good until lunch. Tuna is a great lunch food because it is high protein, low carb, low cal. If you ever need suggestions, hit me up!
  • recker80
    recker80 Posts: 19 Member
    So rather than measuring food weigh it then. Wow!!!! What if the calries are right on the package?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    The package will specify the weight in grams of one serving.

    For example, bread will say one serving is 1 slice (50g) for 100 calories. If you weigh your slice & it's 60g, then your slice is 120 calories.
  • recker80
    recker80 Posts: 19 Member
    By the way I am losing weight. I think im under eating though. Cant force myself to eat.
  • cmcoyle776
    cmcoyle776 Posts: 20 Member
    It seems like you eat almost NO vegetables. Veggies contain fiber and water which will fill you up, with minimal calories. If you're not a fan of veggies, try eating one good serving per day of a veggie(s) that you like, for a week or so. Then, add one to 2 meals for a week or so, then work your way up to more servings per meal per day. I like to add spinach/mushrooms/tomatoes to an omelet, avocado/baby spinach/tomato/sprouts to my sandwiches, or dip carrots in hummus as a snack as ways to get in extra veggies. Also, if you take a little time to plan your (balanced) meals, ahead of time, whether daily or weekly, it will help you to keep a balanced diet & avoid binge snacking & high calorie, last minute foods. Try to eat something balanced (carb+protein+fat) every 2-3 hours so you aren't famished between meals. Focus on including a lean protein at every meal/snack because the protein will help you to feel fuller longer. It takes time to change your eating habits in a way that you can stick with, so take it one day at a time & just work on making small adjustments & building on them. Good luck!
  • PinkPanther318
    PinkPanther318 Posts: 81 Member
    I am a breakfast lover!! Try eating 1-2 packets of any kind of oatmeal it is so filling. Otherwise I usually have 2 strawberry waffles -190 cals, spray butter has no cals, low calorie sugar free syrup-10-20 cals and yogurt. Fresh fruit is also a good option. Hope this helps :)
  • la_te_ra_lus
    la_te_ra_lus Posts: 243 Member
    Yes like everyone has said weigh out everything. People tend to overestimate or underestimate by eyeballing measurement of foods..
    Get in a good amount of fiberous greens and veggies lots of micro nutrients you are missing out on. They will help keep you feeling full.. The idea is to make sure every meal has a good balance of protein/carbs/fat.
  • Nachise
    Nachise Posts: 395 Member
    Eating breakfast rocked my world, kept me from feeling hungry, and cut those junk food cravings I used to to get well before lunch. I weigh and measure everything that I eat. I have a Salter scale that measures grams and ounces. I usually use grams. I am a cereal, fruit, and yogurt breakfast kind of person.

    I put my bowl on the scale, zero out the weight, and add each ingredient. My main ingredients are banana, walnuts, yogurt, black chia seeds, and cereal. Depending on the season, I will also add blackberries and raspberries, or peaches when they are in season. My average breakfast runs around 540 calories, and will keep me going until early afternoon if necessary.

    Friend me and take a look at my diary.
  • recker80
    recker80 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks everyone so much. I know my diet can use improvement. I have made a million changes already and im eager for more. I used to have 2-3 sodas a day (regular cherry or grape) candy 2-3 times a day, I ate whatever I wanted really with no regard to my health. I lived off boxed granola bars and lucky charm cereal. Not a big meat eater, I think im a natrual vegetarian lol but I do love therich bad stuff. So I think im off to a decent start. I have to figure out the macro nnutrients a bit better. I love the suggestion to plan ahead and make a weeks worth of planning so I dont go too far over on one thing or another. Thanks again. :flowerforyou:
  • chribonn66
    chribonn66 Posts: 25 Member
    If you can spare an hour and a half check out this youTube video:

    You might better understand sugar.