

  • What is the brand? Not all brands are equal, the fillers some use are not good. But that's not to say that the vit D is not at fault. I have a couple different vegan brands I use. I can give you the names if you like. I take 4000 iu a day. Jim
  • Great first step. Just writing things down will help yo make big changes in what you eat. I had asthma also, but had some food allergy test done and found I was allergic to almonds. Not a good thing, since I was drinking almond milk almost every day. And raw almonds were one of my favorite foods. Just letting you know that…
  • It is safe, although hard to get motivated. I have fought with insomnia all my life, and know what you are going through. I would say to google Navy Seal hell week and read about that. Basically, the Seal trainees go through 5 days of training with little or no sleep. It is a mental test more than anything else. There are…
  • It isn't time consuming or life consuming. It is life changing. What you have done in the past didn't work, or you wouldn't be here. At the start it is a bit of a hassle. But if you want to change your life you have to change the way you monitor you food intake. For me it is now just habit and it is like brushing my teeth.…
  • What kind of pain? A sharp stabbing pain? Or a it hurts to move all over pain? You say all over your abs, are saying from your sternum to your belly button? I would guess that you just have really over worked the muscles and may have some slight muscle strains. If it is sharp and stabbing in a localized area, you would…
  • There are some details I would need to be specific. The main one would what training zone you are in. As in heart rate training zone. If you are just doing an endurance ride or run, which is around 60% of you max heart rate. Or a pace that you can easily carry on a conversation. You could go two hours without food as long…
  • It would be the same as bike racing very fast, 18+ mph. http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
  • I know quite a few raw vegan althetes that follow the 80-10-10 by Dr Graham. It works well for them. I follow something close, but more like 70% carb(fruits&vegs), 20% protein, 10%fat. I am vegan as well,but don't stick to just raw vegan foods. You will find that most people stick to what the norm is for diet and athing as…
  • I would ask how you got your max heart rate. Unless you did a max heart test on a treadmill or bike your max hr may be wrong. 220 minus your age, or any other such calculations are only estimates and can be 10 to 15 beats off. Also you said on the bike, was this an exercise bike or riding outside? If outside was it flat…
  • Here is the address to Garmin Connect. http://www.garmin.com/garmin/cms/site/us/support/ You will find all kinds of help there. I don't have your model but I do have a 305 Edge and a 305 Forerunner and I go there when ever something goes wrong with mine.
  • That is an issue with Polar stuff. I know of some people changing their own. You might do an internet search.
  • vegweb.com, you can find all kinds of vegan recipes. I use it all the time.
  • Start out easy. If you have not been exercising, start with walking. Do it everyday, take the kids. start with 15 minutes and add 5 or 10 minutes a week. When you can do an hour of fast walking start looking for some workout DVDs you can do at home. Or you can just stick with walking. As far as diet goes start by tracking…
  • I work night shift on and off and the best thing you can do is stay off caffiene. I not only makes sleeping much more difficult, but when you crash your body sends you hunger signals to find more energy. I have went through this and found after giving up coffee it was much easier to stick to my meal plans. I also slept…