80-10-10 Diet?

blatantnarcisism Posts: 11
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
I've asked around to some people, they think this diet is too extreme. Basically, it's 80% carbs, 10% protein, 10% fat. The carbs are mostly (like 90%) natural carbs like fruit and vegetables, it's not like you eat rice and bread all day...

It seems that people either hate it, or they do it and love it, so I thought I'd ask here what you guys thought of this diet (BTW when I say DIET, I mean lifestyle diet, not weight loss diet....). I could never eat as much as is stated here, but that's me.



  • Sounds... like not such a good idea? Most people do 50/30/20 for a balanced diet or 40/40/20 for a exercise/athletic diet.
  • I think the carbohydrates are way too high. The 40/40/20 is closer to what I do; and if you don't want the sleek, athletic body but wanna look good, I think the 50/30/20 is an excellent idea. Just remember to burn more calories than you consume, and keep logging your calories like a maniac, and you'll be sexy thin.
  • I know quite a few raw vegan althetes that follow the 80-10-10 by Dr Graham. It works well for them. I follow something close, but more like 70% carb(fruits&vegs), 20% protein, 10%fat. I am vegan as well,but don't stick to just raw vegan foods. You will find that most people stick to what the norm is for diet and athing as different as 80-10-10 will get mostly negative replies. In this break down carbs are furits and veggies, and not much in the way of grains. Most people will only say that this is bad for you. But I have been doing it for two years now and am doing just fine. My doctor agrees that I am healthy and doesn't think I need to change anything. If you want to find more people that eat this way you can go to www.organicathlete.org. if you have any specific questions I can answer them, or tell you someone that can.
  • I was thinking of going 50% carbs. I wanna go 60% CRON in the new year, so I need as much fruit and vegetables as I can get if I want to reach adequate nutrients.

    I really need to touch up my diet. Living on rice, chicken, apples and Diet Coke is not good.
  • I love my fruits and veggies but 80%? That's an insane amount of veggies to eat. I require like 2500 calories a day and there's no way I could eat 2000 of those in fruits and veggies alone. How are you finding enough calories??? Like do you know some insanely calorie dense fruits and veggies I'm unaware of?
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I eat roughly 70/15/15 and love it. My body responds best to this eating plan and I've tried the lower carb, higher protein, and standard mix diets. I am still a meat eater though, so I have a hard time keeping the proportions right. I do it because it is better for the kidneys to be low protein and I'm donating a kidney so I have to have them in the best shape possible. Also, after I donate, I'll have to keep the protein low because of only having one. And the low fat is because a high fat percentage increases cancer and heart disease risk. Because I have a strong family history of breast cancer (Mom) and heart disease (Mom and Grandma) and have personally had a breast lump removed (Lobular Carcinoma in Situ), I have to watch fat. I'm also suppose to avoid soy, though, so it's hard for me to adopt a strict vegan diet. Don't tell my husband, but I'm secretly looking forward to being away from him and his carnivorous eating habits when I go for my masters and doctorate degrees so that I can be more semi-vegetarian. I don't think I'll ever give up my low fat dairy, egg whites, chicken, or fish, but there's no need for high saturated fat meat products in the diet IMHO. :smile:

    ETA: Just want to make sure I mention that I do these percentages wit complex carbs such as whole grain breads and cooked foods and simple sugars more like a standard American diet, not the 4 pounds of watermelon for breakfast like the diet from the OP.
  • Nice, I want to be pescatarian soon, I'm wrangling with my partner to let me do so (he has a lot of control over what I eat now because the doctor said he has to help....). What kind of work out do you do with your diet like that?
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    Nice, I want to be pescatarian soon, I'm wrangling with my partner to let me do so (he has a lot of control over what I eat now because the doctor said he has to help....). What kind of work out do you do with your diet like that?

    It's hard when you have a Meataterian partner, huh? I try to satisfy his eating desires but load my plate with more of the veggies and less of the meat.

    As for my workouts, I do whatever I want. I am an avid lover of weight training, which seems strange considering how little protein I eat. But it really doesn't take as much protein as bodybuilders and the mainstream media tout for weight lifting. Currently I'm going with 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, which is slightly more then the 0.8 grams per kilogram that is recommended for the general population and that is only 15% of my calorie needs. With that I'm still maintaining muscle mass while losing fat. I do 20-45 minutes of weight training, another 20-45 minutes of cardio, and 10-20 minutes of stretching most days of the week. Right now I have a broken tailbone, so I'm limited in what I can do exercise wise, but I've found I can still do weights with kettlebells so I'm doing that instead of standard weight training. That's causing me to have to take alternate days off from the resistance because kettlebells are total body and you want to rest body parts for a day when doing resistance. I'm going stir crazy though, with a massive set of weights in my sunroom calling my name so I'm planning to try to add in a couple days of normal resistance training again next week. Just have to figure out how I can lay on my weight bench with a pillow under my backside. :laugh: I will say, though, that I've done my normal training regimen on a lower carb plan and on this plan and I have so much more energy to get through those long workouts on the high carb eating.
  • That sounds good. I don't know how much protein I eat, but I eat lots of eggs and lots of white meat. Josh would kill me if I cut out the white meat, too (he doesn't even approve that I don't eat red meat, but I hate the flavour....).

    I want to start running. I do heaps of sit ups and weights, I'll try to control my protein better when I increase my weights (I only use 1kg now...).
  • I'm not a raw foodist myself, but I've read extensivley about the raw vegan 80/10/10 diet, and what I have to say is this: some people thrive off it, other people don't.
    Try it and find out!. Give it 21 - 30 days and see how you feel.
    Your body might run optimally on a low fat diet, it might not. Here's a link (http://www.stevepavlina.com/blog/2007/12/30-days-raw/) for a guy who did it the raw vegan way, and aimed for 5-15% fat/day.
    Good luck!
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