Any other night shift workers out there?

ahmmurphy Posts: 9
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I have decided to give this weight loss thing a try.....AGAIN. I work all nights (from 7:30 pm to 7:30 am), plus I have an hour commute to and from work. I have lost weight before (almost 50lbs), but I was actually off work at the time. Since returning to work I have gained it allllllll back :( I am really struggling with the food aspect of it. I find it hard to eat consistently while working this schedule. On the nights that I work I usually eat supper, maybe a sandwich and an apple at work, but tend to be hungry when I get home or ravenous when I wake up in the afternoon. It seems impossible to eat several small meals per day with my schedule. I would really appreciate any tips or suggestions other shift workers may have. I am really struggling with this......

Thanks :)


  • I am going to be joining you in this. I have been off shift work for a year now. But I will be back on before the end of this year. I know when I work nights (6pm-630am) that I eat to stay awake. My plan is to change the meal periods to times rather than meals. Also I plan on making my 4pm meal the big meal that I spend with my family. The rest is going to be a struggle because there is lots of BAD food around. I hope the big meal will set me up the same as when I have a big breakfast now. Good luck. I'll be watching for the comments from others.
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    I've worked night shift (11p-7:30a) at a hospital for almost 20 years. I know what you mean about eating to stay awake. I've gained so much weight that way. Now that I've got a plan I actually do better when I'm working than I do on my nights off. I plan to eat specific snacks throughout the night that I bring in, usually worth a total of 250 calories or less. I also drink at least 4 cups of water at night. Then I eat a small snack when I get home before I go to sleep. I guess you would call it breakfast :-) When I get up, I eat dinner with the family and maybe have an evening snack. No problems...right? I've been doing it for 2 1/2 months and I'm on a 1200 calorie diet.

    IT'S MY DAYS OFF THAT ARE HARD! I find myself wandering around the kitchen during the day looking for something to eat. I keep telling myself I need to eat during the day like I eat at night when I'm working but the lack of structured time makes it hard to do. I get "bored" at home and want to eat. The days I stick with the "plan" I'm fine. Otherwise.....

    I think the secret is planning your meals ahead of time and not standing in front of the refrigerator wondering what to eat because it's time to eat and you're hungry. I just really have to watch myself when I’m bored!
  • I also find that I don't do too badly @ work. I have stopped bringing junk food with me and usually stick to whatever I've brought with me. And I drink a TON of water. But I also find that I'm terrible on my days off as well. I crave "bad" foods and find it almost impossible to say no. Working all these nights has messed with my sleep schedule; I don't sleep that well anymore, especially on my days off. I find that I nap mostly, a few hours here and there. I think this also pretty well eliminates any motivation to exercise. I just find that I am sooooo tired all the time.
  • js97206
    js97206 Posts: 15
    I work night shift on and off and the best thing you can do is stay off caffiene. I not only makes sleeping much more difficult, but when you crash your body sends you hunger signals to find more energy. I have went through this and found after giving up coffee it was much easier to stick to my meal plans. I also slept better, which I have always had trouble sleeping durning the day. If I get 6 hours sleep I had a good sleep. You might try adding a little green tea. It is low in caffeine and for some people it curbs hunger, I have had mixed results with it.
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    I work nights too, 7p-7a. I was living off of Whataburger, so you can imagine how that went. I am starting to bring my food to work again, and I have my officers bring me 1liter bottles of water now instead of cokes. Another thing that is helping me - I finally talked to my dr and got a prescription for Lunesta and take that on my nights off. I am finally starting to have energy if only it wasn't 115 degrees outside everyday...
  • I have worked overnight shifts for about 15+ years, and its hard. Only starting watching my diet about 3 months ago, and instead of all the great food in our hotel kitchen, I bring heathier snacks and lunches from home. I agree with the previous posts, that on my days off, it can be hard to keep an eye on food at home, but we continue to buy better, healthier foods for the house, including low calorie snacks, fruit and more juice. I don't usually get up early enough for a good breakfast at home b4 leaving to work, but will bring a breakfast bar or shake to work and have it first thing, then snack on granola or fruit, and have a low cal lunch. Sometimes tho I do get that very hungry feeling in the morning when getting off work too. my schedule is 11pm to 7am, hotel night auditor/guest services.
  • @anichol - sounds like you live in so nevada, where I started out (Laughlin)! Had to get back to 4 seasons, after 19 years in the desert, just couldnt take it anymore!! :)
  • anichole85
    anichole85 Posts: 26 Member
    @anichol - sounds like you live in so nevada, where I started out (Laughlin)! Had to get back to 4 seasons, after 19 years in the desert, just couldnt take it anymore!! :)

    nope, s. tx :)
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I've been working nights (11pm-7am) for about 3 years now, and much agreed it is hard! When I first started I know I put on weight just from trying to get used to the shift hours i think, and I had a tendency to eat things on my break which were of the fried/greasy variety. Since I've actually been working hard on trying to lose the pounds I've stayed away from the cafeteria and have been bringing a light lunch, usually cereal, and some fruit. When I get home I try to go straight to bed and have my biggest meal after I get up in the afternoon. For a while I felt like all I was doing was working, eating, and sleeping, or laying around and eating. I felt sluggish after being up for only a few hours, but now that I've been exercising on a regular basis I def. have mroe energy and am feeling great! I still like to give myself some time before work to get a nap in, or at least have quiet time to regroup before facing being up all night. I allow myself the coffee before work, (which I make at home), but I won't have it if I'm off, just to get a break from the caffeine. I also gave up soda a long time ago, which makes a difference as well. On breaks I bring water with a Crystal Light to-go packet so i get a delicious drink and some water intake!
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    I am a nurse practitioner, 45 years old and work occasional nightshift 7p to 7a. Mentally and physically demanding. Anyway, I'm pretty good on my off days, but the night shift kills my forward momentum every time. Despite bringing healthy food to work, I am compelled to eat lots of carbs (bad ones) either to stay awake or for comfort. The carb binge seems to carry into the next day as well. It is very frustrating. I would love to find a way to satisfy my body without completely derailing my fitness efforts. I feel like a failure after the night shift. I think the carb cravings have a lot to do with interruption in circadian rhythm, cortisol levels at night etc, but there has to be a way around this problem. I am going to start by trying to stay out of the break room where th chips and chocolate live, but that is also the social hub which I will miss. I'll keep trying!
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I am a nurse also and do the 12.5 hour night shift. It has taken awhile to find the pattern that works for me but it really does get easier the longer you do it. Plus I have lost enough weight it has motivated most of the shift I work with to start eating better then we used too. You know...... the potlucks, pizza, doughnuts and vending machine foods that kill us all. I eat supper with my husband, usually pretty good choices, have a chicken breast and salad with sugar free pudding or such around 1 am. Usually a 100 calories snack pack around 4 and cereal or a smoothie when I get home. I try to really limit my processed foods. Hang in there, it gets easier.
  • mltdown
    mltdown Posts: 311 Member
    I also work nights 12 hour shifts at a hospital and I agree with everyone about the carbs as I use to drink alot of mountain dew and eat empty carbs to stay awake. It doesn't help that my co workers order fast food every night! I recently started bringing a healthy meal to eat in the middle of my shift and always leaving a meal there for reserve in case I fill in so I don't get tempted I drink alot of iced tea with stevia. And when my co workers are snacking after I have already had my meal I walk the halls which is not only good for me but keeps me awake and gives me extra time to make
    more rounds and see if there is any extra work to be done so it makes me look like a great employee too! My biggest suggestion is to bring baggies of crunchy cut veggies which will help keep cravings away and everytime your tempted just remember your goals and how much better it will make you feel knowing you didn't cave in! Good luck :)
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Thank you for your support! I think part of my problem working nights is that I only do nights about twice a month. Not enough to establish a good pattern. I to wander the ward constantly. I must be burning something off! Night shift is a lonely job in many ways. It's nice to know others have the same experience. I' d talk to my co-workers if I could...they are great, but who has the time! Thanks again for the encouraging words everyone.
  • I also work nights 12 hour shifts at a hospital and I agree with everyone about the carbs as I use to drink alot of mountain dew and eat empty carbs to stay awake. It doesn't help that my co workers order fast food every night! I recently started bringing a healthy meal to eat in the middle of my shift and always leaving a meal there for reserve in case I fill in so I don't get tempted I drink alot of iced tea with stevia. And when my co workers are snacking after I have already had my meal I walk the halls which is not only good for me but keeps me awake and gives me extra time to make
    more rounds and see if there is any extra work to be done so it makes me look like a great employee too! My biggest suggestion is to bring baggies of crunchy cut veggies which will help keep cravings away and everytime your tempted just remember your goals and how much better it will make you feel knowing you didn't cave in! Good luck :)

    OMG....I used to drink soooooooo many soft drinks while working nights. I gave it up a while ago; now only have a can here or there as a treat. The empty calories I consumed from Pepsi was crazy! Now I stick to water.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I'll be working the next 5 nights straight, so no holiday weekend for this girl. :ohwell: Anyone else?
  • I'll be working the next 5 nights straight, so no holiday weekend for this girl. :ohwell: Anyone else?

    Working nights also! What's a holiday?? LOL
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hahaha! holidays are those days when u get paid more, but don't get to spend time with your family.. i haven't been to thanksgiving dinner in the 3 years i've been on this shift... oh well, i don't need an excuse to binge out!
  • I work night shift for three months and day shift for three months.....when I am on nights (right now), I try to structure my meals the same way I would on days. I eat breakfast at about 12:30 or 1 pm, lunch at about 8 pm, and dinner around 3 or 4 am with snacks in between.

    When I cook, I make a lot so I have meals to pack up and take to work instead of going out in the evening and then try to scrounge up whatever I can find the rest of the night....and I make all my meals and snacks a carb/protein combo.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I am off for the holiday but told them to call me if they need someone, have to re-coop after vacation.
  • I was working today today at the hospital daylight but got called off. I do swing shifts and have a night on monday night. The problem where i work is everyone orders out. There is several restarants that will deliver to our hospital til 3am and first i really did not want to be leftout. Now though I bring my lunch/dinner and little healthy snacks to keep me going like trail mix.
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