

  • I always eat back my exercise calories and this is the first time in my life I've been able to lose and maintain. Yeah, I want to lose more, but haven't done badly so far with this less-punishing strategy.
  • Science is our friend! Without it, THEY will gain control.
  • Thin Man: OMG! You're already down to only 11 pounds to go? Amazing.
  • Excellent work, both of you! Reading your posts, and your encouragement of each other (plus, airboy, your unflagging encouragement of yours truly and all of us) really helps. This a.m. I was ready to drop out. Now I'm ready to keep trying. Not sure why my accountability log (completed Monday) didn't show up here...but I'm…
  • Savannah! I wish I were going with you. No doubt you've read the books.
  • Hey Kim, The most important part is that you keep in touch, whether you want to "account" or not. I view this group as "we're here, we're ready, we can say what we want and not say what we don't want, but we're HERE", and that's important. So thanks for being here. Clare
  • Excellent goals, especially getting regular at the gym and on the running trail. Looking forward to your posts! Clare
  • Well, I only started Wednesday, with the goals of: (1) burning 3,000/week on average (more when in town) (2) losing 7.5 pounds--I've now raised it to get to 8.5 so I'll be below 140 (3) completing food diary (notice I didn't say anything about staying within goal!) (4) improve psyche. Will only report on this one…
  • Airboy, you were alive during the Ford administration? Who'd have thought it. You burned a collosal number of calories, so don't sweat (haha) the few unburned. After all, if you burn too many, you're going to have to shop in the little boy's department! And Heather, how amazing that you're starting a whole new life! So…
  • Happy birthday and congratulations! Doesn't it feel fantastic to have put that 3 behind you and reporting a weight that beings with 2? That's a major physical and psychological accomplishment. And I notice you use your bike for transportation--also a very smart way to keep yourself healthy while you lose weight. My…
  • Linda, wonderful to have a new member from an exotic locale. And you show that we CAN wear stripes! Clare
  • This is great! I've printed out all your suggestions and will head to the store. I'm reluctant to eat the various faux meat products too frequently, as processed food is usually pretty high in sodium (blood pressure issue), so I'll check the labels and use accordingly. Having said this, I realize that they must be lower in…
  • Excellent suggestions. I had spaghetti squash with marinara sauce and a bit of turkey Italian sausage last night.. Quite satisfying. I'll try the Morningstar products. And thanks for reminding me of Boca burgers--they're good.
  • Congratulations on your liberation, Heather, and to honor your courage I will do the same: yesterday weighed 147.5 pounds, end goal 140 will put me just inside healthy BMI. 140 is still high, but I am aiming for a weight I can maintain, having weighed everywhere from 130 to 220 in my adult life. How's that for scary to put…
  • Hi all! I'm the newest member, and starting tomorrow, September 19, I pledge to: 1. Burn 3,600 calories per week on average (realistically more when in town, less when out of town) 2. Log food intake daily 3. Achieve a modest, sustainable weight loss of 7.5 pounds--could lose more, don't want to obsess and sabotage myself.…
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