andilion Member


  • I just started today as well!
  • Adding you because I can totally relate. I also went from 135 to 170 during grad school and I am finally getting rid of the weight.
  • I'm also using stickk and it's been great to me so far (although as a data and economics person, I kind of wish I had known about Beeminder before!!). I have a modest weekly weight loss goal. I intentionally set it more modestly than my true goals to account for potential plateau weeks. If I don't meet it, my credit card…
  • Bumping to try again. I first posted this on New Years Day and it was off the first page almost instantly! I'm starting a new job soon and I know I'll be tempted to get takeout for dinner all the time, so I really want to keep cooking a priority.
  • Hi. Seems like with all the New Years activity, posts are getting buried pretty quickly so I'll bump this a bit. I'd love to offer some support.
  • Leftover slow cooker pernil (Puerto Rican seasoned pork shoulder) on a telera roll with fresh chimichurri. Side of roasted cauliflower.
  • Don't have access to a scale today or tomorrow, but will weigh in and measure on Sunday :)
  • Woot! Just finished Level 1. I've been taking a decent number of rest days so I won't be done with the whole program by the end of December, but I'm excited to get it done :)
  • Yeah, that is definitely one of the harder moves for me. I think at first I did every other rep (probably took a couple breaks that were even longer) and worked up to doing all of the reps.
  • Adding 2 miles (conservatively) to get 20 miles.
  • I'm in! I just counted my miles from the last 10 days and I'm already at 18 miles between walking and Couch to 5k.
  • Upper arm: 12.5" Waist: 33.5" Belly: 39" Hips: 41" Thigh: 22" Calf: 15.5" Weight: 168 Total inches lost: 2" Total weight lost: 1 lb
  • Just finished day 4 of Level 1. I'm getting some shin splints from running, so for the cardio I subbed out some lower impact exercises for the jumping jacks, butt kicks, and jump rope. The easier versions of mountain climbers and plank jacks from Level 3 seemed to work pretty well (still got my heart rate up a lot).
  • At home I like to make Mexican stews, either for tacos de guisado or just to eat by themselves. They are very flavorful and don't require a lot of oil. Recently I made pork braised with tomatillos and escabeche, which was amazing and really satisfying with homemade tortillas (recipe:…
  • Week 14 Goal: 167 Actual: 166.5 Week 15 Goal: 166
  • Hi all! I am 5'4" and 23 years old. STARTING: Upper arm: 13" Waist: 34.5" Belly: 39.5" Hips: 41" Thigh: 22" Calf: 15.5" Weight: 169 lbs NOVEMBER 30: Upper Arm: 12.5" Waist: 34" Belly: 39" Hips: 41" Thigh: 22" Calf: 15.5" Weight: 169 lbs Total inches lost : 1.5" Total lbs lost: 0
  • carochinha, I'm not sure what other people are doing, but for belly, I am just measuring the widest part of my stomach (just below my belly button).
  • Hi all. 23 years old and 5'4" Upper arm: 13" Waist: 34.5" Belly: 39.5" Hips: 41" Thigh: 22" Calf: 15.5" Weight: 169 lbs
  • Hi! I stopped basically one day short of finishing the 30 Day Shred so I'm starting it up again, along with Couch to 5k and some additional weight training at the gym. This time I'm going to try to do the hard versions of all the exercises, without skipping any reps.
  • Name: Andi (5'4") Starting Date: 9/13/12 (Week 2) Starting Weight: 172 Week 3 Goal: 170-171, Actual: 169 (-3lbs, probably lots of water weight!) Week 4 Goal: 168-169, Actual: 169 (-0 lbs) Week 5 Goal: 168, Actual: 167 (-2 lbs) Week 6 Goal: 165-166, Actual: 166 (-1 lbs) Week 7 - Skipped weigh in Week 8 Goal: 165, Actual:…
  • Name: Andi (5'4") Starting Date: 9/13/12 (Week 2) Starting Weight: 172 Week 3 Goal: 170-171, Actual: 169 (-3lbs, probably lots of water weight!) Week 4 Goal: 168-169, Actual: 169 (-0 lbs) Week 5 Goal: 168, Actual: 167 (-2 lbs) Week 6 Goal: 165-166 Actual: 166 (-1 lbs) Week 7 Goal: 165 Ultimate goal: 140
  • My goals for September were centered around building habits more than losing weight. With a few exceptions, I did pretty well and now I feel like I can focus on actually losing weight. So by the end of this month I'd like to get under 160 lbs which is about where I was at the beginning of the year.
    in October Comment by andilion October 2012
  • Name: Andi (5'4") Starting Date: 9/13/12 (Week 2) Starting Weight: 172 Week 3 Goal: 170-171, Actual: 169 (-3lbs, probably lots of water weight!) Week 4 Goal: 168-169, Actual: 169 (-0 lbs) Week 5 Goal: 168, Actual: 167 (-2 lbs) Week 6 Goal: 165-166 Ultimate goal: 140
  • practice post. my typical breakfast
  • Name: Andi (5'4") Starting Date: 9/13/12 (Week 2) Starting Weight: 172 Goal Weight for week 3: 170-171 actual: 169 (-3lbs, probably lots of water weight!) Goal Weight for week 4: 168-169 actual: 169 (-0 lbs) Goal Weight for week 5: 168 Ultimate goal: 135-145
  • I just finished day 10 of the 30 Day Shred! Moving on to level 2 tomorrow :)
  • For me, it's actually important to know that my husband still loves me and is attracted to me at my current weight which is my highest since we got married. Low self esteem is not a good motivator for me. It just makes me feel worthless and like it's not worth putting in any effort to get better. Because I know he loves me…
  • 5 pound weights are a lot to start with. I've been doing strength training pretty consistently and I still use 3 pound weights with most of the Level 1 exercises. I would definitely recommend starting with just your body weight and then working up from there!
  • Name: Andi Starting Date: 9/13/12 (Week 2) Starting Weight: 172 Goal Weight for week 3: 170-171 actual: 169 (-3lbs, probably lots of water weight!) Goal Weight for week 4: 168-169 Ultimate goal: 145 This month I am trying to focus more on building good habits than the scale, but it was still a happy surprise to be under…