

  • And... to add to the benefits everyone has already listed - if you've had kids (like I have) they are hands down the easiest way to tone your pelvic floor muscles (sooo much better than doing kegels etc)! And the bonus is you get a nice *kitten* :wink:
  • Not sure for definite, but when I was in a pub for lunch (Wetherspoons) it listed the burger calories as 879 and it specifically said not including chips or onion rings, so I would say it would just be the calories for the burger.
  • Sorry, I know this post is a few days old now. Just joined earndit yesterday and have added you all. Here's mine:
  • I've done 2 weeks of Insanity and have lost no weight, but going by measurements I've already lost 2 inches around my waist and my love handles have disappeared. So I'm not too worried about the scales, I'm building muscle and losing inches which is the important thing. Make sure you take your measurements before you do…
  • Congratulations, you look great! Well done and good luck with your wedding! :smile:
  • Definitely local market or grocers, although I quite often get the Tesco value/Sainsburys basic ranges for the kids when I'm in the supermarket, I think they're pretty good value e.g. you can get a big bag of grapes, punnet of plums etc for £1 and they keep for quite a while as well.
  • I'm exactly the same! I made a resolution for January that I'd try to only drink wine at the weekends, which I've stuck to more or less. My stomach is SO much flatter, seeing the difference it has made has really motivated me to keep my drinking to the weekends. I've had days when I have had alcohol in the week, but far…
  • Well done, you look great! Love your tattoos too :smile:
  • You look great - and to have kept it off for so long is really inspirational!
  • Those of you who have posted pics - you look amazing! Definitely gives me hope - my waist is the one area I really struggle with. I do quite a lot of running but have started mixing it up with some Jillian Michaels DVDs and weight training, hoping that will help to reduce my waist!
  • There are a few... Mike & the Mechanics - The Living Years Luther Vandross - Dance With My Father (I know it's cheesy!) Coldplay - Fix You Etta James - At Last, it was my wedding song so it has so many happy memories Amazing Grace, there's something about that song that gets me, especially if it's sung acapella. Just…
  • I usually pre-log during the week but on weekends I tend to log as I go as I often eat out etc. It works for me!
  • Agree with the others, Fitbit and HRM's can't be compared. I have both, and when I go for a run I wear my Fitbit and my HRM and compare the data from both. I wouldn't be without my Fitbit, I love it!
    in Fitbit Comment by bexblonde June 2012
  • It depends really, I have a Fitbit which I wear at all times & it automatically syncs up with MFP to adjust my calories etc. I also have a Garmin Forerunner as I do a lot of running, it's a GPS watch with HRM and the HRM is very accurate (you can also use it for other workouts if you put it on indoors mode. I've heard…
  • 1. Week 5, run 3 2. Always 3. No, been following the program as per the podcasts so far 4. I do mine within a 7 day period, I usually run Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays 5. I'm training for the Race for Life at the beginning of July, then planning to sign up for a 10K after that to do in the autumn 6. Just looked at my…
  • Devon, England, 15/05/2012 at 10:43am :smile:
  • That looks AMAZING!! I want to be a zombie!
  • I'm half way through week 5 and my shins are starting to get better now, they don't hurt for as long or as much, the pain is hardly noticeable now. My husband runs a lot of half marathons and when he first started training he used to get really bad shin splints but never gets them now. Just remember to RICE - and I really…
  • LMAO :laugh: OP - so cute! My 3 year old calls my hand weights 'bones' :happy:
  • I would stick to tomato-based pasta dishes, as they'll be lower in calories and fat than the creamy ones. Try to avoid the bread if possible. But enjoy! I love Italian food!
  • I do find weekends harder but it does depend if we're eating out etc. This weekend my brother is coming to stay so I know it will be alcohol, eating out and/or takeaways! I usually go for a run on Sunday mornings so I don't worry too much about going over my calories, I tend to make it up through exercise at some point…
  • I can only take them at night, right when I go to bed. That works best for me. I've had one brand of multivitamin that made me sick, but every other one has been fine as long as I take them last thing at night.
  • Pepper spray is illegal in the UK, about the only thing I can actually carry for protection is a personal alarm, which I always take. I run around my neighbourhood streets and always run either in the morning or at lunchtime, when there are a lot of other people running around etc. I wouldn't feel safe running at night as…
  • :heart: this! I haven't even attempted to give up wine. All my previous 'diet' attempts failed, and this is a total lifestyle change so for me the wine is staying. I do drink it less often now though, and now I've started running I don't like to drink the night before a run as I feel really dehydrated. So I probably drink…
  • For measuring, a UK tablespoon is the equivalent of a US tablespoon i.e. 15ml. Or there are 0.96 US tablespoons in 1 UK tablespoon, if you want to be exact :wink:
  • I use measuring spoons, they're really cheap and much easier than guessing!
  • I also use protein supplements because I don't eat enough protein for my workouts. I use an unflavoured one which only has one ingredient - whey protein concentrate. I mix it with a smoothie or juice.
  • I run on the streets around my house, and I've started using Map My Run to map out some different routes so I don't get bored. I usually mix my routes up a bit so I'm not seeing the same scenery every run. The problem is that I live in a really hilly area so there aren't a huge amount of places I can run without major…
  • Well done! I've only just done W3R1 and although I found it a lot easier than I thought I was going to, I'm still dreading W5R3! So I'm glad to see your post, gives me some hope!
  • Fantastic, you've done amazingly! Great inspiration!