

  • My fully body pics are not appropriate for this site lol...I took them for me, and only me to look at, so I have something to remind me of what I dont want to look like, Maybe I'll take an appropriate pic later today to add to my photos. Not to sound concieted cause I'm not, but my face is the only part of me right now…
  • I have not bought any this year. I started on MFP last wednesday and they started selling them the sunday before that. Ive considered buying a box, but to limit myself to one or two a day, if that, and of course not every single day. $3.50 can last a while in your freezer when you're not eating the box in one day :) My…
  • Whod have known that a pic like that would be exactly what I needed tonight! LOL! Thanks for the encouraging words...I'll just have to learn to shut off my brain, care less about the others around me, and pump up the jam!
  • I might also add that not only do I run spaz-like...but since tonight marked my third night this week at the gym, Im still fairly out of shape :( So Im huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf, sweating buckets and spazzing out! I think the intervals workout will help with all that in due time! Thanks for all the great…
  • Muchos Gracias! Thats about the extent of any spanish I know...anyways, Ive heard about the intervals kind of workout...I might just have to try it.
  • The more the merrier, at least when it comes to friends! Im all about being positive so you want friends, you got one for sure right here!
  • HA! I dont like beer and personally have decided to drink as little as possible throughout my weight-loss quest, but if there was a "like" button on here...your comment is definitely like-able!
  • Ive been on for a little over a week, and I just logged on to the site a few days ago. Not only is it super easy to keep track of calories on your phone (love the scanner) as well as exercises. But the support and encouragement from the online community is keeping me positive and motivated. You want friends? You got one…
  • We all need some support from time to time, and this is the perfect site to get that little extra boost to keep us all going! Feel free to add me as a friend and I'll support you as long as you support me! (win-win) P.S. Number one thing Ive found to help me start on my journey....Stop drinking pop. I was drinking at least…
  • I went out to dinner with my guy on saturday night and kept a close eye on my calorie intake (only eating half of my sandwich and having a side of fruit instead of fries). Hes paper thin and is always eating so it has sucked in the past, cause then I find myself eating when he does. After dinner he was still hungry, not…
  • Im sure at least a handful of you on here have FB. Whenever I post a status about my new diet, positivity towards life, etc. and whenever my friends on their like my statuses or comment, it brightens up my day and keeps me even more motivated. I just started looking around the message boards today on here and Im also…
  • I like powerade zeros. As far as I know, there are no sugars in it, and no calories. It also helps you maintain essential electrolytes while working out. My favorite is mixed berry and grape :)
  • Hi Mike! I'm Marran. Ive been using MFP for a little over a week, and so far my fitness buddy list on here is slim, but I'm always happy to support others and be supported by others. Feel free to add me!
    in New Comment by marmar8302 February 2012
  • I figure I pay for the gym membership so I should go...Its a lot better to lose weight while losing money than to gain weight while losing money :)
  • I totally understand the whole giving up super easily :) Ive always come across some excuse in the past, and then one day turns into two, two turns into a week, and so forth. I love MFP cause it makes keeping track of things super easy. Plus its nice to watch the pounds melt away :) Add me if you would like! My name is…
  • Powerade calories, and as far as I know, 0 sugars :) Also replenishes electrolytes when youre working out. I also like crystal light packets or propel packets and in bottle form.