isingthebodyelectric Member


  • 5'3 here! (well, with shoes on... hahaha. I'm probably more like 5'2)
  • Mmmm. Bookmarking this! :)
  • This. I know that this time of the month is when I'm especially susceptible to binges (I have legendary binges - like 3000 to 10000 in one sitting). If I indulge in my craving for chocolate during this time, I am more likely to be able to stave off the urge to binge. It also gives me something to look forward to the whole…
  • As an addendum to my previous post, I do have to be honest and admit that I sometimes fiddle with the GPS on my phone when I'm lost. It can be just as much of a distraction as texting, but I'm working on just pulling over when that happens.
  • The only time I have ever texted while driving is at the stoplight by my house, because it is like a five minute light. And even then, it is only if I feel like I have to - like if I'm telling someone I just left the house or something. I don't have long drawn out conversations.
  • HAHAHAHAHA. Oh Kwame, you silly silly man. He's obviously lacking critical thinking skills on more than one level. :) Also, DETROITTTTTT. Represent! ;)
  • I'm not going to lie, for my personal sanity during Aunt Flo's unwelcome prescence I have a cheat day (usually on the heaviest day, if you pardon my TMI). :) Sometimes a girl has got to have a milk shake! I second the water drinking suggestion. I pour it back during that week. It'll help with the bloating, which in turn…
  • Fact: You are your harshest critic. This is what I have to constantly remind myself when I'm disgusted by what I see in the mirror or in pictures. What you see is not necessarily what the world sees. It's going to take a long time to get your body and mind in sync. Mine have been in a state of cognitive dissonance over my…
  • To be totally honest, I got a lot more attention from men when I was super thin but lacked the breasts then I do now with the boobs and fat. If you lose the boobs, work on that azz! That's how I lured them in back in the day. :) The overall look of your body is what is going to be important, not specific aspects. Also,…
  • You, sir, are absolutely amazing! I'm bookmarking this page for inspiration. :)
  • This. As a spouse on the opposite side of this situation, I can say that my behavior towards sabotauging my husband's efforts is insecurity on my part. I'm terrified of him leaving me if he loses weight. I know it's irrational, but the fear is there regardless. I'm working really hard on the insecurity thing and have…
  • It definitely does! You look great and happy. Your skin also looks like it has a brighter, healthier glow to it as well! Congrats on your weight loss - you're an inspiration! :)
  • I totally get where you're coming from. My thing is like I have this nagging voice/urge that hijacks my mind totally and completely. I think about food nearly every waking moment. It just gets to the point where at the end of the day I'm so tired from holding myself back that I give into the urge and stuff my face. It's…
  • Are you talking weight wise that it doesn't seem like your body is changing? If so, it's better to focus on your measurements and/or before/after pics to gauge your actual progress. My guess is that those around you are noticing a difference, even if it's just a healthier glow! I'm always slow to lose weight in the…
  • Wow! Totally relate to your post! I'm 5'2 CW160, HW161,GW130 over here too! :) I have also had a similiar path of being very thin during my teens and then packing on the pounds later in my 20's (26 now). It'd be great to have someone to talk to that understands where I've been and (hopefully) where we're going! :)
  • Losing weight when you have mental illness/anxiety issues is hard! I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder five years ago and my weight has skyrocketed as a result of my mood swings and the medications I was on. It's not impossible though, but like you said, it can be a slow process so don't get discouraged! Best wishes to…
  • Hey there! I totally relate to your post. I've been pretty fickle about this losing weight thing and recording my food intake for a very long time now, but I'm beginning to get more motivated. As far as your diet goes, at least you are reaching your calorie goals! That's an awesome accomplishment in itself (I still haven't…
  • Aw, I'm so sorry you ladies have all had this horrible experience! There is a small comfort in knowing that other people have been there before too. For a really long time after I had my baby people at work were constantly asking me when the baby was due - this would happen several times a week. Eventually I got to the…