11 pounds lost and I hate how I look



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Funny, I was thinking this about myself this morning and wrote a piece about it for Psychology Today. It's called The Smarter I Get, The Stupider I Feel:


    I wrote it because I hit a major weight loss goal yesterday (lowest weight in 20 years). And now I feel worse because even though my weight loss is going well and I feel confident I can make my long term goals, I'm never going to have the 6 pack abs that people on some of the other threads so I should.

    Like Dory from Finding Nemo says: just keep swimming.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I completely understand!! I knew I was big and knew i didn't like the image in the mirror but was reading success stories on here last night and decided to have my husband take some pics of me to serve as 'before' (that's my optimism talking!) and - yeah, they were shocking to me. Earlier today a coworker snapped a silly pic of me in the breakroom and e-mailed it to me and I was appalled. The thing that shocks me the most is the fat in my face and the fact that my head appears to sit directly on my shoulders LOL. Somehow my face doesn't look that fat in the mirror.

    Anyway, I'm glad I didn't see these before I really got started and was able to log some results, even though they are small.
  • stephc0711
    stephc0711 Posts: 1,026 Member
    CONSISTENCY, PERSISTANCE AND DISCIPLINE IS KEY! Don't give up. Its a lifestyle, not a quick fix. Know that you won't change over night, but if you keep moving your body, make healthy eating choices, don't stock your fridge or pantry with bad stuff, look for support here and just keep going. You can do this!

    This!! It's not easy, and it sucks more often than not, but YOU CAN DO IT!! :)
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member
    You know I never had the balls to take a before picture. I set a goal, and put my head down...I'm reaping huge rewards now, and it has come after over a year of hard work, and hard times at the gym. But you CAN do it. Take it day at a time....set your small goals and know that every day you work for it, the closer it is...just think of how quickly time passes...and soon it will be a month, then two, three etc...and you'll be so much closer to what you want to see in the mirror. Honestly that is what I did. But the weight training is where I saw the best and quickest results, so if you can add that now with cardio, you'll be way ahead of where I started.

    Good luck to you...I look forward to hearing your progress and your NSVs...cause some day your going to look in the mirror and thing, "DAMN! I look effing hot!" and you totally will.:wink:
  • coniiej
    coniiej Posts: 2
    You are beautiful!
  • isingthebodyelectric
    Fact: You are your harshest critic. This is what I have to constantly remind myself when I'm disgusted by what I see in the mirror or in pictures. What you see is not necessarily what the world sees.

    It's going to take a long time to get your body and mind in sync. Mine have been in a state of cognitive dissonance over my appearance my whole life, and I imagine you probably have had a similiar experience if you've battled with weight and self-image for a long time. Even when I was 95 lbs, I looked at myself and only saw fat. Now at 160 (which may not seem like a lot, but due to my petite height, small frame, and body percentage, I am obese), I think I'm absolutely horrifying. My point is that I have been at both ends of the spectrum and I wasn't happy with either one. Our brains aren't the best indicator of reality sometimes.

    So how do you get your brain and your body on the same page? You measure something tangible instead of a perception that cannot be synthesized into hard fact. Like others have stated, take your measurements and your weight. Recognize that this IS a long process and that those 11 pounds are an amazing accomplishment! Measure your health... do you at least feel better physically? Harness that.

    Okay, so I need to knock it off before I get any more new age-y lol. Can you tell I'm a psyc major? haha.

    Anyway, I really understand and empathize with where you are coming from. But I hope you are able to see what everyone else here sees - that you are undertaking a hard journey towards better health and that takes tremendous strength. I've avoided the mirror and pictures while I'm undergoing this process for now. It's hard enough to make these crazy lifestyle changes for the better, and I will not sabotauge myself by feeding into my negative self-image. Maybe that's not the healthiest way of dealing with it, but I need to deal on the physical aspect right now. The psychological will follow.
  • sunrize_sc
    sunrize_sc Posts: 157 Member
    I feel your pain. I have not recognized the person in the mirror in many years. I don't think it's that I didn't notice but more of being in denial. You are well on your way to a more healthy you. I to want to inspire family members. But I don't know if they care enough to change. Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • mama73bear
    Its funny how common it is for us to "hate what we see" and so sad at the same time. For now, concentrate on the little things...when I started I could only do 3 mins on a stairclimber...now I can do an hour...I like to focus on the strength I'm building. I like to feel the muscles working in my legs as I run...yes...run...(who knew?) and that feeling gives me a sense of personal power...over me, my life, my decisions. There are so many small gains mentally, emotionally....before the physically....keep surprising yourself!
  • emilypurplefrog
    emilypurplefrog Posts: 92 Member
    I know how you feel! I never really noticed how large I was until I looked at pictures. I'd see how I used to look in a picture from a few years back and then I'd see a very recent picture of myself and think "Wow! I'm so much better than that!" Stick with it! You will start to notice places on your body that are smaller and notice a shirt that fit tightly just months ago is now loose or you can stretch out your pants around your thigh where it used to fit snuggly around it. Little things will help you realize just how far you've come and make you never want to go back! You may not see it at first, but sometimes feeling it is just as great! Just don't give up on yourself! Keep doing what you've been doing! This takes time and energy, but you can do it!
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Back at the end of march my little one took a picture of me. It was a WTF happened to me picture. I looked at that picture today (1st time since march) & compared it to one taken yesterday at the gym. Over 30 lbs gone. Lots of changes made. Lots of changes still to come. Glad I had it to compare. You will be too.

    Keep doing what your doing.