Binge Eating Disorder



  • Meamo
    Meamo Posts: 89 Member
    Stock up on a fat burner (i.e african mango), drink plenty of water and atleast 3 cups of green tea a day. This should help supress the appetite.

    Eat whole foods with plenty of fiber to keep cravings at bay.

    Hit the gym. Once you start seeing results from your nutrition and training then your mind will adjust.

    great tips, even for those who just enjoy food too much and want more than a serving!:smile: thanks
  • isingthebodyelectric
    I totally get where you're coming from. My thing is like I have this nagging voice/urge that hijacks my mind totally and completely. I think about food nearly every waking moment. It just gets to the point where at the end of the day I'm so tired from holding myself back that I give into the urge and stuff my face. It's the only thing that relieves that 'hijacked brain' feeling so I can function. Except, I always feel so useless afterwards that the cycle just keeps going and going.

    My personal trainer suggested the book 'The Beck Diet'. It's not actually a diet but a 30-day cognitive behavioral therapy book intended to provide you with the tools to fight the urges to binge eat. If your family isn't being supportive and won't allow you to get the help you need, maybe this book can help you in the mean time.
  • katie_30
    katie_30 Posts: 14
    Thank you so much :)
  • kriss213
    I know how you feel, in the past 3 months I've put on 20 lbs because of my BED. Like you, my family doesnt understand either and they certainly dont take it seriously. I often cry myself to sleep because I feel so hopeless and out of control.

    The only thing thats ever helped me has been making my meals ahead of time and following a strict schedule. I should take my own advice lol.

    This time around what really set my BED off was a long water fast. I felt so good while I was fasting and I've read that in the long run it can cure your BED. However, if you falter before the fast is complete your sorta ****ed because your BED comes back with a vengeance.

    Good luck and keep us updated on what works for you!
  • lornaloo3
    lornaloo3 Posts: 102
    I think there are various levels of BED. For some people increased fiber, diet, excercise and reductions in carbs help. For others it's not not just something you can diet and excercise away -- or at least it hasn't been for me. It's something you have to deal with one day at a time. I plan my meals. I do not to eat in my car. I track my food, good days and bad. I try not to eat without deciding what and how much I'm going to eat beforehand. It's about taking control and limiting the compulsion's hold on you. I'm still a work in progress. I've been considering going to an overeaters group or going to therapy for it. It's a little daunting to make moves like that because you're putting your issue out there for real.
  • briannadunn
    briannadunn Posts: 841 Member
    I have had it for years and have been binge free for almost a year. Not depriving yourself and also adjusting your calories to lose 1.5pounds a week helps. Losing weight slowly and not weighing myself has also helped. My vitamin D was extremely low and that was leading to BED so started taking vitamin drops and that made a huge difference. Feeling myself up on fruits, veges and lagumes has helped way more than exercise also, because exercise makes me famished. Hope some of these tips help.