margnutt Member


  • The walking that you are doing is awesome, but have you tried lifting weights? Your body has probably hit a plateau and the walking is not enough. I think adding a few more calories is a great idea, but try adding weight lifting into your routine. It will help build your metabolism and think of how great you will look with…
    in Stuck Comment by margnutt July 2012
  • Your story brings tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you that you are recovering and will be able to see and experience the lives of your children. You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story. YOU GO GIRL!!
  • You look so much younger. Keep up the good work.
  • Y'all looked good before, but now you look GREAT! congratulations on your hard work.
  • Wow! Your eyes pop out and you look great. Keep up the good work.
  • Wow! Your eyes pop out and you look great. Keep up the good work.
  • Holy WOW. You have totally transformed your body! Congratulations to you. You deserve to be proud of yourself. Thank you for posting your amazing story.
  • Wow- you sure are busy. I understand the frustration of not losing weight when it seems like you are putting so much time and energy into it. I have been really working at it for 6 weeks and have only lost 2 pounds. You can do this. You can set a good example for the people around you. Think about how hard you work to take…
  • You should try quinoi. You can cook it just like rice (be sure to rinse it before you cook it or it tastes bitter), and add pretty much anything you want to it. It has a higher protein count than rice or pasta, and it tastes good. I found mine in the bulk food aisle at my grocery store.
  • Wow! 20 lbs makes a HUGE difference. Thank you because I needed to see what a difference 20 lbs can make.
  • I can totally identify with what you are saying here. It is really hard to stay motivated without small victories. I am super happy for you that you are seeing success in other ways. I THANK YOU so much for this post. I have been having a difficult time because the scale is not moving. However, I measured myself and was…
  • I also had a C-Section almost 4 years ago and have struggled with the flab. I have recently been doing the slim in 6 exercise program and have seen great results. The ab exercises really work the lower abs as well as the whole core. I recommend that you check it out. It can get boring, but if you stick with it, you will…
  • WOW! I hope the words of support you get on this website provide you the inspiration you need, because you look fantastic. You and your hard work and results are motivation for me to keep going on my journey. KEEP up the GOOD and HARD work. You look fantastic!
  • Wow! The pictures are great.
  • You should take some pictures i bet you would totally be able to see the difference. Good job on the 40. That is awesome. When ever you feel defeated or like you are not doing well, try to remember that every ounce counts. It is all progress. Great Job on your hard work.
  • Congratulations!
  • I appreciate the advice. I am going to try and pick a little piece from all of you. I am going to make sure that I plan my meals and snacks (at home and out). I found that I was able to plan my day today so that I could save some calories for a little treat this evening :) I am also going to try and do something active.…
  • You look great. I love before and after pics. Thanks for sharing.