I've mentioned bits and pieces of this before, but decided that I should tell you all my story. Here is the abreviated story:

December 2, 2008 I went into the hospital with a terrible migraine. After a few days of trying different things, I "crashed" from a narcotic overdose. I quickly recovered from that and within a day or 2 they decided to give me DHE, a migraine med they give through an IV. You get this drug every 8 hours until the headache is gone. My first dose caused the worse pain I'd ever felt in my life. After a lot of talking with the dr., he convinced me it was this or nothing, and by this time I'd had the headache for 8 days, so I decided I'd better do it. After 7 or 8 doses, I still wasn't better so I decided to go home, figuring I could be miserable at home with my kids! I'd just spent my birthday in the hospital, I wasn't going to miss out on Christmas activities too!

Within hours of coming home, I was paralyzed on my right side. We went back to the hospital and they put me on the neurology floor, not really knowing what was wrong. Over the next few days, I became entirely paralyzed and, while I was conscious the entire time, I was not lucid. I didn't know what was happening.

I was transferred to the University of Iowa hospital and was put directly into the ICU. When they put me in the ambulance for the ride there, the dr. told my husband and my mom that they weren't sure I would survive the trip. There, they figured out I was having/had a stroke. I had several angiograms and angioplasties over the course of the next few days. A stent was placed in my left vertebral artery. My right vertebral artery was entirely occluded (closed) and they could not get a stent in. I still had one open, so I would live, but I'd probably have to re-learn things.

The first time I saw my kids (then ages 1 & 2) was on Christmas day. We'd told the nurses/staff not to mention that it was, in fact, Christmas day, as they didn't know. I talked the dr. into letting the nurse take out all my iv's and the oxygen while my kids were there. I still had the PIC line, but that was well-hidden by my gown. After about 20 minutes with them sitting with me on the bed, reading them books, and having some Teddy Grahams, I was EXHAUSTED. My husband took them home and I had to get all my iv's back and the oxygen back on. It was worth it though!

I got to go home a few days later. My hair began to fall out a few days after coming home, due to all the radiation from the angios, and was nearly bald within a week and a half. I shaved the little bit that was left. I had to do tons of physical therapy, and within 3 months, I was back to work. I began c25k 6 months after my stroke, and ran my first ever 5k 10 months, TO THE DAY, after my stroke!

I'm thankful to everyone who supported me and my family through all this. Today, I'm doing well, and stronger than I thought possible. I'm working hard on this journey, and am proud of my progress from that hospital in December 2008 to now. Though I am not where I'd like to be as far as weight and size, I am glad to be here and able to work out and eat right!

I hope I can serve as inspiration to someone fighting a hard battle. When I feel down, I just think back to that time and how far I've really come, and it's not about a number on a scale. It's a major victory. :heart:


  • speedyme
    speedyme Posts: 86 Member
    Wow, what an incredible story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    Wow, what an incredible story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    my words EXACTLY!!!!!!!
  • lizsmith1976
    lizsmith1976 Posts: 497 Member
    :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Wow! And to think of all of the complaining I have done about my "hard" life. Good for you for not just surviving, but thriving. Best of luck in the future to you and your family!
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    That's truly inspirational. Congratulations. :)
  • Hoppymom
    Hoppymom Posts: 1,158 Member
    If you can survive this you can do anything if you try.:flowerforyou:
  • margnutt
    margnutt Posts: 22 Member
    Your story brings tears to my eyes. I am so happy for you that you are recovering and will be able to see and experience the lives of your children. You are an inspiration. Thanks for sharing your story. YOU GO GIRL!!
  • prettybrownround
    prettybrownround Posts: 362 Member
    Inspiring NSV to say the least...Amazing story and progress. Wishing u continued sucess :)
  • beach_bum_gurl
    What an awesome story~ Thanks for sharing! Here's to your health!
  • jlc1243
    jlc1243 Posts: 287 Member
    EPIC for sure. Here's to many more NSV along the way, but may they not start out so tradgic! :)
  • peanut613
    peanut613 Posts: 438 Member
    What an incredible story! Truly inspirational! Just proof that all the excuses we make for our lack of success are lame. If you can fight back after a stroke, what excuse do I have? Thanks for sharing!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    you are truely an inspiration. i am glad you are doing well and that your children have their mommy back
  • wutamunkee
    wutamunkee Posts: 440 Member
    WOW, that is incredible!! Great job!
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Of all the NSV's that I have read here, this is clearly I consider the most extraordinary & the most inspiring one! Having survived a stroke is already a miracle for some & more so in battling it out. Now we don't have any reasons to complain having PCOS, thyroid problems or anything that sabotage our weight loss goals. You go girl!!!
  • outersoul
    Thank you for inspiring me this morning. You are amazing!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Thanks so much! I'm glad I can serve as inspiration to anyone. I've always been one to see the silver lining in most all situations, and this one is no different. I see a whole lot of silver!!! My husband has a whole new appreciation for me after I wasn't there for a month, and even after when I couldn't care for the children or the house for months. My priorities have been shifted around a lot, which is good. And, though cliche, I've definitely learned not to sweat the small stuff! You can always have more money, more stuff, whatever, but you only get a certain amount of time, so don't waste it!!

  • vlc1979
    vlc1979 Posts: 227
    WOW Great work!!! Great inspiration!
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,985 Member
    Thanks! And congrats to you for being halfway to your goal!!! :smile:
  • val071418
    val071418 Posts: 96 Member
    That is an amazing story and just brought tears to my eyes imaging how heart wrenching it must have been to have christmas in the hospital under those circumstances. And u were so string to make yourself look as normal as possible for your babies. What a strong tough woman you are and you will get to your goal!! Congrats!!
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    WOW. What a great, inspiring story, thank you so much for sharing it with us :)
  • catdoc1
    catdoc1 Posts: 227 Member
    Wow! Your courage and great attitude are an inspiration.
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