jendraka Member


  • See, I never set that goal. I just set the goal, at first, to lose weight and get healthy again. The weight just fell off me like it did. She asked if it was possible to lose that weight in that time. I simply answered that, yes, it is possible. As I also said, I did it without starving and kept to a reasonable diet and…
  • I weighed upwards of 200 when I started losing weight. The more you have to start with the more possible to come off in a shorter amount of time. I lost 40lbs in the first 3 months I dieted and I ate consistently at 1300-1500 calories and exercised regularly. I didn't starve myself, I didn't overdo the exercise (just…
  • I just threw a random amount of "quick calories" that I kind of thought would just about cover what I ate over at my parents' house today. Hard as hell to really have a concrete idea of the calories in what she cooks and bakes and it's not like she'll keep track for me, so I try to estimate on the high-end a bit if I can,…
  • I hope you were able to catch them in time every time LOL
  • That's awesome!
  • Sure you will. :wink: I was originally aiming to get back in my 10's, I've kind of exceeded that now :tongue:
  • Thank you! It really did just dawn on me. I'm kind of use to giving my 10's a tug here and there, hence having the 8's, but it did just hit me that I was wearing the 8's. lol
  • A. Dubstep Q. What do you wear to bed?
  • Have faith, someday our entire country will be civilized...someday. Not soon enough, I know, but it will come. I'm glad I live in a state that has such freedom. They all should.
  • Good, it's been a bit chilly here as of late. Could use some warming up.
  • Of course. Don't know how you could read it any other way. Tell me, did you live together first? That may be the problem. Then again, you shouldn't be checking each other, just yourselves you know.
  • Personally, speaking from my own experience, I don't think stats and whatnot and speak to much of anything. It's always a personal thing when you are talking of relationships. Each one is different. It would be comforting to be able to say what works and what doesn't depending on certain social norms and so on, but it is…
  • Not my call, I don't own him, but I'm sure he might have something to say about it. :tongue:
  • This was prompted by what just happened to my lunch. Believe me, in the case of it falling on a kitchen rug you'd want to rinse it, unless you enjoy the taste of fuzzies. :p In that case, chow down.
  • I've found presets to be inaccurate for me. I use to use the MFP numbers, and machine estimates, and once I started using my HRM I realized just how far off the estimates were for me. Perhaps because my RHR is normally so low that my "in zone" is much different than "normal", I just don't know. I just much prefer a…
  • ^Obviously someone with first-hand knowledge of what it feels like to be rubbed the wrong way.
  • An HRM is a Heart Rate Monitor. Basic ones usually deal with a strap which is worn around your chest with a little sensor on it which senses your heart rate and sends a signal to a watch you wear. The watch is programmable. You enter in basic information like weight, age, gender, and the like and it will calculate your…
  • MFP only will post when you have done cardio exercise for some odd reason, not strength exercise. And even then, in your settings, you have to have it turned on to post that to your board. Now, if you want to count the calories that you burned in a strength workout and you know how many you actually burned due to an HRM or…
  • I was actually pretty much always in good shape, pretty muscular really, through my life until I got pregnant with my son. In fact, I worked in a restaurant when I was pregnant with him and until I was 4 months along I actually wrapped the apron strings nearly twice around me to tie them. Suddenly I started ballooning up…
  • I have one and I really like it and haven't had any issues or problems with it. It does have presets for "in zone" heartrates already in it that will go off the information you put in, but if you figure those out on your own and they are different than what the monitor has for you you can always manually set them. I have…
  • tacos cheese tacos peanut butter cookies tacos peanut butter cookie milkshakes (Sonic you are just evil)
  • I looked. I knew what Smarties candy it was talking about. At least it wasn't much it was talking about eating. It really does depend on how low the level has dropped. Having an actual test done to see what one's current normal level is would be a good idea. I still prefer to regulate with diet and food/juice now though. I…
  • Actually, there are glucose tablets specifically for such things. I use to carry little plastic containers of them in my purse. They are chewable tablets kind of like Rolaids or Tums, but actually taste better. :p Better than downing candy I would think.
  • I have never had a flu shot. I cannot, to my recollection, remember ever having had the flu in my life. To my knowledge, the flu shot covers 2 to 3 strains of flu "predicted" to be the most common strains to be in the population in the upcoming season. There are many different strains of flu. Whether or not the strains…
  • If you have lower blood sugar in the first place then you should know that before doing any strenuous exercise you should make sure to eat/drink to boost your blood sugar first, plus bring such items with you in case of a crash. When I read your symptoms it sure sounded like a blood sugar crash to me. Being that I'm…
  • I've gotten that from my mother. It was along the lines of "you can stop losing weight now." To which my response was, with widened eyes, looking down at myself and my thighs, hips and around at my butt, back at her, back down at myself, back at her, and then saying something like, "I'm sorry, have you not seen my butt?…
  • I'd have a really hard time not bringing along, and eating on the way, an Arby's beef and cheddar sandwich and washing it down with a milkshake. Smiling between every bite and every sip. :bigsmile: Of course, when done, I'd have to crack out the little baggie of JellyBellies and offer around some :tongue:
  • Should have seen my eyes pop at that :laugh: As to Argyll, yes.