How to respond to a smug vegetarian?



  • aftergypsies
    aftergypsies Posts: 248 Member
    Wow he has problems and I wish I had cheese right now. I only have shredded. =(
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Thanks to everyone for their awesome suggestions and funny comments. This community is great. Yep - I'll ignore the smug vegetarian and listen to my ipod to drown out his annoying verbal diarrhea. I'll focus the positive, celebrate the successes of the folks here and commiserate with the stumbles.
  • I would make a cheesecake (Tofu) to share at work. after he declined and everyone else ate it all say oh its a shame you dont like tofu.... that was a good cheese cake
  • Oreobbenb
    Oreobbenb Posts: 5 Member
    Rabbits are vegetarians. Have you ever seen a skinny rabbit?

    Of course, that just might pi$$ him off.

    But then I'm blunt, 62 y/o and don't really care who I pi$$ off.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Rabbits are vegetarians. Have you ever seen a skinny rabbit?

    Of course, that just might pi$$ him off.

    But then I'm blunt, 62 y/o and don't really care who I pi$$ off.

    LOL!! I could call the guy out for the broccoli farts he rips in the car. :sick: Holy crap -those can wake me up from a deep sleep in the back seat. I guess I'm too polite. You must show me the ways to be blunt - wise and sage one. :drinker:
  • Amy106Days
    Amy106Days Posts: 172 Member
    Cheese is delicious and so are IPAs.
    There are types of both that I don't enjoy and think are sucky. Just like with people. Allow yourself to dislike this guy. Not because you are right and he is an asshat but just because , to you, he is sucky cheese and not your taste. It is fine for you to just not get along with him. It is okay to change the subject if you don't want to talk with him about food. It sounds like you discuss food and diets around your office (from your OP and prior posts). I think you shouldn't do that anymore. Especially around this guy. He sees your interest in discussing food/ dieting/ carbs etc in general as a request/plea for his supervision and advice.

    If it comes up, change the subject immediately. I suggest current events or Gloria Estefan. Gee that Gloria Estefan is sure terrific, the rythm is gonna getcha. Sing it if you have to. The subject will change...possibly to mental health but at least you don't ave to hear his advice and opinions on food anymore and hey now you are almost at work. :D
  • kmchambers64
    kmchambers64 Posts: 158 Member
    While I really like the whole take huge block of cheese thing, I think the guy has self control issues and therefore decides he has better control of others. Try to be a duck and let it roll of your back. Hopefully you'll find another job and get shed of him.
  • jendraka
    jendraka Posts: 117 Member
    I'd have a really hard time not bringing along, and eating on the way, an Arby's beef and cheddar sandwich and washing it down with a milkshake. Smiling between every bite and every sip. :bigsmile: Of course, when done, I'd have to crack out the little baggie of JellyBellies and offer around some :tongue:
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Then he proceeded to say - "well, none of the people in Auschwitz were overweight."

    are you effing kidding me?! he honestly compared someone working towards getting HEALTHY to the prisoners or Auschwitz!?
    Sounds like this person needs his head checked because there is something seriously wrong with them.

    I personally feel that the Auschwitz comment warrants leaving a huge hunk of Limburger on his engine manifold... then finding another person to share the ride to work.
  • benol1
    benol1 Posts: 867 Member
    Your "friend" has some serious issues.
    In your situation I would ignore him when he is being an arsehole and only provide positive attention when he is being a reasonable human being.
    As for him defying the safety protocols of your company - it might be worthwhile getting some advice from senior management or Human Resources.
    All the best,

  • Oreobbenb
    Oreobbenb Posts: 5 Member
    Sometimes I think I was born being blunt. I tend to say what I think. Not always a good thing. I have been known to stick my foot in my mouth, swallow my leg and kiss my own tail.
  • elizak87
    elizak87 Posts: 249 Member
    I would make a man of cheese (or a baby cheeses) and stick him on one of the car seats on the way to work and just offer bits to people as they pass.

    Introduce meat mondays where you only eat meat. Great for protein!!

    Everytime he mentions cheese tell him the exact number of calories you ate and then tell him the amount of calories in his beer. Then quote him 'as you say it is calories in, calories out'.

    Drive through McDonalds on your way to work, order the item with the most meat and just let the smell go through the car.

    Bring in a cheesecake for work, the best you can find and then give him an apple.

    Email him all the PETA and animal rights links on tuna fishing and add comments like ' I will never eat fish again!! Poor turtles!!'. Then point out we have free range beef and chicken but we don't focus on sea animals. Then ask why he chooses to eat fish.

    Hold guessing competitions with jars of jelly beans then walk straight past him when collecting everyones guesses.

    Invite his wife out to wine and cheese tasting and you can both brag about it at home and work.

    Wow this is fun and I am a vegetarian!

    P.s most jelly beans have gelatin which isn't vegetarian
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I think the issue isn't that he's vegetarian, but a jerk.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Does Jelly Belly make a cheese-flavored jelly bean? Because I would have an enormous bag on me for Monday's carpool, and in the car I'd be reading "All But My Life" by Gerda Weissman Klein, stopping only to stuff my face with jellybeans (justified by a nice, long run) and to read the best passages aloud.

    ETA that it is a great book selection, in case anyone's interested in reading a first-person account of surviving the Holocaust.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    I once saw a T-Shirt that read:
    Save a cow. Eat a vegetarian!
    Hit him with that one.
    Maybe that would shut him up.

    His comments really have nothing to do with cheese or jelly beans or food at all.
    His comments directly attest to his being an ..... (insert your own description here)
    And yes he's very very insecure.
  • Do you absolutely have to car share with him?? I'd be doing my damndest to get out of that! Don't you just hate people with a hide as thick as their ego is big :explode: i certainly wouldn't have anyone mocking my job, get him fired!!!! :explode:
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    I would buy a huge block of cheese and eat it in the car with him. And eat it. If he said anything about cheese, I'd agree enthusiastically.

    "You're so right. Cheese is a killer." Then take another huge bite.

    And I'd make it the Strongest, Stinkiest Cheese I could find.