Photo of you in a suit. Handsome
Great smile
Great job!
I have this problem too.....It's a work in progress to learn to accept your body and love it for all the good things. I try to do this.
Um....9.5 on your butt...
Check out Chris Freytag and Jeanette Jenkins. They both have some really great workout DVDs that, at least IMO, are doable. Everyone started somewhere. Good luck.
Jennifer Garner
Great job!
I was on copaxone and had horrible side effects....the non rebif for six or seven than copaxone but hard lumps tired flu like symptoms I'm on Gilenya now and I actually like it. No noticeable side effects for me. Good luck. Liz
Hi welcome! I was dx 12 years ago. I've used copaxone(allergic to it) rebif for about six or seven years and now on Gilenya for a year and a half. I like Gilenya the shots no side effects for me. Anyhow welcome best of luck to you Liz
Thanks for the calculators...that makes me feel pretty good. for my age(50), measurements, weight, height (5;8)I am in a normal range :) Would like to lose 7-10 more pounds...but okay if I dont
quinoa, almonds plain no salt, plain greek own homemade smoothies, chia seeds, edamame, spinach, lots of fish.
Chris Freytag HIIT workouts. 30 minutes...and you SWEAT!
18 You live comfortably in your body - most of the time. However, your body image and, therefore, your self-confidence can from time to time be a little shaky and there is a risk that certain situations could make you anxious on account of the way you feel about your body, size, shape or appearance. There are several…
What do you do now for exercise?
No it's not. I wish it was.....but nope.
Curvy cute.
Lower abs smaller, @ss bigger shaplier
Tall chest and @ss
If I was 30 years younger.....yes....but no I could introduce you to my daughter though :)
Two dates doesn't count as a relationship to me. Have you slept with the guy you are interested in?
That's the beauty of argument, if you argue correctly, you're never wrong.
Bailey boo 25? Hot bod ...yowzaaa! Can't really see your face though. And if that 30 was for me...whoo hoo! Thanks