
  • Reduced oxygen levels in the cabin can sometimes lead to a condition called hypoxia, whose symptoms (sleepiness, lightheadedness, nausea, headache, etc.) are innocuous for healthy travelers, but far less benign for travelers with cardiac and respiratory conditions and heavy smokers. If you have trouble breathing on the…
  • the easiest way to count your calories is to get a heart rate monitor its a watch you wear that calulates your heart rate and calorie counts at the same time you can program it to your specific weight age and height and start counting the calories lost when ever your want to its a great way to show your calories used up by…
  • It's that little part of our low self concious that is not letting you see your obvious improvements ladies its only when you accept the change that you notice it ... lets do a test, lets stop looking in every mirror any chance we get lets get dressed and look just enough to know we are presentable and lets ignore our…
  • FDA Warns Against Fruta Planta Weight Loss Products The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has disclosed PRock Marketing LLC would recall all Fruta Planta weight loss products, after testing confirmed they contained sibutramine, a drug withdrawn from the market for safety reasons. According to the FDA, PRock, a branding and…
  • Ready ?.. GO IN THE PANTRY get the chips ...open them and spill them in the garbage ... through them away with that craving or it will be back tomorrow ... get rid of them with the thought that they are in there ... then drink a nice big cup of water and smile jasmin
  • everyday for oh 4 years i eat ....seven grain toast with light butter and a tall coffee with spenda EVERYDAY and im not bored yet ...lol but thats me i just really like it
  • awww thank you .. wow i hope to be saying the i lost 49 lbs one day to so excited i cant wait ...lol
  • Hey, welcome ... i just recently joined to and i feel the exact same way ... i feel like being hear i can really be MYSELF without feeling judged ... everyday im excited to log on and see how good everyones doing and how caring everyone is ... Good luck here and happy losing !
  • hi ladies thanks for sharing ... i new to the program and im very excited that it has worked for so many people ... i myself am about 270lbs i'm so disappointed in myself because just a two years ago i lost 80lbs in 6 months for my wedding...since then i gained it back and then some im so commited this time hope i can help…
  • I'm new to and that was the first thing i thought to after writing in everything i ate i realized i was always that person who thinks i dont know why im fat ... i dont eat that much ... boy was i wrong ... this system really opens your eyes and gets you out of denial ... Good luck here !