Not new to MFP, but new to the forums.

RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
Hello! I've been on MFP since mid-May, but I'm just now posting in the forums.

I started this (it's not a diet, it's a life change :) ) in April 2010. My highest weight was back in January sometime, I don't remember the details, all I know is one day I got on the scale, it read 292 lbs, I panicked and ran to the fridge. Not my best moment. I lost a little weight accidentally after that when I cut out red meat (not vegetarian, just don't like red meat). I officially started counting calories and getting serious on April 29, at 269 lbs and a size 22. In June I joined a gym (I'm in love with elliptical machines). Currently I am 215.8 lbs and a size 18. This has not occurred in a number of years.

My final goal weight is 135 lbs. I am 5'6'', so I think that will be a good weight for me. I've set mini-goals along the way, with nice rewards when I hit them! My next goal is to be 200 lbs by September 29, and my reward for that is to go see "Wicked" in October. The next goal is 160 lbs by January 29, 2011 and the reward for that is an hour-long massage. Finally, 135 lbs by April 29, 2011 and a tattoo commemorating the journey.

I hope to be very active on the forums, this looks like a very welcoming and helpful community!


  • losingnow
    Nice to meet you! Glad you have had such great success with this program! I started the end of march! I am a size 16 and 153 lbs but I am also only 5 foot! Add me as a friend if you would like. I wish you much success!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Hi there! Welcome to the forums. :flowerforyou: You will find some amazing people out here, and everyone is just wonderful with their support and motivation. Pretty soon you will be addicted and have to check the forums constantly :laugh: :laugh: Okay maybe thats just me.

    Congrats on all of your weight loss so far! I'm 5'6" too and weigh about the same as you do now and have the same goal weight. I love your tattoo idea, have you thought about what it will look like? I'm trying to figure out what my next tattoo is going to be and I just got my last one a few months ago :laugh:
    JAYRFOXY1 Posts: 11 Member
    hi ladies thanks for sharing ... i new to the program and im very excited that it has worked for so many people ... i myself am about 270lbs i'm so disappointed in myself because just a two years ago i lost 80lbs in 6 months for my wedding...since then i gained it back and then some im so commited this time hope i can help motivate and inspire as you guys are doing thanks again .
  • Max_Power
    Max_Power Posts: 84 Member
    northstar003- As someone else who has used the site off and on for awhile, but just recently started posting in the forums as well, welcome! "it's not a diet, it's a life change" is my favorite thing to see in someone's intro, because I know they have the right attitude about it. You've obviously had some success already, you are on the right track!
  • RLeighP
    RLeighP Posts: 232 Member
    Thank y'all for the welcome! Learning2LoveMe, I've actually been lurking for a while around here, so I already do check it everyday! I've got some ideas floating around for the tattoo, mainly something that incorporates "victory" or something like that. Not so much words, but the symbolism. They're addicting, aren't they? I got my last one in 2006, and that's just far too long to wait for a new one!

    And JAYRFOXY, don't be upset with yourself. This is the first time ever that I've lost more than 10 lbs, and this is the longest I've stuck with anything. It's wonderful to have a place to ask questions and to share successes, I already think this is a great place.

    And thank you, Max_Power!