Has anyone over 200 lbs lost 15-20 and not see much differen

TheBraveryLover Posts: 1,217 Member
edited September 26 in Health and Weight Loss
I've lost about 18 and I just. don't. see. it. My family sees it. My friends see it. I thought I saw it until I went out yesterday, was looking at different mirrors and windows at myself and didn't see as big of a difference as I do at home.

It made me a little discouraged but not enough to change anything. I'm in this for life. But I just want to know if anyone else has gone through the same thing; It'd make me feel better. :)


  • Septembergirl23
    Septembergirl23 Posts: 106 Member
    I have lost 16 and I don't see a difference. I wasn't over 200 but I still don't see a difference.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    i have lost 23 and really don't see it in the mirror at all.....I have gone down a pants size but still dont acatually see it....hard to explain. guess i have looked the samrefor so long it is going to take a drastic change for me to realize it.
  • Oh yeah I've had that same problem. I noticed a little but just not much. It got me very discouraged and I started eating again and gained it all right back. I lost 25 pounds at one time and no one around me noticed except for someone that hadn't seen me in a couple of months. I wish you luck :). It takes a little while but people will start noticing and you will notice it on yourself as well.
  • lisy28
    lisy28 Posts: 156 Member
    I was 215 and have lost 24 pounds and still dont see a difference i am still wearing the same clothes and everything!! I dont get it at all but im going to keep on going you never know maybe when i hit 25 -30 my clothes will all of a sudden be 100 times too big
    for me (well least i hope) I really want to be bikini ready in 11 weeks for my mexico trip :~~(
  • ME!!! I've lost about 31lbs now and I still dont see much of a difference!

    The first 20lbs i DEFINITELY couldnt tell, but once i got to 30 I see a LITTLE bit of difference- my clothes are baggier and I am "starting" to get comments. That said I "thought" there would be a HUGE difference, and there really isnt, but then again I am not even halfway to my goal weight... so I am sure the closer I get to that the more noticeable it will become. Hang in there!!! Just keep up the good work and you WILL see a difference! :smile:
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I'm currently 217 pounds (started at 230) and I've lost 13 pounds so far. I can't see a difference yet either, but I am noticing that my pants are getting a little more lose around the middle. My suggestion is to take your measurements as well as your weight... a lot of people notice a difference there before they notice a difference in their weight. I'm going to be taking my own advice soon... my dang measuring tape is WAY too small to get around myself! LOL!
  • sarcastje
    sarcastje Posts: 34 Member
    Thing is, you are looking at yourself every single day so any difference will not be seen until you really look at a before and after pic or if you measure yourself. with me, I am tall so everyone tells me i am skinny, but i am skinny fat, anyways, the way I can tell I am losing weight is because my pants fit me a little different, but other than that, I cannot tell much either because my weight stays fairly the same since i am replacing fat with muscle. I say measure yourself, and know that the lbs lost, are there and that is a good thing. You can do this. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    It's much harder for us to see a difference in ourselves until we
    a) lose a LOT of weight
    or b) compare pre and post weightloss pictures.

    I've lost over 2 stone and sometimes I think I look the same as before. We'll get there :)
  • NancySDA
    NancySDA Posts: 73 Member
    I was 200 lbs. Lost 10 so far. I don't really see a difference but my husband says my face looks a little thinner. Par for the course. I lose weight from the extremities inward. LOL I know it will take me at least 10-15 more pounds before I can see the difference. You are doing the right thing...don't get discouraged...keep going! It will happen and you will be SO glad you are doing this!
  • UnoDiamante
    UnoDiamante Posts: 356
    I was 203 and am now 185..I can definitely tell but its not super obvious...One thing you want to make sure of is that you are getting at least 30 minutes of exercise 5 days/week...when losing weight, your body cannot tell the difference between fat tissue and inactive muscle tissue, but it CAN tell the difference between fat and ACTIVE muscle so it will choose the fat. Fat is light and takes up alot of space so losing 10lbs of fat will look like 20. But muscle is dense and heavy so if you start losing muscle, you may lose more weight but you will be weaker and wont see if as much. So make sure you get some kind of exercise in to make sure you are losing fat tissue and not muscle. :) Good luck!!!
  • GGut
    GGut Posts: 94 Member
    I found the same problem. Keep going though! My family was saying I looked thinner but I thought they were being nice. Then I talked to a friend who I hadn't seen in a while... and since it had been so long since I had seen him last he really noticed a difference. To help me I took legit pictures and precise measurements. Now I and see exactly what's goin on. Try that!

    Even if you can't see it yet, don't you judy feel better day to day?
  • igora_soma
    igora_soma Posts: 486
    I started at 215 and am almost down to 200. I can sort of see a difference in my arms and a tiny bit in my stomach. I do a lot of strength training actually, I've had to start focusing more on cardio. I have a feeling it won't really show on me until I'm about 185 or 175. I think it's definitely worth it. I'd either like to SEE a difference or see a new number on the scale.

    18 is awesome though! Keep at it :)
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    I don't have personal experience with this, but it's really about mathematics. The more you have to lose, the more you'll need to lose in order to see a big difference. Just like, if you have a room full up 200 people and 18 of them leave, you probably won't notice. But if you have a room of 36 people and 18 leave, you'll certainly notice half of the people gone.

    I highly recommend taking pictures after every 10 pounds lost. The loss is gradual so you may not notice looking in the mirror, but it's a lot easier to see in pictures. Also, even if you can't see it yet, just know that 18 pound loss is huge and you are that much healthier. Google what 18 pounds of fat looks like, I'm sure that will help you see your progress.
  • I was almost 210 when I started dieting and working out and 190 when I discovered my fitness pal, now a week later im at 183 and people are kinda noticing but not much either. Just gotta keep at it. Stomach crunches are key. Im 26 years old.
  • Bickley
    Bickley Posts: 6
    I have lost over 30 lbs, and not seen the huge transformation that others see, yes I am over 200 pounds.
    Our minds are used to seeing us heavy and our mental receptors see us as still being heavy. It wouldn't matter if you loose 50-100 pounds your mind will not see enough change to satisify the our own impression of what we look like.
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I started before Christmas at 225, I have lost 15-20 and I see a big difference. I still have a long way to go. Unfortunately the biggest loss seems to start at my chest, go through my ribcage, and then stop there! LOL I have clothes that fit better, I have muscles in my arms that I didn't have before. I have more stamina than before . . . so I know I am making progress. Sometimes I'll look in the mirror and think . . .WOW, you are doing great . . .and other times I'll see myself in a mirror and think, "Has anything changed at all??" Such an up and down rollercoaster of self image!
  • kimif1
    kimif1 Posts: 9
    I"m a little under 200 and it has taken me a month to lose 9 lbs and I don't see it nor do my clothes. I want them to start feeling loose. I"m thinking that maybe it's my upper stomach that is going first and the fat on the sides and back. I never used a tape to measure and I'm thinking I will get one. I weigh me self non-stop...lol Doing the 17 day diet it's really easy you can buy the book on walmart.com, my friend and sister are also doing it and have really lost a lot of weight. I'm on meds and have seen others say that it slows the weight lose down. Good luck
  • 36jessica
    36jessica Posts: 319 Member
    Your brain is trained to see what you've seen for a long time up till now. I'm sure there's a big difference even if you don't see it...18lbs. is a lot! Why don't you try piling eighteen pounds of something (flour, rice, pasta...whatever) on your kitchen table. Look at it from the outside. All of that was on you and now it's gone. Good job!
  • luvcookie
    luvcookie Posts: 97
    bump :)
    JAYRFOXY1 Posts: 11 Member
    It's that little part of our low self concious that is not letting you see your obvious improvements ladies its only when you accept the change that you notice it ... lets do a test, lets stop looking in every mirror any chance we get lets get dressed and look just enough to know we are presentable and lets ignore our outter shell for a few days ... I bet if we do this for at least a week or two when we do look really look the difference will be so dramatic physically and emotionally ... good luck guys!
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