how do you count calories burned at a job?

hello all, i'm fairly new here. i've been using the site for roughly about 2 weeks now. i love it so far, it made me realize how much i was really taking in, and i lost 5 lbs since then!

anyway, my real question is this..... i work in a factory making car parts. normally i'm on the production line, but just for this week i am the line runner. it means i'm constantly moving and lifting heavy boxes, etc for about 8-10 hours a day (with 35 minutes in between for a break). and pushing a huge metal cart at the same time. i KNOW i'm burning tons of calories while doing this and i feel like i should put it in my exercise log! for right now i put it in as "walking and carrying 15 lb load" because i have no idea what to put it in as! it said i burned around 1500 calories... i don't know if this is right.

help please? :) thank you all!


  • rosec005
    rosec005 Posts: 67 Member
    I would adjust your activity level for this week (up to moderately active or whichever one suits best)
  • cmbneeley
    cmbneeley Posts: 160 Member
    est your activity level on your goals to "active", then it will adjust our calorie goal to include those calories burned at work so you don't have to log it separately.
    JAYRFOXY1 Posts: 11 Member
    the easiest way to count your calories is to get a heart rate monitor its a watch you wear that calulates your heart rate and calorie counts at the same time you can program it to your specific weight age and height and start counting the calories lost when ever your want to its a great way to show your calories used up by the pace your heart rate is good luck
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    You put this is as a setting in your profile.

    If you already have it set, I wouldn't worry about it. The reason why I say that is because unless you are constantly working with an elevated heart rate, there's no need to record it.

    A lot of people think because they move around a lot at work it calls for a log in their diary. This is incorrect and you only end up cheating yourself. You got to ask yourself, how much time do I spend working at a rate the same as my exercise.
  • mlh1988
    mlh1988 Posts: 7
    thanks guys :)
    i changed my setting for this week.
    i am constantly moving fast at work, and i'm not sure about my heart rate but while everyone else is freezing (air conditioning!) i'm hot and sweaty.. and i never sweat lol. during a normal week at work, i'm standing in one spot all day long barely moving.