KarensCanDoIt Member


  • I don't have that problem. My fit issues usually are because I'm too 'hippy'. I have to go with what fits at the hip, and depending on the piece of clothing, either I take the waist in myself or have it tailored. Good luck!
  • Years ago, I got on a trampoline with my kids. Boy was that a mistake! It was also when I started noticing my 'leakage problems'. I was only in my 30's. That's why I opted for the surgery when nothing else worked.
  • I've had the bladder sling procedure as well. It has worked really well for me. It's been 6 years leak free. :)
  • that sounds delicious! How many calories?
  • Slow loss can be frustrating. I find myself comparing my loss to my husband's loss. When he puts his mind to it, it seems he can lose 5 pounds a week. If I see a half pound loss in a week, I'm happy (usually). :) Most people discourage me from weighing myself daily, but I know my weight fluctuates a great deal from day to…
  • I applaud you for starting to run. Keep it up. You're getting healthy, and that's all that matters.
  • That sounds like lyrics to a country song. ;) But, I know what you mean. I've dealt with acne all along. It's never been horrible, but at least once a month a get a breakout of some kind.
  • I never knew what a 'net carb' was. Thanks for the explanation. Very simple to understand now that I know how it is figured.
  • Like the post above, I'm not a nurse. I'm already married (6 months till my 30th anniversary), but I do want to lose about 20 pounds by the end of June for my daughter's wedding. :D I lost 50 with the help of MFP, gained back 25 just falling back into old bad habits, and now I want to lose it again. I just felt so much…
  • Wow - I don't have any new advice for you, but I hope you have found some relief. I also had diverticulitis. It is so painful, but nothing like you are experiencing. One round of antibiotics and a week of Miralax was all I needed to feel relief. I also take a daily probiotic now. My doctor recommended Align, so that's the…
  • i'm getting back in the swing of things again. After a tumultuous 2014 I gained 20+ lbs. Time to lose it again so I feel better. New friends would be great. :)
  • Me too. I've been back at it for a couple weeks now. Trying to lose the 15 I gained over the past year.
  • I'm trying to be more diligent with my tracking too. I do best when I keep track of what I eat. I took some time off and promptly gained back about 15 pounds. Time to lose it again. :wink:
  • I have gained back 20 pounds from my lowest. I've never cut coffee out completely, but in the past year I've gone back to getting coffee on my way to work, on my way home, whenever I drive by a shop, etc. I'm sure that's what contributed to my weight gain. I'm back to brewing my own decaf and drinking it black. No cream,…
  • i'm trying to get back on track too. it's so easy to gain back the weight. I won't let myself get back to where I started. But, i've gained 15 pounds from my lowest weight. Time to lose it again. None of my clothes fit right anymore. We can do this!!
  • Good morning - I'm new to this thread. I'm looking forward to a very quiet day at work today. This weekend I believe I'll start to pick up things in the basement. We have so much snow, and now they're predicting mid 40's next week. To me that means a lot of melting snow with nowhere to go except for my basement. Hopefully…
  • Me too! I quit logging and oh how quick the pounds started coming back. I let it go for about 7 months and gained about 2 pounds each month. So I'm logging again and the weight is slowly dropping again.
  • I know that I'm the one who puts the wrong foods into my mouth. I know that I'm the one who chooses not to get on the treadmill or exercise bike. The things that get me out of the right frame of mind are usually the people closest to me. They mean well. Nothing is malicious, but after constantly hearing things like: 'just…
  • Feel free to add me too. I'm getting back on track. I have to lose the 14 pounds that I gained over the past 7 months. Time to get serious again.
  • I'm in the same situation. Mood swings, night sweats, irregular cycles, etc. The last year I've really noticed that bloating and water retention has become a huge issue for me that I didn't have before. That's a real challenge as I have to wear a larger size in pants on those days in order to be comfortable. It's…
  • I wear a US size 14, most tops are size L; I have a few 12's and a few 16's that also fit. It depends on the brand of clothes. I'm 5'8.5" with about 20 pounds yet to lose.
  • I'm jealous of your amazing coffee making set-up!
  • I just posted a very similar question earlier this week because I'm going through the same thing. Now that I've lost 50+ pounds, I 'm being told to stop losing weight. They tell me things like: "Don't lose anymore, you're too thin." "Don't lose anymore, your wrinkles make you look old." Don't lose anymore, you'll look like…
  • lol! I know what you mean. My daughter does weight training. She looks great. I know she's not going to turn into the incredible hulk. It's amazing how many people think that way. :laugh:
  • I've been on here for over a year. I need to get my motivation back. Most of my friends quit logging or deleted me since I stopped posting frequently. It's time to get back on track, Feel free to add me.
  • Up until January mine was also 28 - 30 days like clockwork. Then, 2013 started,and I have been nothing close to regular. What's the worst for me is the extreme cramping and bloating. I haven't felt cramps like this since I was a teenager. It's horrible!
  • I would buy a bigger dress, because I know there's no way I could drop that much in less than two months.
  • Just for kicks I went shopping for swimsuits. A year ago I had to buy size 22's for our winter vacation. Last week I fit in size 14's easily. That felt good!!
  • It is really eye-opening to see just how many calories I was eating. I think that's why MFP has been so good for me. I've never counted calories for long because it was too much of a pain to keep track. I figured I'm eating salads. What's wrong with that? lol MFP showed me exactly what I was doing wrong, so I could fix it.…
  • I pretty much try to count calories. I keep an eye on the other stuff and try not to go way over on carbs/sugars, etc. I could really see how my cravings changed during the holidays. My sugars were really high because of the extra cookies I was nibbling on. As a result, I craved more sugar like you couldn't believe. It was…