

  • I haven't been officially diagnosed but I feel like I have a thyroid problem as well. I have great difficulty losing weight even when exercising and eating healthy. I read about taking pure iodine to help with the thyroid. I am currently taking it for two weeks now and have lost 2 lbs. I don't know if it is that or the…
  • This sounds like me! I do so well during the work week because I stay busy. On the weekend when I am lounging around the house it is easy for me to snack on bad stuff and not feel like exercising!
  • I had a bad weekend as well. We just have to forget about it and move on with our healthy lifestyles.
  • Thanks guys! I did bring a healthy lunch to work today and I plan on walking about 15 min. on my lunch break. Hopefully that will lift my spirits!
  • Google the lemonade diet. There is some kind of lemonade type cleanse drink you can make yourself.
  • Sarah, you might could try some Fenugreek to help up your supply. Also eating oatmeal helps a lot! I eat 1850 calories a day since I am still nursing my almost 19 month old. Once she completely weans I am going to drop down slowly to 1500.
  • I can tell you for a fact that walking in the Sketchers Shape ups and reformed my calf muscles! I walk 3-4 times a week in them and my husband and friends have noticed a difference!
  • I like the Athenos brand. Usually it will be in the bakery section near the cheeses. Roasted red pepper hummus is so good!
  • Where do you buy this shakeology? I might have to check it out!
  • What is in the shakeology?
  • The b12 has really helped me while my body is adjusting to this new diet. I haven't noticed anything with the Iodine supplement yet, but it has only been two days. I need to find a women's good multi-vitamin too. Any suggestions?
  • You sound just like me! I do well at breakfast and lunch, but not always for dinner. I work during the week and its so hard to get home to cook healthy. I find that if I cook some things over the weekend I will do good on Mon. and Tues. nights. LOL! Bake chicken in low fat marinade, steam veggies or just eat raw veggies.…
  • String it! Takes longer to eat and makes me feel fuller/
  • I breastfeed but my calorie intake is higher than yours. Our goals are different I'm sure. I haven't lost much weight while still bfing. When you BF your body sometimes holds onto extra fat stores. Many women loose weight when they stop bfing. (5-10lbs) That doesn't mean to quit though! You are doing the best thing…
  • bump
  • Remember you only want to loose about a lb a week. When you set your weightloss goal you should consider that. Always eat at least half of your exercise calories. When you log exercise it will automatically adjust your calorie intake for the day.
  • Yeah I love these kinds of posts as well. I like to see what everyone is eating to stay in their calorie count. It helps me to figure out what foods I can try!
  • My sister has this and she basically eats similar to what a diabetic would eat. She has encorperated a lot of raw veggies and fish into her diet. She also doesn't drink any sweet tea or sodas. She just drinks water and unsweetened tea. She does the Gluercerna shakes and says they are pretty good.
  • I had one of the Oatmeal on the Go bars. It was apples and cinnamon. They taste great if you microwave them a little. I also just had my mid morning snack of a banana. For lunch I am having turkey and swiss on a sandwich thin with a 100 calorie pack of the mint cookie things. My mid afternoon snack will be applesauce with…
  • So I have done really well this weekend pending I dont blow it tonight! I cant wait for weigh in tomorrow morning! I hope to have lost a lb or two. Good eating tip: Cold cantelope is soooooooo good!
  • A ate a healthy lunch every day at work this week!!!!
  • Congrats!
  • You look wonderful! You can tell be your face that you have lost. I bet you have lost more inches too! You look so happy! Go girl!
  • SO I did horrible for breakfast, but good for lunch and my snacks. Problem is I now don't have that many calories left for dinner.... just 484. I am going to try and exercise to get some more calories in today. Any suggestions for good dinners under 500 calories? (My calorie intake is 1850 daily)
  • I am way under calories for today, but have a formal event tonight that I may use them at. I will probably get some exercise from dancing tonight! I need to up my water intake.
  • I remember reading about a natural lemonade detox that people have done but couldn't find it when I just searched. Maybe someone else will know.
  • Well I did so good yesterday. I exercised and ate right. I actually was a little under my calories. This morning I splurged on Mcdonalds, but i brought a healthy lunch and snacks for while I am at work. I plan on doing some lite weights on my lunch break.
  • I am not a morning person, even though I have to get up early due to my kids going to school and me going to work. I realized a while back that the only good time to exercise for me is on my lunch break or after work. I don't stress about it anymore and I am doing so much better with sticking to my workout routine. I…
  • So I didn't weigh in yesterday but weighed in this morning. I weighed 190!! I actually gained 4 lbs. I think it may be because of the water I am drinking though. I did okay yesterday. I think I went over my calories by 86 yesterday. I've done good today so far so hopefully next weeks weigh in will be better!
  • I have been in this situation before as well. I worked for a supervisor that was absolutely horrible. I dreaded going to work and would cry on the way home. Everyone said she was jealous of me because she thought I would get her job eventually. I wasn't the only one she was mean to either. I still have nightmares about…
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