

  • Goooood Morning Everyone! :happy: :wink:
  • Don't be embarrassed, it is more common than you realize. I for one love to eat out as well and when I was a kid we rarely ate at home also. You don't need to completely get rid of your dining out experiences. My advice would be to start out small. How many days/wk do you currently eat out? Once you pick the number... then…
  • First off... Congrats on your first initial weight loss. That is a GREAT accomplishment to lose over 100 lbs. So Kudos to you! Second- Unfortunately, as the years go by our bodies change. We start to lose muscle mass and it becomes easier to store fat. However, just like you did before... you CAN lose the weight, it might…
  • :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Thank you for completely proving my point ^^^ :wink: Time to workout again! :heart: :heart: :heart: "Hyenas don't take down lions."
  • um... I said early I just came back to MFP. I have only been on 3 other boards and posted so far.... give me time young grasshopper. I will ;)
  • You say my opinion is false... I say it's not. Your opinion doesn't trump mine and vice versa... so this argument is already invalid. We BOTH have opinions and neither affects the other. Just smile! Things will be okay. :) I have nothing to prove to you or anyone on here. I'm just here to join in conversations, help…
  • I think enough has been said about the whole clean eating drama. If you guys still want to discuss it by all means, but I am ready to move on. (Jeez, these boards are tough to walk away from... they are entertaining to say the least). :drinker: I leave it at this: I NEVER intended for my use of the words "eat clean" mean…
  • I do agree with what you are saying here. Right now for me though I am focusing on my CICO. I know this isn't the healthiest but it is what I am doing for now (I still fail some days). My plan as of now is to wait until I get to my goal weight or close and then worry about the nutrition. I know this probably isn't the best…
  • I do appreciate you taking the time to give your opinion and actually writing out a thought out response. However... I must honestly admit that it blows my mind some of the things you say to me even after reading what others have written. My initial post was all to start conversations and give a little insight of things…
  • :noway: When I said about the eating two donuts a day... I was saying ONLY 2 donuts a day... So even though they are under their calorie allotment, they aren't getting their other nutrients so it is not considered healthy. If someone is getting there nutrients and under calories, then it would be different. Not everything…
  • This is actually a good question. You quoted me saying "I look forward to speaking with some of you about living a healthy lifestyle" Here is my take on that... Living a healthy lifestyle to me means a person who has goals to better their health (hence why I enjoy discussions about it with various people). Maybe they…
  • I have no issues with anything you said. Good points were made and I definitely understand about the Bojangles. :wink:
  • People on this board can think ANYTHING they want about me. They can think like you and compare me to your sister who does Tons of cardio of which I do not. I do however have a great workout routine (that works for ME) and a suitable nutrition plan that also works for ME. I also train and coach many people who are also…
  • Yes that true too! As well as various cleanses making claims to get rid of bloating. Good point :)
  • ^^^^ Kale Candy Bars PEOPLE! Lets argue about that too! ;) This is almost fun. Clearly... I have NO Idea what I'm talking about. My body must show for it along with my clients. Anyone that wants to have an adult debate with me can send me a message and I will start to be serious about this and give my insights and actually…
  • Someone might as well say a CANDY Bar is healthier than chicken breast. I mean... the quotes from some of you saying "It really just depends on the _______candy bar______" Right... Lets debate again... and make a sticky point on every little thing.:laugh: I'm sure a candy bar could be healthier than a chicken breast... Ya…
  • I can't even quote just one person... since I want to hit on topics from a few (If this response doesn't correlate with something you wrote... then it wasn't directed at you) Do you really listen/read what some of you are writing? One of you went on to say "Yeah pizza is better than chicken" and "Ohhh well it can be if its…
  • Well... sorry but I am going to completely disagree with you. I agree that I should have been more cautious with the chosen word and described myself better. So in that aspect you are right. But if you honestly tell me that health and losing weight is ONLY about being in a calorie deficit and you basically stated that ALL…
  • And this (And some other comments) is why I made the post in the first place. Some people blasted me because they said "Everyonnneee knows about the scams/schemes." Some people do, and some don't. I really really hate using brand names because I know some people will jump on me about name bashing and making claims for or…
  • :::eye roll::: I really figured with age people would grow out of mockery. And with your profile (yes I like to glance at who I am speaking/debating/conversing with) I would think you of all people wouldn't be the rude sarcastic type. Guess I was wrong. But anyway... most trainers would not sell the products I was…
  • :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: That is the point I was trying to make. It is a simple word that SOME people use to generally mean healthy food. The word "healthy" can ALSO have multiple meanings since healthy means different things to different people. It's just a simple word to use to describe…
  • :noway: That was not the post I was referring to... it was before that. But thank you for the lecture. :drinker: And again... this is a message board and I take it as such. I am NOT worried about being "Scoffed at by those who saw this and see what you are about" I have legitimate tips and advice regarding fitness and…
  • :noway: hmm... maybe you should go read a couple posts above where I DID talk about the buzzwords and said I didn't realize it was one and now I do so I will be more careful with it. Reading helps :ohwell:
  • :laugh: LMAO on the penis enlarging comment... that was on point haha. I was on facebook and I have various friends on there all selling their different products making claims that with their product weight will just fall off. I have at least 6 different product companies being promoted by different friends/acquaintances.…
  • We will have to agree to disagree on the bullying. I don't care about it hence why I haven't left yet, but some of the snobbish attacks were unwarranted. Someone could easily say that the term is confusing to many and gave their explanation and that would be that. I understand now that it is a sensitive word. I will be…
  • Fair thought! I like that you shared your thought process rather than make an attack. I really was trying to help when I made this thread and had zero intentions of making it some debate. In fact, the only debate I thought it could possibly start was one of the network marketing promoters defending their product. So to…
  • :laugh: SMDH... its almost pathetic the bullying that goes on in here it shouldn't even warrant a response. My fitness PAL? Really? Yet, I find it humorous to say the least. :laugh: I don't plan on going anywhere, and ready to actually discuss the topic at hand without silly naysayers, negative nancy's, and sensitive…
  • I agree with the above poster. Normal weight fluctuations occur every day and within every day. Sometimes those weight fluctuations can be 5 lbs for example. It all depends on the foods you are eating (Water Retention) like mentioned above, as well as the workouts you do (Some cause swelling and water retention), and yes…
  • I am definitely up for interesting conversation. Most of this topic unfortunately changed into something it wasn't intended for. Have you ever been approached about the current or new upcoming fads such as the wraps? Energy Drinks? Shakes etc?