

  • Wow, I don't claim to workout has hard as you do but it's nice to have someone to commiserate with and who understands! As for your goal weight, 135 would most likely look a lot different on you than on me with all the exercise you're doing. Thanks for the suggestions, and good luck! I hope you see some success soon.
  • I'm 5'2, so 135 is a terrible number from where I'm standing. I hear what you're saying about changing up the foods I'm eating, but I genuinely feel that I have made major changes in that respect, as I went clean and vegetarian 7 months ago. Apart from feeling better on the digestive front, nothing has affected my weight,…
  • I log everything, down to the blueberries I put in my oatmeal and the honey in my tea. I eat 20 WW points on the old system, which means fruit and veg are not freebies and I do count them. On WW, 100 Calories roughly = 2 points (depending on fat/fibre), so I would say 1000-1200 calories. My weight has been fluctuating from…
  • Can I ask (for anyone) what was the instigating factor in getting your thyroid checked? I've been debating it for a while but for some reason I feel embarrassed calling the dr and asking to have it done. The last time I tried, my GP told me to "stop trying to lose weight" because I wasn't obese, at which point I started…
  • Thanks, Pu. I had checked that out when you posted it! I always appreciate your advice.
  • Hi, thanks--yeah, I'm a big fan of oatmeal, fruits and veg, lentils, beans, and whole grains. I even make my own peanut butter, and I do measure it when I have it. I don't eat oil or butter or any processed sauces like mayo. The only thing is the past week I've indulged in cake because it was both my sisters' birthdays. I…
  • I was going to try 1200 this week and see what happens. I would be comfortable at 1300-1500 as a maintenance number as I'm only 5'2. Or I could keep going as I have been and hope to god my body adjusts. Anyway, I understand what you're saying. Thanks for the input.
  • Yeah, I was eating on and off at that deficit since I joined WW six years ago. I guess I've just really screwed my body up.
  • You may be right. 133 seems to have been the magic number for me too, only for a few years now. How many calories/day works for you for weight loss?
  • Congrats on your success! I totally get what you're saying. If I ate at the moderately active level it'd be somewhere around 1640 calories, and if I'm gaining at 1340 I can't see how eating even more could cause a loss.
  • That sounds so unbelievably frustrating. I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I haven't had any blood work done, but this week I've been thinking of making an appointment.
  • Ughh I'm so envious. I only want to lose 10-15lbs. I'm afraid if I change my status to moderately active it'll have me eating even more and gaining more. I was following the old WW plan, which does account for fruits and veg. I don't get the new system.
  • Yeah, I may just do that. But the thing is it wasn't really working for me before either. Congrats on your success though =)
  • 20 weigh watchers points, which can be 1000-1200 calories. I bumped myself to 1340 and have stayed there for a month, but since I have an active job I didn't freak out if I went over that--however, I've always stayed under 1500.
  • Hey, I've gained almost 5 pounds and my clothes are tighter, plus my face looks bloated. I chose the lowest option for me by picking sedentary at 1340 calories (this is 20% off my TDEE). I thought it would be enough because It's bumping me up from a usual 1000-1200. What was your experience when you first started?
  • I'd like to know if anyone experienced adjustment time because my Fitbit Zip recorded a weekly deficit of 5400 calories and my weight did not budge, as usual.
  • I don't eat fast food. It could be sodium, but I'm tired of gaining weight every week and saying, "well it's probably just sodium", you know?
  • Hey--I've seen Hungry for Change! And a few other things of that nature, and it really motivated me to start eating unprocessed foods and more vegetables. I guess I should just shut up and eat the 1300 calories/day and see what happens. I'm being a wimp about it because I really am scared of gaining weight. But it's…
  • I've been following a weight watchers plan of 20 points/day, which is roughly 1000-1100 calories. I've been doing so for the past five years and have been stuck at the same weight for five years. Would anyone recommend just eating at TDEE for a week or more to reset? I need to get through this mega plateau.
  • This is so inspiring to me because my measurements and weight are currently very close to your middle pictures and I'm trying to get where you are now. Awesome job =)
  • Thanks so much for everyone's advice and for taking the time to respond. My diary isn't open, but to clarify some comments--I don't eat fast food or chips or anything processed. I am vegetarian and try to get protein through beans and lentils, though I do notice that if I'm falling under in MFP numbers it's consistently in…
  • Thanks for responding. I know you speak the truth, but I've become resistant to working out because everything I try doesn't make a difference. I've run marathons, done hot yoga, joined a gym. Before Christmas I started a new job that requires me to be running around lifting heavy boxes and stocking shelves. I know I…
  • Yeah. I'm growing a bit resentful of weight watchers, because I feel as if they've ruined my body some how. Thank you for the encouraging words.
  • Ugh, how did you get to 112? I'm 5'2, CW 133 (pants 8-10) and my weight won't budge.
  • Yeah, I switched to the Wendie Plan which means eating more than is usual for me, and I haven't lost any weight. I'm hoping what you're thinking--that there's just some adjustment time =\
  • How is it incorrect? I got the information from Weight Watchers... I've been a member 6 different times. They give you a quiz to fill out and I always get 20 points. I also went to the link you just gave me and again got 20 points. It will vary for each person depending on their age and lifestyle, obviously, if that's what…
  • I got the 20 points from weight watchers when I was a member. On the old plan, if you're under 150lbs you get 20 points. The food had lower points values back then and fruits weren't 0. I dunno, I've been increasing my points and my clothes just feel tighter. I hate this.
  • Someone adapted the weight watchers plan so that you spread your flex points out across the week with the purpose of eating a high number of points one day and a lower number the next day. This is supposed to keep your metabolism from slowing down as a result of eating the same number of low calories day after day. Here's…
  • I'm not planning on fasting though.
  • Yes, I haven't joined WW since they changed their plan, so I'm following the old one. My WW book does list the food, the points value, and then a points value in parentheses which I'm assuming corresponds with the new plan. I'll see how the Wendie Plan goes with the old version. This is so frustrating.