Another disappointing week...suggestions?

I just about cried stepping on the scale today because I've gone up 1.5lbs. Would someone be kind enough to check out my progress report and maybe see what the problem is?

Age: 27
Height: 5'2
CW: 133.8
GW: 120
Diet: The Wendie Plan (highest points 35, lowest is 20)

TDEE -20% is 1340 calories

Here's a progress report from calories (not net) consumed over the last 30 days.

My lowest points days put me under the 1300 calorie mark, but my higher points days put me over, so I figured it would all balance out? Should I give up on the Wendie Plan? I guess the worst that could happen is gaining another couple of pounds, which would just be par for the course at this point :explode:

Also--the reason I thought the Wendie Plan would work is because it has been making me eat way more than I have been for the past few years, since I never bothered with extra weekly points allowance/flex points.


  • amour_shine
    Hey! I have experienced a similar thing last week when I was up 0.8 lbs. I was informed that I was not eating enough! I know, sounds weired, but if you are not eating enough, your body starts to store EVERYTHING you eat. Our bodies are programed to work off our stress levels. This means if you are not eating enough, you may feel hungry and in turn get a bit stressed. Then, our great brain tells our body, UH OH, its stress, better hold onto everything she eats. The brain thinks a famine is coming and wants to protect us. Then, your hard work is going against you. Look at how many cals you eat. Is this really enough? I eat 1390 + as many of my workout cals as I can. This week I was down almost 4 lbs and I ate way more than last week (when I was up)! My advice is to read the "wheat belly" book and try to watch "hungry for change" on netflix or online. They really transformed my thinking and are helping me seek out more natural foods that actually make me feel full and eat enough. Hang in there and dont deprive yourself-it leads to that stress response and you will just continue to hoard and gain weight. Good luck!
  • NancyStree
    NancyStree Posts: 89 Member
    did you have a lot of sodium this past week? that could account for the gain. Or did you eat a lot of fast food?? I would go over what you have eaten and see if you can make some changes there.
  • pundas
    pundas Posts: 167 Member
    I don't know if I am reading your chart right, but it looks like almost 50% of your days, you are consuming less than 1100 calories, with one day less than 600 calories. I know on the days I eat very little (without intention) I tend to eat a lot more the next day. I do not like to eat less than 1600 calories per day. I am not saying this is true for everyone, but for myself, I have found sticking to a certain "diet" ends up in failure. I don't like restricting myself to be on a particular diet. What works for me is eating healthy, whole foods. Either way, I hope you find something that works for you and good luck on your journey!
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Just try to stay under your calorie limit every day, and forget about the Wendy plan.
  • raincoastgirl
    Hey! I have experienced a similar thing last week when I was up 0.8 lbs. I was informed that I was not eating enough! I know, sounds weired, but if you are not eating enough, your body starts to store EVERYTHING you eat. Our bodies are programed to work off our stress levels. This means if you are not eating enough, you may feel hungry and in turn get a bit stressed. Then, our great brain tells our body, UH OH, its stress, better hold onto everything she eats. The brain thinks a famine is coming and wants to protect us. Then, your hard work is going against you. Look at how many cals you eat. Is this really enough? I eat 1390 + as many of my workout cals as I can. This week I was down almost 4 lbs and I ate way more than last week (when I was up)! My advice is to read the "wheat belly" book and try to watch "hungry for change" on netflix or online. They really transformed my thinking and are helping me seek out more natural foods that actually make me feel full and eat enough. Hang in there and dont deprive yourself-it leads to that stress response and you will just continue to hoard and gain weight. Good luck!

    Hey--I've seen Hungry for Change! And a few other things of that nature, and it really motivated me to start eating unprocessed foods and more vegetables. I guess I should just shut up and eat the 1300 calories/day and see what happens. I'm being a wimp about it because I really am scared of gaining weight. But it's motivating to hear that you ate more and went down so much--congratulations! =)
  • raincoastgirl
    did you have a lot of sodium this past week? that could account for the gain. Or did you eat a lot of fast food?? I would go over what you have eaten and see if you can make some changes there.

    I don't eat fast food. It could be sodium, but I'm tired of gaining weight every week and saying, "well it's probably just sodium", you know?