kcampbell453 Member


  • I usually have a Thomas's English Muffin (100 Cal ones) with a tablespoon of creamy peanut butter and an apple. It seems to help me feel more full longer than cereal or something sugary. I believe it's about 200 calories.
  • Welcome to MFP! This is a great place to get started on your journey!!
  • Here are my 20 random things! 1. I'm afraid of heights, although this has just developed in the last few years! 2. I'm afraid of swimming pools, again no idea why, and this has just happened recently too! 3. I have a sunflower tattoo on my right foot. 4. I love Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs (yeah, I know, not the best thing…
  • I was exactly the same way for a long time. My kids go to bed at 8:30 every night and after I got them into bed I wanted to snack, and then I would feel bad for what I was doing. I've gotten to the point now that if I'm done doing stuff around the house after they go to sleep, I either try to find a good exercise video…
  • Yeah, I would agree, at about day 10 your body starts to get used to the fewer calories. I basically cut my calorie intake by at least 1/2. It took a good two weeks to get used to it. But now, I can honestly say that if I eat alot more than my goal I feel really bloated for a couple of days. Stick with it, you're body will…
  • Yum! I am going to have to try this!!
  • I guess besides the fact that I want and need to be around for my kids, my major motivation this time is a book called "Made to Crave" by Lisa Turkurst. It's a Christian based book that focuses on why we eat the way we do, and the way to change that. I have been reading it for a couple of weeks now, and I have to say, it's…
  • I've wondered the same thing. Or calories burned chipping and shoveling ice off of EVERYTHING!! Let me know if you find anything!
  • Good morning everyone! So sorry I haven't been on here much lately. I've been so busy at home. My husband had to have surgery again on his ankle this past Thursday (3rd on in 8 months) so I've been playing nurse along with mommy! I've struggled the past few days with my calories, and haven't done much exercise. I seem to…
  • Well ladies I didn't have to drink water for dinner last night! I tried a new aerobic video online yesterday afternoon, and with what I had left before I exercised and what I gained from exercising I was able to have some chicken and a sweet potato. So I was good!! I too think my stomach has shrunk over the last two weeks,…
  • Hello everyone!! Well I"ve been doing good sticking with my exercise and being within my calorie goals, and finally it's paying off!! Down 8 lbs!!!! WaaaaHoooo!!! Well, then I came home today, and thought, "oh I've done so good, I'll splurge a little bit." Now all I have left for the rest of the day is 110 calories! Well I…
  • Hi Molly! Welcome to MFP! I live just north of Dayton, it's nice to see someone else from this area! I too have at least 50 lbs to lose, and I've found that this website is very easy to use and the message boards are very encouraging! As far as quick exercises to do at home, I like The Biggest Loser, I think it's the…
  • Welcome to the group ladies! You'll get alot of great advice here. Well I actually just cancelled my Netflix subscription today, I just am trying to cut costs right now, with having a new baby and all, any money is helpful!! We've done good with the ladies at church so far, we're exercising again tonight. It's nice to have…
  • Hello everyone! Well last night the church ladies and I decided to walk. We did pretty good, pretty brisk pace for about 50 minutes. I think we're going to switch it up every week, that way we don't get tired of doing the same things. The plan is to walk and do DVD's at the church. I'm just glad to get started doing…
  • I was a member of WW online a few years back, and did like it. I guess the best thing that I've found between the two is this one is free! It seems to do the exact same things on MFP that it does on WW except the points. I personally like this site just as well, if not a little better. Hope this helps.
  • Good morning everyone! Congratulations to all of you that have lost this past week or have even stayed on track. I've done pretty good, up until the weekend of course! It's so hard to stay on track with a hubby and 2 kids at home! I did really good throughout the days, but it's dinner and evening snacking that gets me into…
  • I totally agree with you! I had a terrible time doing yoga. I bought a prenatal/postnatal yoga video and couldn't do alot of it! I figured it being a prenatal video it might be a little easier, but even that was hard! I'm going to keep trying it and see, but if it continues to be anything like it has been I'm definitly…
  • Welcome Ruby! I'm new here too, only been here about a week, and so far I have done better on this than with the other tracking websites, so I know how you feel! The support here is great, I would strongly recommend looking at the message boards becasue I have found so many people on there that are facing the same…
  • I am definitly going to try this! It sounds great!!
  • I have the same exact problem!!! Except my cravings change. One night it's Chips Ahoy Cookies, another night it's popcorn. It really varies. I have found the best thing for me to do is to log all of my food ahead of time, and also to keep myself busy at night, working out, walking, playing in the yard with the kids,…
  • Thanks guys! Well, I tried not to be too bad at the fair last night, I did have a couple of things I shouldn't have, and I won't mention what they were so we don't all start craving them :) but I figured I may as well have what I want while I'm there, it's only once a year, and today is a new day! I walked alot, so I keep…
  • Way to go!! I think you're totally right! Even just coming on here everyday gives you a reminder that you're not doing this alone!! We're all facing the same struggles one way or another and there are so many people on here that have been where we're at that they can give you such great suggestions and advice. Keep up the…
  • Hello Ladies!! Hope everyone is doing well this morning! Just stopping by to see how everyone is doing! Was so excited to get on the scale this morning and see it go down one more pound!! I'm on my way! Just gotta keep on moving! Yesterday was a tough day, I just felt hungry, but today's a new day and I started it out with…
  • Oh yeah, and I'm nursing too, so I feel like my calories are a little low, but maybe that will help with the weight loss.
  • Hello Everyone! I'd like to join this group too! I work full time and have two kids, a son who is 5, and a daughter who is 12 weeks. I'm here to get rid of my baby fat once and for all!! My son just started Kindergarten and as all of you know, it's so hard to find time for yourself when you've got a husband and two kids…
  • Welcome! I'm new here too. I so far really like the layout of this website much better than some others I've tried in the past. Good luck, you're going to do great!!!
  • Thanks everyone! I'm really excited to get started. I'm having some trouble staying within my limits, but today is a new day. I think I have figured out some of my weaknesses, now it's time to work on them. Thanks for all of the encouraging words!!