This thing MIGHT actually work!

christopher_stockdale Posts: 27 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm 9 pounds down in 3 weeks just by counting the calories (2500 calories to lose a pound a week, so I don't feel like I'm denying myself yet) and doing Wii Active 5 times a week. I do get the feeling that the initial weight loss was my body's way to resetting, so I only expect to see a pound or two from now on.

I think it's all about slow loss while changing your lifestyle. My doctor told be there are studies that prove that in order to make something a habit you need to do it 100 times. Transfer that to fitness and diet changes, I'm only 2/10th of the way to making it a habit, while I have 15 years of the old habit to break. I think the app, plus the website, plus the forum, gives you a good way to refresh, renew, and re-energize your push toward your goals, if you use it actively. Even if you never post here, it helps immensely to just browse them once a day, and realize we all need encouragement, and we're all in the same boat.


  • sibach
    sibach Posts: 24
    Great job! That is really awesome! Keep up the good work! :)
  • kcampbell453
    kcampbell453 Posts: 29 Member
    Way to go!! I think you're totally right! Even just coming on here everyday gives you a reminder that you're not doing this alone!! We're all facing the same struggles one way or another and there are so many people on here that have been where we're at that they can give you such great suggestions and advice. Keep up the good work!!!
  • amyfly
    amyfly Posts: 137
    Good for you! That's really great! Little changes over time really helped me to reach my weight goal (well, almost - 1 more pound to go:)) and MFP has been a large part of that - best of luck - sounds like you're off to a great start!
  • Great job Angus

    ive got the wii fit too .... but my son unplugged it to put something else in and now i need him to set me up again, ha ha
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Totally agree Angus, you do the calorie deficit system right, it works!! It's an exact science!! We only gain weight cos we eat too damn much :noway: :tongue:

    Coming here for support is the best thing since sliced bread! :laugh:

    Long may our renewed enthusiasm continue :drinker:
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