

  • Better to be Happy and Single, then Together and Miserable! No one wo makes you feel bad, in anyway, is worth your time. Get rid of him, and focus on you! You are your number one priority!
  • I definately have days where I am just SO HUNGRY! I'll eat exactly what I ate the day before or last week, but I will be starving! I have no explanation for it and I would politely disagree with the person who told you it was all in your head. I have to admit to usually just giving in to it, logging everything and trying…
  • Ok, I will be doing day 2 in a few minutes and wondering if anyone else has had to modify some of the moves? For example, I use my mini-trampoline/rebounder for the jumping jacks and skipping rope, to lessen the impact on my knees. I also found the whole bicycle style crunches almost killed me! Who knew 20 mins could be so…
  • Hi Maya! How different things are for different people. I am also 5'3 and consider 145 my GOAL weight! (I am 212 right now). You can totally lose the weight! I find tracking my calories here on MFP very helpful, even on the days when I have one too many cookies and go over my allowed number of calories. The best advice I…
  • I am totally in! I was planning on starting June 1st also! This will be so exciting!
  • . LOL! I'm guilty of this one! (And it's 5-8lbs weights! Ha ha) Honestly I don't want even a hint of a calous! $40 on a mani and I am not having rough man hands! *grin* I am annoyed by the woman in my Zumba class that can't keep out of my personal space. I spent today's Zumba class moving forward, then back, then more to…
  • Thank you so much! I think I just need to "hear it" from other people. RandomMiranda - you are right, I can only compare to myself. And I don't feel the need to tweak things yet. I will do another month and see if I am still losing, but thanks for the reminder that I can tweak things. skybluesounds - Slow and steady. You…
  • It sucks that you are afraid of dogs, and as a dog owner I would like to apologize for any off leash dogs that startle/hurt you in any way. First off, and this is not meant to scare you further, many dogs find runners/joggers/bicycles irrestible due to the whole "prey" drive thing. (If it runs, you chase it) Having said…
  • If they are produced by "Beach Body" you can go to that web site and there is a comparison chart. If not, I guess google and take a look at any video clips. (or stay up late watching infomercials!) I think different videos appeal to different people. For example, I personally find PX90, Insanity and the Jillian Michaels…
  • WOW! This title hit home! Yikes! I do this all the time! Hdmmm...time to think of some new things. As to those who say they can't afford things like a mani/pedi -> do it at home! Soak in the tub, some apricot scrub, a pumice stone, some nice polish and lotion after. I bet you have most of that stuff laying around or can…
  • I'm glad you asked the question! There seems to be so much "information" about this topic! And I think it all depends on what each person/article/professional is calling "cardio". I walk my dogs every day, and walking is considered cardio, BUT it is a slow pace, as the dogs are older. So I personally, don't count that. But…
  • There is no such thing as too big for anything! I have a skinny friend and she looks even worse then I do when we Zumba. LOL Besdies, no one is paying any attention to anyone but themselves. I modify lots of moves because of knee and shoulder injuries. Just keep at it and have fun!
  • I know exactly what you mean! I gave up pop/soda almost 5years ago and I remember the first 2 weeks being torture! I had headaches, the shakes, I was basically a *****! But once I got past that ... I rarely have pop now. Always water. And I lost 20lbs that year without doing anything else! I didn't exercise or change my…
  • This is a BRILLIANT idea! I am so in! I'm always worried about how I'll get food, water, heat and shelter when the Zombies take over - I've totally forgotten Fitness! :smile: This is so exciting! Count me in!
  • I was in a terrible car accident 2 years ago, and even after months of PT, my shoulder still gives me pain. I really want a sign or shirt that says I have an injurty, as I feel people at the gym are judging me. EG: Older lady besdie me is using 10lb weights and I'm struggling with 5lbs, barely able to do all the reps.
  • OMG! I cried reading this! I can just imagine how you felt, because I've been there! I'll add to what everyone here is saying - "Don't let it get you down!" You are beautiful! Screw him! Jerk! Hold your head up high, because you are a better person!
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