Help: How do you choose

i am reading all of these posts about:
Bootcamp and so on....

Is there a summary somewhere on how they are different?
Best for men vs women?
Which one is most likely going to be tolerated while living in an apt building?

Thanks... your comments will be helpful


  • TurtleTurtle1975
    If they are produced by "Beach Body" you can go to that web site and there is a comparison chart. If not, I guess google and take a look at any video clips. (or stay up late watching infomercials!)

    I think different videos appeal to different people. For example, I personally find PX90, Insanity and the Jillian Michaels videos just too hard core for me. I find they are very fast paced, very intense and aren't that great for people with my injuries. But having said that I have a co-worker who loved Insantiy and lost a few pounds and he really toned up.

    As for living in an apartment - are you thinking of all the bouncing on the floor which is the ceiling to the people below you? Hmmm.

    I prefer a more "dance" style of workout, so I have Zumba, Turbo Jam and Hip Hop Abs. I have downloaded some, borrowed from friends, even the local library has some. I try them all and see what works for me. Lately I've been rotating between a few different ones, just to mix it up a little.
    I hope you find a video you like! Good luck!
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks I will check out the Beachbody website... and yes, always concerned about jumping on other people's ceiling. :+)
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I read reviews on Amazon. Pretty much every one of these has at least one reviewer listing every single thing you have to do. I do Bob Harper's workouts (Pure Burn Super Strength and Totally Ripped Core, about to add others), interspersed with pilates and yoga. They are all low impact, or have low impact modifications. I have very bad feet and cannot put a lot of stress on them.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    Thanks. That gives me some idea of what to look for.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    I have Insanity and the Brazilian Butt Lift. Personally, I like to mix up the videos so I have two or three sets of them keep me from getting bored. I also throw in a few yoga dvd's as well.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    shred is good if you are just starting out, i have done it twice now and just started insanity seriously kicked my butt....not a fan of p90x since i am pretty sure that you need a chin up bar and that wont fly in my apartment....but insanity needs no weights or anything he just makes you use the sh** out of your body :) i am also hearing great things about turbofire as well.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Check with your local library. I have checked out Shred and a lot of other Jillian Michaels, a variety of Billy Blanks, and some other workout videos. There's also a lot there I haven't tried, and some I tried and hated. You can find what works for you and have a good variety without breaking the bank. (it's free here). If you have Netflix, you can also find a lot there.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I like to rent my work out dvds from the library so I pretty much just do what they have. One of the major differences between them is the time. Boot camp is 28 days and has circuits from 10-30 minutes. Shred is 30 days. P90X is 90 days. Jillian Michaels has some that are for beginners. I personally love the frontside/backside for beginners from JM. It's easy enough that I don't feel like I'm being left behind, but tough enough that I can feel it working.
  • Kamikazeflutterby
    Kamikazeflutterby Posts: 775 Member
    I chose 30DS because it was nine dollars and there are at least three 30 DS challenge groups on the board right now. Insanity and P90X cost much, much more. The downside to 30DS being so cheap is that there are fewer workouts. It gets monotonous.
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    This is good info, thank you.

    Neflix, library - - good place to start

    I did not realize that PX90 required equipment such as chin up bars

    Generally feel like I could use a good butt kicking

    I appreciate the guidance
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    I think that in the order of difficulty, going from easiest to hardest, it would be JM's 30DS/Ripped in 30 (not easy, but over quickly), then something like Bob Harper's Inside Out stuff (long and hard), then Insanity/p90X (longer and harder). Hard to put pilates and yoga on the same scale because that would be comparing apples to kumquats. They can be great compliments to a regular workout, because they find different ways to make your muscles work. FWIW, tomorrow is my Yoga day, and I am dreading it. Not only does my strength suck, so does the flexibility and balance.
  • JaredBergeron
    JaredBergeron Posts: 379 Member
    Hey Brian, replied to your email but ill post here too. The Beachbody programs typically have different focuses. Insanity is pure cardio and not alot of focus on muscle development, so if you depend on the scale for motivation...Insanity will be your new best friend. It is intense, but just keep moving, even if your walking in a circle for the rest of the reps and you will get there! You will be doing alot of jumping around with insanity so may be a downstairs neighbor issue. I have seen folks put the videos on an ipad and do them at the gym or at the park...may be an option for ya.

    P90x (and more so in p90x2) are more of a muscle development focus, your going to be building muscle while slimming so the scale wont give you the same feedback but you may find yourself liking the mirror more (muscle is heavy) There is some gear required such as dumbells or bands, chin up bar, and a ball for x2... its the pulling movements...just need some resistance to do it. I cant say enough good things about the bodylastics bands for resistance... you can use them in place of a bar for pullups as well if you have the door anchor. (im 6'2" the door bar doesnt work well for me. The thing about those bands is that you can clip them all together for a good amount of resistance. I think that's the biggest bang for the buck for a home gym accessory. With the large kit it comes with the anchor, ancle straps and a few hundred pounds of possible resistance.

    I also have the TRX, its great for muscle building and you can sling that thing favorite place is around a tree in the woods or off a piece of driftwood at the beach. You can make those workouts at intense as you like by moving further or closer to the anchor point...the foot cradles add alot of opportunity to push your core to the limit. (look up some utube vids on "trx pike" oh that hurts good!) It is possible to do cadio with them, but its going to have you jumping around a bit too.. The crosscore 360 takes the trx concept to a new level by adding a pulley in the middle that you can lock or leave free... I was doing some chest presses on one of those this am... its challenging :) I think i like the crosscore 360 more due to the dimension that the pully adds, but the TRX is perhaps more durable (no metal assembly in the middle). Stay away from the TRX knock offs, you really get what you pay for there, cheap plastic handles, foot cradles you slip out of or that break, lack of adjust-ability or they slip while you workout etc.

    Oh another option for the beachbody stuff are "fit clubs", this is where a coach sets up a space and leads a workout along with the program..they are typically free and may be one in the area for you.
  • briannw
    briannw Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for all of your help
  • jjelizalde
    jjelizalde Posts: 377 Member
    Netflix instant and Hulu have tons of free videos. I do Bob Harper Kettlebell (Love it!) and I started 30 Day Shred today. I also do Zumba and my elliptical. I like to mix it up so I don't get bored.
  • xxnellie146xx
    xxnellie146xx Posts: 996 Member
    Bumping for new replies :)