he doesnt like me cos im fat

i feel like a failure im too fat to be loved with the ugliest personality trying to lose weight and e happy for the past 3 years getting no where i feel like dying now :( what can i do :(?


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    He's not worth it then. I'd rather be alone than be with a creepy that didn't recognize my fabulousness.
  • TurtleTurtle1975
    Better to be Happy and Single, then Together and Miserable!

    No one wo makes you feel bad, in anyway, is worth your time.

    Get rid of him, and focus on you!

    You are your number one priority!
  • jpe71
    jpe71 Posts: 50 Member
    He's not worth it. I was over 60 lb overweight when I met my husband, and gained 40 because he's an excellent cook. He would like to see me lose weight for my own good, but doesn't judge my desirability or worth as a human by my size.

    Consider being alone for a while - figure out what you like about yourself. Then you'll be in shape to find someone who makes you happy.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    If someone doesn't like you - move on, there are bound to be plenty of other people who do.

    And remember that losing weight isn't a guarantee of happiness. Getting to a healthy weight is a great thing to do - I wish I'd done it years ago, BUT seeing a different number on the scale doesn't change who you are or automatically make you happier. That is a whole different journey!
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    i feel like a failure im too fat to be loved with the ugliest personality trying to lose weight and e happy for the past 3 years getting no where i feel like dying now :( what can i do :(?

    What can you do? You can wallow in self-pity and engage in more self-flagellation until you're ready to move on.
  • Masterdo
    Masterdo Posts: 331 Member
    Judging by the fact you seem to be 15 years old, you should really go and talk with resources people in your school about self-image issues. It's quite important to have a strong self-esteem, and you definitely can get help in that department, no need to lose weight before starting working on that front.

    Then, get in touch with PT teachers or trainers/nurses, they will have more relevant information for you than these boards, which are aimed at adults losing weight, which is quite different.

    Good luck...
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    Don't bother about it. Just go on with your life.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    if that pic is u...... u need medical attention if u think ur fat... other wise... if they think ur fat..u dont want them any how...
  • ChadB74
    ChadB74 Posts: 128 Member
    Yeah!, Wasup with the photo? Are you looking for attention or something or is that a fake pic?? Why waste peoples times???
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    You sound VERY young. The person who you're with is I'm sure still an immature little teenager. If he isn't then he is acting like it. You're too young to put up with this from someone. I say dump him there are plenty of better people you can be with. Also get some help you obviously have emotional/self esteem issues, nothing wrong with it but it's better to address it now

    Also try the website teenhelp.org I used to work for them I think it could help you a more appropriate place to seek help then a fitness site, good luck!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    i feel like a failure im too fat to be loved with the ugliest personality trying to lose weight and e happy for the past 3 years getting no where i feel like dying now :( what can i do :(?

    Will losing weight honestly bring happiness to your life? Or will finding someone else that truly values and loves you for who you are going to bring you true happiness?
  • zachatta
    zachatta Posts: 1,340 Member
    i feel like a failure im too fat to be loved with the ugliest personality trying to lose weight and e happy for the past 3 years getting no where i feel like dying now :( what can i do :(?

    Move on. Find a new guy. World isn't ending.
  • MichaelFunaro
    MichaelFunaro Posts: 66 Member
    I have to agree with others. For me it was the opposite, I didn't like myself so I didn't want to let anyone love me because I didn't love myself. But that's changing now and as I move forward. No more of that thinking about myself. Now, take me or leave me as I am. But I'm liking myself more and more. . Unfortunately, it did cost me someone who was so very understanding and wanted to be there for me. My stubbornness.
  • kmuree
    kmuree Posts: 283 Member
    He's a loser that doesn't see the real you. Drop him!
    My boyfriend loves me at the weight I am NOW and the only thing he wants for both of us is BETTER HEALTH!

    I can't wait to knock him out with my new body! :happy: :laugh:
  • guineverantha
    guineverantha Posts: 26 Member
    Do not let yourself be defined by the numbers on the scale or by how you look (easier said than done, I know). You have value and worth just because you are you. God created you and gave you life; that automatically gives you value and worth.
    Maybe try to focus on loving yourself and being the best you that you can be, not trying to focus on getting to a certain goal weight or looking a certain way.
    And part of that journey of getting healthy can certainly be meeting with a dietician or nutritionist and moving more (just go on walks), but the focus needs to be HEALTH, not looks.
    Hang in there, and good luck.
    And by the way, whoever that guy was, he sounds like a jerk.
  • vvanm
    vvanm Posts: 157
    There is a lot more to you than just a number on a scale. You can dislike him for being very shallow and not appreciating your good qualities. Don't let shallow people hurt you for goodness sake.
  • guineverantha
    guineverantha Posts: 26 Member
    Oh, and PLEASE do not take T7OMFD's advice. That's vulgar and will not solve anything.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh, and PLEASE do not take T7OMFD's advice. That's vulgar and will not solve anything.

  • kaylabrianna
    Losing weight wont make you happy. Trust me. I was unhappy before, decided to lose weight to make myself happy, went too far, now in recovery from anorexia and hate my body/self more then I did when I was overweight.