Comparing weight loss and a little discouraged!

So, in the month of April I did about 2.5hrs of exercise a day, (not all at once, but an hour here, half hour there) and lost 4 pounds! (YEAH ME!) Then last week a co-worker got a personal trainer and claims to have lost 6 pounds in a week! SIX! In a WEEK!! Ugh. Was a tad discouraged. Realistically I can't know what she is eating, if it's water weight and all that jazz, but it was just like one week and she's lost more then I did in a month! Sigh.
I know, I should not compare myself to others. I know, slow and steady wins the race. But how do you not feel a little discouraged in a situation like this!?!?


  • RandomMiranda
    RandomMiranda Posts: 298
    There are so many reasons for losing a lot vs. losing less. Last week, Monday to Monday, I lost 10 pounds. However, a good portion of that was water weight from eating crap while out of town for a few days then I was on my period, during which I always lose big for a day or two. Now I'm back to where I was before traveling. Your friend may have water, TOM, doing more cardio, be at the earlier stages of losing weight, etc. etc. You can only compare to yourself, the effort you are putting in and your own results, and if you aren't seeing what you want, tweak things.
  • skybluesounds
    Don't feel discouraged, she will almost certainly gain it back just as quickly! slow and steady is the only way!
  • TurtleTurtle1975
    Thank you so much! I think I just need to "hear it" from other people.

    RandomMiranda - you are right, I can only compare to myself. And I don't feel the need to tweak things yet. I will do another month and see if I am still losing, but thanks for the reminder that I can tweak things.

    skybluesounds - Slow and steady. You are so right.
  • iamers
    iamers Posts: 74
    Don't compare yourself to others!
    People lose weight differently and it varies massively!

    Keep focusing on your own weight-loss (which by the way is awesome!!)