delainedecker Member


  • I imagine it probably depends on what you're looking for in a program. I haven't done WW online and haven't done WW at all in a long time. I do believe it is a good program, but I think if you're looking for the support that you may have gotten in a group, you may not get that online...or probably not any better than you…
  • I actually use a hrm whenever I workout and find that helps me a lot. But I like the previous comment, maybe just enter strength training into the cardio. I haven't actually looked for it myself, but it's probably there. Good luck.
  • Typically for me a protein shake pre-workout... post-workout is usually Shakeology and maybe a half a banana. That is good for recovery. If you don't have those, I have read that chocolate milk offers the perfect nutitional balance for post workout recovery. So maybe something to research and explore. Make sure you are…
  • I have used it, but I am not crazy about the taste. It is a whey isolate I believe, and as I understand it, that is the cleanest/best type of protein. I only tried the chocolate, I think they have vanilla as well. I just didn't think it had great flavor. Also a little lower in protein amount than some that I would normally…
  • I like more 40/40/20....
  • Right after a workout is a good time for a some extra carbs, it helps you recover! Chocolate milk is the perfect carb/protein blend for post workout. There are also other recovery drinks available. protein is good, maybe add a banana??
  • Just keep coming back, even if you fall off for a day or two...eventually logging will be a habit and it will take you to where you want to go!! Good Luck!!
  • I'm not doing the 30 day shred, however for me, there are some workouts that I feel the next day. Some workouts it's a couple days before I notice any burn from them and then some I don't necessarily even really notice any achiness! I don't think any of those indicates you are doing it incorrectly. I'm sure you're doing it…
  • I'm with Roxy, I use a HRM with calorie counter which is set for my body and I feel like it is pretty accurate. If you don't have one, then I would probably go with the lower reading just to be on the safe side.:happy:
  • Go for a quick walk, if you can't do that just stand and do some squats or something you can do in place... Jumping jacks or something to get your heart rate up. Another thing is Ice water.... if you need to munch...chew the ice... also, brush your teeth... or chew a stick of gum..... Polish your nails, giving yourself a…
  • P90X is amazing and if you just keep at it you will start to feel better and stronger! I am currently doing a round of insanity, then will do Asylum. I have done a couple rounds of P90x and I absolutely love Tony!! "Bring it"
  • Do as Tony tells you "Do your best and forget the rest" And that is basically the general idea of it... you do what you can do and you'll get better each time. It isn't easy, but anything worth doing isn't stick with it.... I love P90X!
  • :glasses: I have P90X and have done the whole round. I didn't do it while trying to train for a ½ marathon... BUT, I know plenty of ppl who do P90X along with a boat load of cardio I think it is something that is managable. You just have to know your body. P90X is an awesome strength workout, and Tony mixes in…