
Hey everyone-
I, like many others, have the temptation to snack because I am simply not stimulated and want something to do. I am open to tips from anyone that know great ways to get in a habit of doing something to distract yourself. Soon would be great- because my grandma left a nice, warm plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies sitting on her counter and they are extremely distracting! Thank ya!


  • lisamarie1227
    don't eat the cookies!!!! go for a walk or take a bubble bath...don't eat the cookies, they are evil:)
  • kelliboettcher
    kelliboettcher Posts: 3 Member
    Took the words right out of my mouth! Walk or bubble bath! I am thinking my legs could use a shaving so I am planning to head into the tub instead of to the fridge myself! :)
  • whateverdamnit
    Sugar is satan in the shape of a cookie.. avoid! :)
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    I would take 1 cookie, put half in the freezer and the other half on a plate. Find a nice pleasant place, maybe outside, or with some music, (I like to sit in my car or on my porch staring at my car ),.... what ever it takes to make a moment of it. And I'd eat half that damned cookie!

    Then I'd log it. I'd also tell myself specifically when I'm allowed to have the other half and commit to it. Sometimes just knowing that it's my cookie and I can eat it when I want to is enough to get over wanting the cookie.
  • clintbritt3
    clintbritt3 Posts: 123
    I agree with eating half and saving the rest.... first you get what you want, then still have some for another time... and you get to practice self control which we all need. Depriving yourself will only lead to worse things in the long run. I have done sooooo much better not worrying about every little thing. I lost 4lbs in a week and a half just from smaller portions, good food and exercise but I still had a few things I wanted, it actually motivated me more and kept me on a good track... plus it's a more realistic lifestyle.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I hit the gym when I feel boredom eating coming on.
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    Look up the calories and nutrition info in the database before you eat it!! You'll probably find it's not worth it!! If you still want to eat it, make yourself work off the calories FIRST, then reward yourself with 1/2 the cookie!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    nooooooo cookies!!! bath, mani/pedi, window shopping, exercise, or any hobby or projest that you haven't had time to work on lately!!
  • delainedecker
    delainedecker Posts: 14 Member
    Go for a quick walk, if you can't do that just stand and do some squats or something you can do in place... Jumping jacks or something to get your heart rate up. Another thing is Ice water.... if you need to munch...chew the ice... also, brush your teeth... or chew a stick of gum..... Polish your nails, giving yourself a manicure will occupy your hands and you won't be able to munch while doing that. :) Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    Awesome Ideas everyone :) I did not eat the cookie. Although I totally agree with people who say not to deprive, I am in one of those moods where I know if I have one it will turn into ten. My body is bizarre, some days I can be in amazing control and allow myself a half of a cookie, but other days it goes a bit psycho. As for being able to go and exercise, I was actually at work (I am a nanny to my niece, best job ever for a student!) and she just happened to be asleep. I couldn't leave the house so I had to do something distracting while still being able to hear her when she wakes up. I also had plans to hit the gym with my work out buddy shortly after work. I managed to distract myself by watching funny youtube videos and reading a billion of success stories on here so I stay motivated. MFP is awesome. Oh and I just weighed- in the evening after eating- and I am down another pound! yay! Again, awesome suggestions everyone :)