NetteH13 Member


  • I was told by someone who trained army men, that it is best to work out early in the morning, as this jump starts your metabolism, and your body will burn more calories throughout the day. For some, if you workout too close to bedtime, it interferes with your sleep, and your body needs rest.
  • I personally don't have ANY cravings. Never have. But I definitely put on that water weight. I never see a weight loss during my TOM. Never! Such a bummer! Anyhoo, hope you find something that helps you out with this.
  • Prednisone is definitely an enemy when coming to weight gain. So don't feel to bad when you see a gain even though you're doing your part. Also, DON'T use random scales. I weight in every Sunday morning around the same time of morning, with no clothes on. I do it in the morning after I use the bathroom, before I eat…
  • I personally wouldn't go by what the site gives you. Not saying that its incorrect, but try googling different BMR calculators to see if you're getting around the same number. Try this one to start:
  • On here daily!! feel free to add me!!
  • Girl, let your hair down, throw on some makeup (go to youtube if you don't know how to apply makeup, there are tons of videos to help), get your nails done (cut your toe nails), throw on a dress and heels (practice walking in them if need be) and smile. :-)
  • Hmm, might have to try this.
  • You look great. I see a big difference everywhere. I took notice of your arms mostly. Major difference. I'm experiencing problems with toning my arms. Any advice?
  • You should go by the weight you weight in the morning. If you weight at night, you're weighing everything you've ate and drank on that day. Bad idea.
  • Girl you look GREAT!!! Way to go!
  • Choose other options. Fiber is gonna be your best friend. Fiber and water. But never let yourself go hungry.
  • I'm striving for 155. I use to be 139 years back, and hated it. I thought I was too skinny. Always wanted to gain a little. So 155 is where I'm comfortable.
  • EAT!! Your body is pretty much saying, "hey, she's not giving me enough calories, so I guess I'll HOLD ON to everything instead of burning it off to survive." Trust me, the starvation mode is real!!!!!! Thats the worst thing you could do. Move it up to 1200, and BE SURE to eat JUST THAT MUCH!! Good luck. :-)
  • One word: Jealous!! Bitter people usually say bitter things. Major congrats on that weight loss!! Keep it up!
  • I can definitely relate. Lunges are probably your best friend in this case. If you by chance walk, run, treadmill, or whatever trying adding ankle weights. I've lost fat in my thighs, and I owe it to squats and lunges.
  • Awesome!! You look great!! Good job!!
  • I personally feel as though weighing yourself EVERYDAY is such a bad idea. I would recommend no more than once a week. You fluctuate during the day, and also during the week. I had this happen. I started my diet on a Sunday, & got my starting weight. On Thursday, I had a Dr.'s appt, and weighed in at my starting weight.…
  • Yes, I don't use the numbers MFP gives for exercise either, but in some cases thats all you have. The only excercise I can truly adjust is my treadmill time. At my gym, their treadmills allow you to put in your weight, and therefore I get a more accurate amount of calories burned when I finish. Me personally, i don't eat…
  • 1. ONLY drink water. I drink nothing but water. No diet sodas, no low calorie drinks, ONLY water. Important! 2. My calorie goal per day is 1200 calories. And I'm sure to eat just that much. No less (and no more of course). 3. Starvation mode is the devil. Don't do that to yourself. When you're hungry, EAT SOMETHING! But…
  • Good skin care is key!! Your worst enemy can be the SUN!! Be sure to wear sunscreen. Its so important. The sun can fry your skin, and dry, sun damaged skin can look old. I agree with one of the above post, you're probably your worst judge. Us women usually are, haha! Sunscreen, moisturizer, and water water water. Try…
  • Well, I think this may vary for different types of people. For me, the answer is yes. When I started my diet (1200 calories a day, high protein, almost no sugar, ONLY water for drinking, and eating no later than 8:30 to 9) I dropped 5lbs per week for the 1st two weeks. To be as polite as possible, from the looks of your…
  • The worst thing you could do is be hungry and NOT eat. Just be smart bout WHAT you eat. I personally eat something every 2-3 hours also. This helps me to NOT be hungry while also helping my metabolism. Also, eat things that have the quality and quantity. For me, that type of things is a good turkey sandwhich using 100%…
  • The first week (especially 1st day), is always the HARDEST!! When you go to put something in your mouth that is not healthy, think about your goal and how GREAT you're gonna look when you lose the weight! (not that you don't look great already :smile: ) Plus, when you know you're suppose to eat healthy, and you eat those…
  • I agree with the above post. Open your food diary, and you can possibly get better feedback. Also, not going over your calorie goal is a good thing, but are you eating ENOUGH?? For instance, your goal may be 1200, but that doesn't mean to eat anything less than that. Like 700-900. Eat the entire 1200. I made this mistake…