LisamarieBond14 Member


  • I'm Lisa and I'm from South Yorkshire. I'm 23 and I'm on a misson to lose around 50lbs!! Feel free to add me!
  • Is it actual lambskin?! I'll look into that, thank you! Although I think I'll continue with the Pill too - a much higher success rate!
  • Here's my current list I was told off on another thread for calling it "Thinspiration", even though they're all curvy!! So I've changed it to "Beach Body Inspiration"!
  • Yeah, most of my pics are of curvy girls but I don't have much in the way of boobs (I can just about fill a B cup on a good day!) but I have quite a good set of hips and a bottom! My waist does curve in slightly when I'm slim so I'm not quite pear, not quite hourglass... I like Shakira's body but I struggled to find a good…
  • I'm straight. I kissed a few girls at school but it was mainly to get free drinks and attention! I really struggle though if someone asks me which male celebrity I find attractive - I say Ryan Reynolds, because he reminded me of my boyfriend in The Proposal! - but the truth is, I'd much rather look at a female. I think the…
  • Oh my!! I don't know if we have this stuff in England but I'm sure I can find alternatives!
  • Lol, what's wrong with Penties?! I grew up Baptist but I've been going to a Pentecostal church (which claims to be non-denominational!) for a few years :) Lovely to meet you!
  • Hahahaha that's mental!! My partner will text me when we're at work/uni/wherever and when I ask what he's up to, he'll say, "I'm just having a poo" Lovely!
  • We kind of knew each other from school but we were on opposite ends of a friendship circle and then he moved away so I didn't see him for around 7 years. I saw him on a train one day and text my friend (I always said they should have babies together - long story!) and then when I broke up with my fiance a few months later,…
  • "Thinspiration" is just my tongue-in-cheek way of naming my pinboard! If you actually look at my inspirational people, none are thin, they're all curvy. I have hips, I'm curvy! I'm not delusional, I think Victoria Beckham looks lovely, for her, but for me I need to aspire to more curvacious body types such as Kim…
  • It's not that easy for some people. I have very sensitive skin and a latex allery. I know there are latex-free condoms but they still cause irritation to me, not to mention the fact that it's very rare that my GP or nurse will have them available and I have yet to find them in a mainstream store in my area!
  • My nurse tells me that it doesn't have much of an effect on weight. I'm on the mini pill (Progesterone-only pill) Cerazette. When I came off it, I lost around 3 stone. Granted, a lot of it may have been from stress or whatever, as I had just broken up with my fiance and moved back into my parents' home. But i was eating…
  • I had an elliptical, I think I used it twice. I got so bored with it after ten minutes and I just couldn't bring myself to use it (It was in the attic room!) I love the treadmill but I never run on it because I run like an idiot... I walk pretty fast though and use the incline :) I prefer just walking outdoors though, I…
  • I went for a job interview and didn't realise that my black trousers had a hole in the crotch area. I went to get some new ones on my way and the only ones to fit me were a UK16. I've always been a 10 top and 12 bottom (big hips) and even got down to a 10-12 bottom once. That was the final straw for me. I always thought,…
  • :) Glad to be of assistance :P
  • I dunno about the doors thing but I have some very stange tendencies, not sure they count as OCD though! The volume on the TV, some people have to have it on an even number or a multiple of 5, etc. I have specific numbers, usually 5, 7, sometimes 8, 10, sometimes 12, sometimes 13, 15, 17, sometimes 18, 20, 22, 25, etc...…
  • I'd be looking for a new Doctor!!
  • I think it goes on how much you want to lose and how quickly. I'm 5"6 and I started at 185lbs (I'm not 178.4lbs) and my allowance is 1260 per day. I put that I want to lose 1.5lbs a week and I've pretty much done that consistently :)
  • Bless you. I was at a "normal" BMI and according to my nurse, a healthy weight, 2.5- 3 years ago. But I looked awful, my mum and other family and friends were telling me I was too thin and I needed to put weight on as I looked ill. (I thought I looked pretty good but desperately needed toning) One of the photos is in my…
  • Yaay!! Someone else who has cheese and jam sandwiches! We wondered if it was a Welsh thing!
  • YES!! TOW Ross' Sandwich! "You threw my sandwich AWAY?!!" Edit - yes, I'm slightly Friends-obsessed... so sue me!
  • Dunno if it's been mentioned but I'm always laughed at for having cheese and jam sandwiches! My mum and my grandma always have them too! Ooh, also... Red Delicious apples with Philadephia cream cheese! Edit to add - I'm also a big advocate of dipping things. I once dunked a Mars Delight bar into my Chicken and Mushroom Pot…
  • I'm scared of bees too but it's perfectly rational - I've never been stung and so I don't know if I'm allergic! I could go into anaphylactic shock and die within seconds!
  • My mum had thoughts like this all throughout my childhood - her psychiatrist called them "morbid fears". She was convinced that I would be abducted or would die. It wasn't until after I finished secondary school that I learned that she would call my school every single day to ask if I was there and OK!!
  • "Who do you think you are"?? - That's a bit narky. I never said they don't have a phobia, I said that even the thought of the object would cause them panic and anxiety. A phobia is completely different from a fear and I say that as someone who has studied them extensively and has qualifications in psychology, not to…
  • I have a phobia and it really irks me when people use it as an excuse, "Oh I have a phobia of snakes, I can't be in the same room as one, if I see one on TV, I have to turn the TV over" etc etc... If they actually had a phobia, they wouldn't even be able to say the word! Even the thought of the object of their phobia would…
  • 2 - but I think it really is a 1!!
  • Psycho or I Spit on Your Grave
  • That's my goal weight (and I'm 5'6") and last time I was around that weight I was a UK 8-10. I've not got a very small frame! My hips will never be smaller than that even if I weighed 80lbs! That took a lot of coming to terms with but now I embrace my "child-bearing hips"!
  • I quite like my philtrum... and my eyes are ok... I kind of like the sticky-out bone on my wrists too... When I'm thinner I really like my collar and hip bones :)