natalie_bailey Member


  • If you like oats you could try over night oats. I put 40g of porridge oats in a bowl and mix with low fat natural or greek yoghurt and either fresh or frozen berries. Leave in the fridge over night and the oats absorb the yoghurt. It is delicious and filling.
  • It's a tough one. Personally I weigh myself every Monday morning. I find it encouraging if I have lost a little weight, or even if I have stayed the same at least i've not gained anything, right? If you have gained a pound of two, it gives you the kick up the bum you need to resume back to your healthy eating. Some people…
  • Do be careful when eating chocolate, although there may only be 100 calories, always check the fat content as well as it could be high.
  • I find that if I pick a day of the week to weigh myself it helps. Therefore every thursday morning I will weigh myself to see if i have lost/gained any weight and then record it.
  • My current calorie goal on fitness pal is 1200 a day, I was still going to maintain that. 2 bowls of cereal is 350 calories which gives me 850 to play with for the rest of the day. No harm in trying eh!
  • Yeah I usually do half milk and half water. Try and use skimmed milk and you should be fine
  • Yeah i go over my sugar everyday, it seems impossible not to. I have decided to ignore it (probably not the best option) but i am still losing weight regardless. Just avoid obvious sugar like adding sugar to cups of tea or cereal. Plus some sugars are healthy sugars i.e in fruit
  • In all honestly determination is the key to breaking the addiction. If you really want to lose the weight you will curve the addiction. Cravings themselves only last for 20 minutes therefore you have to occupy yourself during a craving also weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the junk food. If you eat that pizza, yes…
  • I have found drinking hot chocolate gets rid of my craving for sweets, you can get weight watcher hot chocolate sachets, only 40 calories and are made with real chocolate therefore satisfying that chocolate craving