Help! How do I break junk food addiction?



  • natalie_bailey
    natalie_bailey Posts: 12 Member
    In all honestly determination is the key to breaking the addiction. If you really want to lose the weight you will curve the addiction. Cravings themselves only last for 20 minutes therefore you have to occupy yourself during a craving also weigh the advantages and disadvantages of the junk food. If you eat that pizza, yes you will be satisfied while eating it then afterwards think of the work you will have to do to shift it. Try finding healthier alternatives which you like and steer away from the junk
  • 2) When you go to the grocery store, stay out the cookie aisle. There is nothing but junk in that part of the store.

    But they put the frozen fruit and veggies right across from the cookies! I try really hard to shop only the "outside" rim of the store so I avoid processed and prepackaged foods, but they put those stupid things right next to the stuff I need, like toilet paper. No excuses, I know, but the marketers that design the grocery stores are geniuses. I am going to try something new. I am going to make a list and send my daughter. That way I can't buy a bunch of crap I don't need.
  • JoeMO
    JoeMO Posts: 524 Member
    For a chocolate fix I'll eat a Fiber One bar. It's filling and the chocolate is satisfying. DON'T overdue it tho, believe me
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I know how hard it is to avoid buying those yummy but unhealthy items, no matter how much you tell yourself prior to shopping that you don't really need them. Don't deprive yourself. That's setting yourself up to binge. I've found myself stuck in a cycle of deprivation then bingeing many times. Nowadays I have a little something sweet every single day. Like some chocolate chips in the evening after dinner.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    You stop eating it and go thru DETOX and WITHDRAWL. Sad, but it works.

    *sigh* ... yep. I should do that...
  • Lightbulb1088
    Lightbulb1088 Posts: 189 Member
    i've just started using EAS Myoplex lite or the carb one for my treat it seems to be working for now. it is really hard. I just decided this week no sweets I made it 3 days and started over. :) now it has been 4 days now sweets. I try and use other things like fruit or these portein drinks. This one I named above is 170 cals and they have a low carb one too! Just keep trying and don't give up.
  • EvilMomma
    EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
    My advice, in addition to the wonderful suggestions above, is to forgive yourself when you blow it and start over the next morning. Beating yourself up does nothing but leave bruises and they re SO unattractive. lol On the other hand, I only diet/calorie count today. I've just managed to string a lot of todays together.
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    I suddenly realized that I don't overeat but I was eating the junk food, so I realized I wanted to lose the weight more that I wanted the junk food. I started by writing everything I eat all day long and soon I wasn't craving any of it!!
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    Somehow I ended up buying cookies

    The solution here is really simple. Don't buy the cookies.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Drink chocolate protein shakes, eat cocoa roasted almonds, lots of fruit, organic blue corn chips and quac or salsa, dark chocolate, virgils zero stevia sweetened no calorie, no preservatives, no sodium, all natural soda's :)
  • Dawnhasajeep
    Dawnhasajeep Posts: 180 Member
    Bump for later I sm a sugsraholic too
  • TrinaJ11
    TrinaJ11 Posts: 159 Member
    Recognize the binge when it is happening. Then break it with an apple.

    So if I had a loaf of banana-nutella bread, and say I was on my 3rd slice -- I'd make myself eat an apple. That is usually enough to break the binge and I can then throw the banana bread away (not save it because I will just keep eating it tomorrow).

    Designate something as your devoted binge breaker. It could be an apple, or a 1mile walk, or 50 pushups, or a bowl of oatmeal. But whatever it is, you MUST carry through with it once you recognize a binge.

    I like this idea. I'll definitely try this for myself.
  • Whenever I feel like eating junk or am reaching for a biscuit, I step back, take a breath and really think if it's worth it. I know if I have it I will inevitably feel guilty after. I have a glass of water or green tea (which helps stop sugar cravings) and if I still really want it, I'll have just one. Limit yourself. The outcome will be worth all your hard work, and after a few weeks, you won't crave artificial sugars so much anymore. Promise!
  • mtgordon1908
    mtgordon1908 Posts: 25 Member
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I would do two things.

    1) Don't label it an addiction. It's not, really. You give it more power than it has by how you mentally frame it. As humans, we're all wired to prefer high fat, sweet food. It's a survival thing. We can get past it.

    2) Researchers say the way to break a habit is by substitution. You identify three things:

    A) the trigger (stress, boredom, needing a reward, hunger, seeing cookies in the store)
    B) the habit (buying and eating the cookies)
    and C) the intrinsic reward (cookies taste yummy)

    You need to sub something for that middle part (the habit), something that has its own intrinsic reward. Would a non-food item be a rewarding treat for you at the end of the day? A hot bath? A pedicure? Some new perfume? Or would a less damaging food or drink suffice? A lowfat latte? A Healthy Choice fudge bar? A glass of costly red wine? One really great but small cookie?
  • pinkprincess1952
    pinkprincess1952 Posts: 194 Member
    Everyone always says losing weight is 80% diet and 20% fitness. And I want to be healthy and eat clean, but it seems like I always manage to blow it. Let’s take yesterday, for example. I had a smoothie for breakfast (spinach, blueberries, egg whites, flax seed, and a banana). I packed all of my snacks and lunch for work (snack 1: 1/4c pistachios, 1c blueberries, 1/2c strawberries; lunch: sushi; snack 2: apple, 2tbsp natural peanut butter). I drank a lot of water (8cups at work) and I felt really good. I was really proud of myself…and then I ran to the grocery store to grab a few things for dinner. I was making turkey chili and I needed kidney beans. Somehow I ended up buying cookies – I ate 8 of them last night and then 5 this morning (and then I finally threw the rest in the trash).
    I want to eat clean and be healthy, but I always end up doing things like this. I honestly feel like sugar/junk is my addiction. How do I control it? How do I break this addiction? What have you guys done?
    Any responses would help A LOT.
    Thank you!

    I have that same problem, I will eat healthy all day and then say someone brought pie or cookies to work, the next thing I know I am eating like 2 or 3 of them... It just seems like no matter what I always got have something sweet....
  • I've always heard that when you're craving something, drink water. You might just be thirsty instead of hungry!
  • hutchy90
    hutchy90 Posts: 67 Member
    when you find out the answer to that, let me know :)

    ^^ same. I could have written this post myself! sounds exactly like me!
  • Missmissy0003
    Missmissy0003 Posts: 250 Member
    For a chocolate fix I'll eat a Fiber One bar. It's filling and the chocolate is satisfying. DON'T overdue it tho, believe me

    Ha ha, I did that! I had 3 or 4 Fiber One brownies in a day, but The scale was lighter the next day.
  • 3ofmine
    3ofmine Posts: 136 Member
    Right there with things were McDonald's, Taco Bell, Arby's and Coke. I have had a bean burrito from Taco Bell sometime early last month. I have moved on to Sprite which I will buy if I am wanting something different and I'm out. I quit buying all that at the grocery store. I don't buy cases or two liters and bring them home..if they are here I will drink them(my inlaws came down and bought some for while they were here and I had a few of them last week but only 1/day). I tossed them in the trash because I didn't want to keep drinking them and I felt horrible after drinking it..I was so bloated and yucky feeling. That reminded me why I stopped drinking them in the first place. If I eat crap now I feel bad physically. I ate a burger at a bbq on the 4th and my stomach is still messed was the first ground beef I had in a LONG TIME(I use ground turkey at home). Anyway...cold turkey is the way to go and if you can get past and through the first 3-5 days which is the absolute hardest you'll find it is easier and easier to make that change. GOODLUCK!