des104gr8ness Member


  • Have you read Dr. Abravanel's body type diet book? Also Dr. Berg.. they both have a lot to say about the Adrenals.. I too believe i have this and have not been formally tested. i am going to alter my diet according to both these Dr.'s and see if it works. Wish you the best.
  • As the old CLICHE goes "Fall down 7 times get up 8" .. Well I am determined to continue working towards a New Healthy ME!!!! And i know 2013 is going to be MY YEAR.. I have tried it ALL.But this time i am going to leave Vanity away and impressing others out.. I am doing this for ME and my health.. I want to live a long…
  • Hope to find my partner.. Need the encouragement.!!! Here are my stats. (need to measure today) Female Age 33 Height 5'4" CW 197 GW 175 (for the Challenge) UGW 135 Daily Calorie Goal: 1200-1350 Preferred workout: Zumba, eliptical, walking, some home DVDs. (scared of gyms have lost lots of money) LOL
  • I am going to lose 25lbs by March!!!! Hope to find accountability partners.. I weigh 197 as of this morning :-( boooo holidays added those 7lbs.. ugghhh But I am ready to get moving and start changing..
  • Thanks everyone.. Question.. I think i had a side effect yesterday?? I drank about 16 oz.. during lunch and later in evening after i did an exercise class. I had a bad stomach pain almost couldnt drive and then had to rush to the bathroom and was nauseous and sweats and almost passed out.??? Today i feel fine but could…
  • I am 5'3 1/2" (yes i had to add the 1/2") lol Highest Weight 202 CW 190 GW 135 ish.. 130 would be best.. Wish you all the best.. :-) MY Biggest pet peeve.. Is when i loose i loose my assets.. Which i hate.. Boob deflate and butt shrinks.. Cant i order where to take the fat from.. jk.. "A girl could dream"
  • Thank you all.. I truly am ready to kick this carb thing.. I look forward to getting to know you all and helping each other out.. I wish you all the best.
  • i am starting 21 day Sugar detox!
  • Hello I am new to PALEO/PRIMAL... I am hoping to get some information here.. I am a little weary about high protein since i get Kidney stones but I am going to do my research and do all i can for this to succeed.. I already feel better in the couple of days i have been doing it.. Looking to loose the 60lbs and then get…