

  • Good luck with your weight loss goals, but the HCG diet is not a safe way to jump start the process. I know people that tried it and had horrible experiences. Yes, they lost weight fast, but they were tired and sick most of the time they were on 500 calories, and then when they started eating in a normal, healthy calorie…
  • Yes, it is feasible. You will probably be able to finish with the allowed time, but even if you don't, it's still great to be registered for a race and have that as a goal when you start running.
  • Good luck with your weight loss goals, but the HCG diet is not a safe way to jump start the process. I know people that tried it and had horrible experiences. Yes, they lost weight fast, but they were tired and sick most of the time they were on 500 calories, and then when they started eating in a normal, healthy calorie…
  • Good luck with your weight loss goals, but the HCG diet is not a safe way to jump start the process. I know people that tried it and had horrible experiences. Yes, they lost weight fast, but they were tired and sick most of the time they were on 500 calories, and then when they started eating in a normal, healthy calorie…
  • I am in the normal weight range for my height, but still have some fat around my mid section I would like to get rid of. I have been exercising more in the past few weeks and am feeling stronger, so maybe the last 5 pounds or so will eventually disappear.
  • I don't know a lot about the Medifast plan, but besides the extremely low calories, one of the HUGE problems with the HCG diet is the fact that it is promoted on claims that scientists have proven not to be true. There is absolutely NO scientific evidence that HCG does ANYTHING for weigh loss. It does not make it safe to…
  • Good luck with your weight loss goals, but the HCG diet is not a safe way to jump start the process. I know people that tried it and had horrible experiences. Yes, they lost weight fast, but they were tired and sick most of the time they were on 500 calories, and then when they started eating in a normal, healthy calorie…
  • When someone has been overweight, and you haven't seen them in quite a while and they are skinny, it can be quite a shock because they look so different than they used to. But unfortunately, when people actually ARE losing weight too fast and getting too skinny, they are usually unable to hear it because they are so…
  • Hello, Good luck with your weight loss goals, but the HCG diet is not a safe way to jump start the process. I know people that tried it and had horrible experiences. Yes, they lost weight fast, but they were tired and sick most of the time they were on 500 calories, and then when they started eating in a normal, healthy…
  • I don't have an opinion on carb cycling, but Dr. Oz seems to have become a showman to the point I don't take anything he says very seriously. Almost every week at the grocery store checkout, I see him on the cover of the women's magazine that promote fad diets and unrealistic claims for rapid weight loss. So I would not…
  • I don't live in your area, but from all I have heard, Crossfit is over rated and over priced. If you want a Crossfit-like workout, I would suggest you check the local gyms for boot camp programs or classes. I don't know if they have them in your area, but they are gaining popularity in the USA. Good luck!
  • I would be very suspicious of any diet plan that does not allow you to exercise. They probably say that so you won't pass out on the 1,000 calories a day they allow. And too high of a percentage of protein in your diet can cause health issues in some people…
  • How many calories do they allow on that plan? Anything less than 1,200 calories a day is very risky.
  • How about enrolling them in kid's exercise classes or dance classes or sports groups? There are SO many ways kids can get exercise without having to deal with Crossfit. Check with your local community center, YMCA, school, etc and you should be able to find some good options.
  • Crossfit affected my life personally when some of my team mates were not able to run the half marathon due to Crossfit workout injuries. We had all planned to do the half marathon together last fall, and were training together until part of the group made the mistake of joining Crossfit because someone convinced them that…
  • The problem is, trainers sometimes forget that they are working for you, and it's not the other way around. If you hired a person to paint your house, do housework, do your yard work, groom your dog, or most anything else, you would have no trouble telling them that there are certain rules they have to follow if they want…
  • Do whichever plan allows you to have the most healthy food choices.
  • Crossfit workouts have caused much more injury and harm to participants than any good that could possibly ever come of it. I hope the popularity of that Crossfit exercise cult soon drops to the point that no one will want to risk their health of pay outrageous prices to join their gyms. Any "good" Crossfit coaches could…
  • I have been trying to eat more "clean," but some days do better than others. At this point, I don't know if I would ever really want to give up all processed foods, but am trying to at least lower the percentage of processed foods I consume.
  • I eat mac and cheese. Unless you can't stop once you start eating it, I don't see anything wrong with enjoying it on occasion.
  • I think that your trainer is pushing you too hard. If you are in pain for days after a workout, or even on the same day, tell your trainer that he needs to help you create an exercise program that works for your level of fitness. If he pushes you to continue the program you're doing now, fire him.
  • I would be concerned about getting enough carbs to run with Paleo as well. Since you are losing weight and have great energy, I would just keep doing whatever you are doing. But if you do decided to do Paleo, I would suggest doing it gradually, or at a time when you are not racing or training.