Paleo or Primal?

I was doing paleo for a couple of weeks but I was worried about calcium so I now do something in between. All paleo but allowing yogurt and milk.

Does this sound OK? Which do you think is the best or is this middle ground the best option?


  • Miss_curvy
    Miss_curvy Posts: 77 Member
    i take two times a week milk o yogurth or buy some pills of calcium
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    So are you eating yogurt/milk or not because these two are not primal nor paleo. :)
  • CindyBretta
    Do whichever plan allows you to have the most healthy food choices.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I do Paleo (98% of the time since January) - but drink a flat white (coffee with milk) every day, and will most probably incorporate one day of Steel Cut oats and Yoghurt a week from the beginning of April.....

    My trainer has been full on Paleo for 3 years - and he also says the occasional dairy or oats won't kill you - except if you have wheat or lactose intolerance....
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    I hope you don't have a Crossfit trainer. That organization seems to be the one that's pushing Paleo these days.

    I would never recommend anyone do Crossfit -- it's too extreme and dangerous.

    This NY Times article about Crossfit says it all -- Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You
  • kcmg0730
    kcmg0730 Posts: 96
    Primal does allow for some dairy in moderation. Remember that lots of veggies do contain calcium, so if you are eating several servings of veg every day, you are probably ok.

    There is a primal/paleo support group in these discussion boards...lots of like minded, supportive people who would be happy to help.
  • katiejoycecross
    katiejoycecross Posts: 34 Member
    You can do Crossfit without Paleo, and Paleo without crossfit.

    Alot of people do dairy with Paleo, but take it out for a month and then reintroduce it to see if it's something that their body does or does not handle. Paleo is a great way to figure out food sensitivities and what causes inflammation in your gut. It's totally up to you either way. Remember, it's your diet, own it. If you want to do strict paleo though, take it out.

    Crossfit has been one of the best decisions I ever made for my health and fitness. I shaved 30 minutes off my half marathon time, lost 35 lbs and feel 1000% better about myself after starting it. I just started Paleo (I'm keeping Greek yogurt and an occasional sprinkle of cheese in also) but I've been doing Crossfit for over 6 months now.

    Crossfit is a great program that scales to people's abilities and encourages a healthy, positive lifestyle. Can it be dangerous? Sure. So could a tredmill. Do people get hurt? Probably, because people do stupid things they aren't ready for sometimes. It's life, take it or leave it.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    Crossfit is known for pushing people to the extreme. And many times, this has resulted in unnecessary injury. I know several people that were in above average shape when they started Crossfit, and they got injured because they gave in to pressure from the Crossfit coaches to do more than they knew they should. They no longer participate in or support the Crossfit program.

    If Cfrossfit was not so extreme, I would agree with you that it's a good thing. But being extreme is what Crossfit is all about.

    I would not set foot inside a Crossfit gym. I would not want to support such an extreme organization with my money, or be so sore I could barely walk for days after a workout, as Crossfit participants often are.

    This article from the NY Times says it all:

    Getting Fit, Even If It Kills You