Is anyone else doing the doctor supervised Ideal Protein Protocol? I discovered it through a friend of mine and decided to do it for other health reasons than weight loss although the weight loss is a fabulous side effect! My main reason was to "rest" my pancreas as my glucose numbers kept coming back borderline diabetic, and my triglycerides and cholesterol numbers were abhorant for the past couple years. I began the program on January 2nd and have realized my goals of MUCH lower numbers on all accounts! Since my 52nd birthday in November, I have lost a total of 24 pounds - yay me! Anyone else using this program? I want to hear your story. Thanks for your time.


  • gracias60
    gracias60 Posts: 13 Member
    I haven't done it but would like to hear about it. please explain what and how it works. thanks
  • scoldocg
    scoldocg Posts: 1
    Great to hear about your numbers.. I've been a health coach for years and have now incorporated Ideal Protein into my practice. My patients health issues have cleared up plus the added bonus of losing weight.It's a wonderful program. I lost 30 pounds in 8 weeks and have never felt better. I have chronic IBS, it's totally cleared up. Any questions, drop me a line.. Congratulations. Keep up the good work.. Dr. L
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    My wife did a protein sparing modified fast, had fantastic results. This type of diet would be considered too edgy by folks around here.
  • I am! Started on January 10th, and I am down 35lbs so far! Have a look at my pictures :)

    I love it! Super easy, and the results are AWESOME. Don't let the prices back you down!
  • How many calories do they allow on that plan? Anything less than 1,200 calories a day is very risky.
  • CalJur
    CalJur Posts: 627 Member
    Should be ideal protein lifestyle.
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Once of my coworkers is doing it, she's about my age.
    She's allowed like 1000 calories a day.
    She has 3 of their meals a day, 2 cups of veggies with lunch, and two cups of veggies with dinner.
    She gets breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack. She also has to have 6-8oz of some protein for whichever meal she isn't eating of theirs.
    8 glasses of water, a bunch of veggies are banned, only so much coffee allowed a day. She can have some skim milk in her coffee.
    And she used to do a 2 mile walk twice a week with me and some other women here. They yelled at her for it. She's not allowed to exercise on this diet.
    She goes in every week to get weighed, measured, etc.
    And she says it's wicked expensive.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I have done some research, as I had never heard of Ideal Protein Diet.

    So it is a Product Trademark, and they sell you food.

    Hmmm.... not really what I would want to do.

    Why do we need some company to sell us food we can obtain at the store for much lower prices? :huh:
  • Healthy_4_Life2
    Healthy_4_Life2 Posts: 595 Member
    Am not on program, but I was just looking it up after this post. Take a look at this site.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,860 Member
    Every time I see "protein diet" or "how can I get more protein" or anything protein related I giggle. I know, I'm 12. Plus with this being MFP, I giggle a LOT.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I am coaching people that are transitioning into maintenance off the Ideal Protein Program.

    It has too much soy for me since I have thyroid issues.
  • I would be very suspicious of any diet plan that does not allow you to exercise. They probably say that so you won't pass out on the 1,000 calories a day they allow. And too high of a percentage of protein in your diet can cause health issues in some people

    "high protein content in the body exerts pressure on the kidneys. The kidneys have to work harder to get rid of the waste products of protein metabolism. This can lead to severe kidney problems in people who already suffer from disorders of the kidneys."

    It sounds a bit too much like the dangerous HCG diet scam to me

    I would vote "NO"
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I would be very suspicious of any diet plan that does not allow you to exercise. They probably say that so you won't pass out on the 1,000 calories a day they allow. And too high of a percentage of protein in your diet can cause health issues in some people

    It sounds a bit too much like the dangerous HCG diet scam to me

    I would vote "NO"

    Actually it is the best advice for people eating ultra low calorie diets. This is why 90% of the people cant lose weight on this site eating their 1200 calories and exercising 5-6 times a week. You either take a moderate deficit approach and move, or take a large deficit approach and dont move. You cannot succeed on alot of activitity and ultra low calories.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    I would be very suspicious of any diet plan that does not allow you to exercise. They probably say that so you won't pass out on the 1,000 calories a day they allow. And too high of a percentage of protein in your diet can cause health issues in some people

    It sounds a bit too much like the dangerous HCG diet scam to me

    I would vote "NO"

    Actually it is the best advice for people eating ultra low calorie diets. This is why 90% of the people cant lose weight on this site eating their 1200 calories and exercising 5-6 times a week. You either take a moderate deficit approach and move, or take a large deficit approach and dont move. You cannot succeed on alot of activitity and ultra low calories.

    No exercise allowed ! Wow :huh:

    If you exercise, and want to keep that very low 1000 cals net, you just need to eat more.
    Why on earth would they not allow exercise ?? That is really contrary to any sensible program
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    I would be very suspicious of any diet plan that does not allow you to exercise. They probably say that so you won't pass out on the 1,000 calories a day they allow. And too high of a percentage of protein in your diet can cause health issues in some people

    It sounds a bit too much like the dangerous HCG diet scam to me

    I would vote "NO"

    Actually it is the best advice for people eating ultra low calorie diets. This is why 90% of the people cant lose weight on this site eating their 1200 calories and exercising 5-6 times a week. You either take a moderate deficit approach and move, or take a large deficit approach and dont move. You cannot succeed on alot of activitity and ultra low calories.

    No exercise allowed ! Wow :huh:

    If you exercise, and want to keep that very low 1000 cals net, you just need to eat more.
    Why on earth would they not allow exercise ?? That is really contrary to any sensible program

    Because they dont work with net calories, your program is 1000 a day. Phase 1 of the diet is purely a crash diet. Phase 2 slowly brings up the calories and allows for exercise.
  • mskari77
    mskari77 Posts: 142
    Every time I see "protein diet" or "how can I get more protein" or anything protein related I giggle. I know, I'm 12. Plus with this being MFP, I giggle a LOT.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'll join you in 6th grade, and giggle too!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member

    No exercise allowed ! Wow :huh:

    If you exercise, and want to keep that very low 1000 cals net, you just need to eat more.
    Why on earth would they not allow exercise ?? That is really contrary to any sensible program
    Because they dont work with net calories, your program is 1000 a day. Phase 1 of the diet is purely a crash diet. Phase 2 slowly brings up the calories and allows for exercise.

    And why can't they have the same crash phase 1, by using net cals to 1000?
    And why is 1000 a magical number? Is it the same number no matter if male, female, small or large?
    Really, it does not sound as anything that I would do.

    But if it works for some of you, well I can't try to convince you of not using it.
  • ranmca
    ranmca Posts: 121 Member

    ideal protein is great if you want to loose weight fast. not so great if you want long term weight loss maintainence and a healthier you. ive had a friend do it, talked to my doctor and pharmacist about it and i in the health care field as well. my friend lost a lot of weight, but i was with her while she was doing this, her life was one point she was only consuming 800cals a day, how bad is that? you pretty much put your body into ketosis, which you know is a bad thing... especially for diabetics... so you can loose some weight. my doctor said stay the heck away and my pharmacist couldn't even believe it was a product. but this is just my opinion based on research and professional judgement...many other people may think different. it was used by a doctor once, so he obviously thought it was ok. but yes, i think that if you can stay away do so, save yourself the time,money and grief and just diet and excersise.
  • Amanda0325
    Amanda0325 Posts: 245 Member
    i know someone who has lost over 40lbs on this diet.. she looks fantastic... and she just started adding more protein and carbs so she can go to the gym 6 days a week now!
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member

    No exercise allowed ! Wow :huh:

    If you exercise, and want to keep that very low 1000 cals net, you just need to eat more.
    Why on earth would they not allow exercise ?? That is really contrary to any sensible program
    Because they dont work with net calories, your program is 1000 a day. Phase 1 of the diet is purely a crash diet. Phase 2 slowly brings up the calories and allows for exercise.

    And why can't they have the same crash phase 1, by using net cals to 1000?
    And why is 1000 a magical number? Is it the same number no matter if male, female, small or large?
    Really, it does not sound as anything that I would do.

    But if it works for some of you, well I can't try to convince you of not using it.

    Becuase they do not tell you to count calories. They say have 1 of the green box items, 2 of the puddings, and a serving of a certain tab in the cook book.

    Plus "eating back calories" is not something i would adivse, you cant accurately calculate these calories. HRM are only good for steady state cardio and are still inaccurate.