

  • djatk
    djatk Posts: 9
    If you want a doctor to supervise your diet, that's up to you. It is not necessary if you want to just shift your diet towards protein. Proteins are harder to metabolize so it means that you actually boost your metabolism by eating protein — yes, you burn calories by eating. According to what I've read, protein requires almost 25% more energy to digest compared to fat and it can up calorie burn by as much as 35 percent.
  • J0ET
    J0ET Posts: 33 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one that laughs at that! Ha!
  • kelrun
    kelrun Posts: 12
    Just read the article you referenced:
    "For most healthy people, a high-protein diet generally isn't harmful if followed for a short time, such as three to four months, and may help with weight loss. However, the risks of using a high-protein diet — usually with carbohydrate restriction — for the long term are still being studied. Several health problems may result if a high-protein diet is followed for an extended time: "

    The key is not doing it for too long. I have been doing it for almost 5 weeks and feel fantastic. I will reach a point soon where I have achieved my goal and phase 2 will begin, then phase 3 and finally phase 4. I like this plan because being bored with the foods I can eat, I have had to find healthy ways to make the food taste good. I have found fantastic new recipes that my family loves using fresher ingredients and homemade dressings, etc.

    It is all in the learning. As I add foods back into my diet, I will be much more mindful of what I am putting in my body to maintain the goal that I am finally achieving. I am a bit of a heath nut, so I am very careful of what I do to my body. With 2 extremely obese parents (one of which passed away at 59) I know that staying sit and strong will take continuous work for the rest of my life, but I am committed and I love how I am feeling now that I have detoxed my body from all of the nastiness and look forward to filling my body with better food choices as this chapter of my journey comes to a close.
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    From what I've heard, the daily calorie allowance you're instructed to eat on that plan is too low to be safe. MFP, and most nutrition and diet experts, recommend that you not drop your daily calories below 1,200 per day when trying to lose weight. Eating fewer calories can endanger your health..
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Very low calorie plans might take off weight fast, but it is not without dangers:

    People need to get out of the mindset of numbers................It is NOT about the number of calories one takes in, but the quality of the NUTRITION one intakes.

    People never used to count calories, ate plenty of fat and were never obese.

    I don't count calories any longer and I will never count them again. I focus on the nutrition found in the Natural foods I eat.
  • rds532
    rds532 Posts: 109 Member
  • mamamia143
    I did ideal protein a year ago and lost 40 pounds in 3 months. It costs $340 a month. No exercise, because you literally are too weak, at least in the beginning. Even if you don't exercise you still lose, it's not a lifestyle diet, it's an extreme diet. I found myself dreading social settings because of having to explain my pre-purchased package protein "foods" My kidneys were effected big time by this diet. I got my first kidney stone because of this diet, and have had kidney issues ever since. Does it work? Yes. Is it healthy? I'd say no. It distributed at "health centers" try... chiropractor's offices that want the extra income. I made it to the final phase and had to stop due to finding out I was pregnant. I gained it all back, and now I've lost the majority on Weight Watchers with exercise incorporated. Will you lose, yes-- a lot, if you don't cheat at all. It will cost a lot, you won't feel like yourself, I was moody. Overall, for quick-- I need to fit into a wedding dress diet-- I'd say yes. For lifestyle, long term. HECK NO.
  • Anabelucci
    Anabelucci Posts: 22 Member
    ................It is NOT about the number of calories one takes in, but the quality of the NUTRITION one intakes.

    I agree that it is the quality not just the quantity. Eating 1200 calories can have the same malnourished effect as a 500 calorie diet if what is consumed is TRASH. I bet I could still lose weight if I consumed a 1200 calorie funnel cake daily and ate nothing else, and continued that for a period of time. I'd call it the funnel cake diet! Of course I'd be malnourished. To the point of some of the IPD proponents, it is the quality of calories consumed that is important. I'm not successful yet but I am trying to get 5 vegetables (and fruit), every day, and trying to include lean meats, and dropping the processed foods. I'm not as good as I'm gonna get.

    I'm not exactly sure what the Ideal Protein Diet is, and I probably won't investigate it because I don't plan on doing it, but I will not knock it just because of the radical calorie limit, I need much more info before dismissing anything right away.

    Good luck to all of us, in our weight loss, and healthy living journey!
  • Health_Gal
    Health_Gal Posts: 718 Member
    It is sad that some doctors and health and weight loss consultants are willing to put people that come to them for advice on exreme and dangerous diets just to make a quick profit.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    wow i'd never BUY food when lowcarb is so easy to follow..

    a fool and his money...
  • CTLow
    CTLow Posts: 6 Member
    I am on Ideal Protein and absolutely love it. It's the easiest thing i have ever done.

    At 47 yrs old and 5'11", I went from 240 lbs to 187 lbs 12 weeks later.

    Ideal Protein is a Ketosis based diet protocol. The thing about Ketosis is that while i am only consuming 900 calories a day worth of protein and veggies etc, my body (being in a state of ketosis) is eating 2000 calories a day of it's own fat stores. So my body is effectively getting 2900 calories a day to live on.

    Through ketosis, I lose more weight sleeping at night than I used to on an ellyptical trainer for an hour.

    My intial fee of $175 included first week's food, and 2 hour long consultations. After that, the food is $85 /wk. Call me a fool, but my wife and I have been enjoying our best summer since the turn of the century.

    I'm not sure why all the hate? There is nothing (other than the results) extreme about it. It is a ketosis based, low carb, high protein protocol that has been around in this basic form since the '70's.

    I'm not sure why people think it is unhealthy to lose 4.5 pounds a week. By MFP standards, I'd be healthier at 225 lbs or so right now? Instead, I've been enjoying the best summer i've had in over a decade. I have totally found my Mojo, I'm riding in the front of the pack on our 3 hr mountain bike rides 3-4 times a week. At every get-together all I hear are compliments from friends that are astonished at my transformation. You should see the looks on their faces. I have gone from the absolute last notch on my belt to the first notch, and now it is too loose also.

    Ideal Protein has been a fountain of youth for me. I feel absolutely awesome. I can't believe all the jump in my step these days.

    From Dr Peter Attia's

    Ketosis (or keto-adaptation) – Ketosis is a state, achieved through significant reduction of carbohydrate intake (typically to less than 50 grams per day), at which point the body makes a fundamental change from relying on glycogen as its main source of energy to relying on fat as the primary source of energy. In particular, the brain shifts from being entirely dependent on glucose, to being primarily dependent on beta-hydroxybutyrate – a so-called “ketone body.” Ketone bodies are chemical structures made by the liver (also somewhat in the kidney) out of fatty acids, primarily.

    Our brain can only function with glucose and ketones. Since we can’t store more than about 24 hours worth of glucose, we would all die of hypoglycemia if ever forced to fast for more than 24 hours if it weren't for the fact that our liver can take fat and select amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) and turn them into ketones, first and foremost to feed our brains. Hence, our body’s ability to produce ketones is required for basic survival.

    Keto-adaption is a state, achieved through significant reduction of carbohydrate intake (typically to less than 50 grams per day), where the body changes from relying on glycogen as its main source of energy to relying on fat. Specifically, the brain shifts from being primarily dependent on glucose, to being primarily dependent on beta-hydroxybutyrate. This has nothing to do with what a diabetic patient is experiencing in DKA (ketoacidosis), but does illustrate how poorly informed and quick to react the medical community is. DKA and nutritional ketosis (or keto-adaptation) have as much in common as a house fire and a fireplace.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Why don't you try something like this...

    Leave the doctor, the high prices, and the "no exercise" out of it.
  • CTLow
    CTLow Posts: 6 Member
    Why don't you try something like this...

    Leave the doctor, the high prices, and the "no exercise" out of it.

    Well, for starters, i'm pretty much done now. I'm there. When i read something that begins with "To lose the weight, one needs to..." and then I stop and smile and think, "Holy Crap, I've LOST the weight! I've already done that."

    Secondly, food, nutrition, and biology have never been my strong points. That's how I ended up at 240 lbs to begin with. I have paid someone else a pretty small fee to give me information I didn't even know existed, and to assist me in losing the weight in a pretty short amount of time.

    Yes, there are other ways out there, but for me, this was the easiest, quickest, least disruptive route to regaining my helath and happiness.

    And yes, now that I have been educating myself, I will continue to read Dr Peter Attia at Eating Academy, and Gary Taubes, and even the dailyapple, etc.

    Some people tell me it will be a battle keeping the weight off. I totally agree. But LIFE was a battle at 240 pounds. And thanks to Ideal Protein, the battle to lose 50 plus pounds was easy, and i am much better armed to endure the battle of keeping it off.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Why don't you try something like this...

    Leave the doctor, the high prices, and the "no exercise" out of it.

    Well, for starters, i'm pretty much done now. I'm there. When i read something that begins with "To lose the weight, one needs to..." and then I stop and smile and think, "Holy Crap, I've LOST the weight! I've already done that."

    Secondly, food, nutrition, and biology have never been my strong points. That's how I ended up at 240 lbs to begin with. I have paid someone else a pretty small fee to give me information I didn't even know existed, and to assist me in losing the weight in a pretty short amount of time.

    Yes, there are other ways out there, but for me, this was the easiest, quickest, least disruptive route to regaining my helath and happiness.

    And yes, now that I have been educating myself, I will continue to read Dr Peter Attia at Eating Academy, and Gary Taubes, and even the dailyapple, etc.

    Some people tell me it will be a battle keeping the weight off. I totally agree. But LIFE was a battle at 240 pounds. And thanks to Ideal Protein, the battle to lose 50 plus pounds was easy, and i am much better armed to endure the battle of keeping it off.

    Obviously... U came in contact with the *kitten* on the forum.. I'm not one of them. But.. hey..thanks for treating me like one. Good luck on your journey. What I posted.. has clearly worked for me. I started at 232. Enjoy.
  • CTLow
    CTLow Posts: 6 Member
    Why don't you try something like this...

    Leave the doctor, the high prices, and the "no exercise" out of it.

    Well, for starters, i'm pretty much done now. I'm there. When i read something that begins with "To lose the weight, one needs to..." and then I stop and smile and think, "Holy Crap, I've LOST the weight! I've already done that."

    Secondly, food, nutrition, and biology have never been my strong points. That's how I ended up at 240 lbs to begin with. I have paid someone else a pretty small fee to give me information I didn't even know existed, and to assist me in losing the weight in a pretty short amount of time.

    Yes, there are other ways out there, but for me, this was the easiest, quickest, least disruptive route to regaining my helath and happiness.

    And yes, now that I have been educating myself, I will continue to read Dr Peter Attia at Eating Academy, and Gary Taubes, and even the dailyapple, etc.

    Some people tell me it will be a battle keeping the weight off. I totally agree. But LIFE was a battle at 240 pounds. And thanks to Ideal Protein, the battle to lose 50 plus pounds was easy, and i am much better armed to endure the battle of keeping it off.

    Obviously... U came in contact with the *kitten* on the forum.. I'm not one of them. But.. hey..thanks for treating me like one. Good luck on your journey. What I posted.. has clearly worked for me. I started at 232. Enjoy.

    Hmm. Don't know what that's about. Rereading my post quite a few times, the only thing that I could see possibly being misunderstood is ".....thanks to Ideal Protein,...I am much better armed to endure the battle of keeping it off" meaning better than I was only a few short months ago, now that I have done so much research while being on Ideal Protein, i.e., comparing myself now to myself then. Not at all saying I am better armed in any way than you. Didn't mean any disrespect.
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do a ketogenic diet. i would never be so stupid as to pay for it though. wow.
  • CTLow
    CTLow Posts: 6 Member
    i do a ketogenic diet. i would never be so stupid as to pay for it though. wow.

    You are able to figure out meal plans and put then together. I was not, now I lost a bunch of weight and understand how to deal with my future nutritional needs, I didn't know how to do it, had somebody help me for a small fee, why do you need to call me stupid? I thought this forum was called MyFitnessPal, not MyFitnessAntagonist. Thanks for your support, Geez,
  • CTLow
    CTLow Posts: 6 Member
    I will be sure not to post anything again on this site. Thanks.

    How did I miss this sign...
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Every time I see "protein diet" or "how can I get more protein" or anything protein related I giggle. I know, I'm 12. Plus with this being MFP, I giggle a LOT.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I'll join you in 6th grade, and giggle too!
    Can I join your giggle fest? Like the 'diet industry doesn't already make a Bazillion $$$$ a year .
    OK I can be 12 too. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • its2fun
    its2fun Posts: 2 Member

    I have been on the Ideal Protein Diet for about 7 weeks. I started at 166.6 pounds and am down toe 145.4 pounds. My goal weight is 145.

    Phase 1 is strict, but it works.

    I also love to exercise, but I know that during the initial phases, it is recommended not to exercise because the diet is very controlled and t is to make sure that your body uses its fat stores and does not destroy your lean muscle mass. If you do exercise, you have to use additional protein. For me, I can sacrifice exercise for a short time, until I get to Phase 3 (next week).

    The biggest benefits for me have been the elimination of cellulite from my thighs, the elimination of my "saddlebags", the inches lost from my ribcage (1+), waist (3+), from my hips (3+) and from my thighs (2+)

    I LOVE that I can put on my jeans and I no longer have that "muffin top". I LOVE that I can wear my seatbelt and my belly does not stick out over the top of the belt. I love that when my husband runs his hands up and down my back, or puts his hands around my waist, I feel healthy and sexy again. I do not worry about him feeling those little rolls that were starting to form. I feel great about me.

    It is expensive in some respects, but worth every penny, in my opinion. It is easy, and there is a good variety of foods and textures.

    I highly recommend it.