
  • I personally cut out all fast foods and sodas or pop (whichever you want to call it) and eat red meat maybe 1-2 times a week. I do not consume any candy or sweets and i rarely drink juice. When i made this change i saw an immediate difference in my body and how it felt and in one week i lost 6 lbs. I was always taught that…
  • I swim about 1000 Meters 2x a day and run anywhere from 3-5 miles. It has been proven that if you do the correct cardio exercise then you can burn as many calories in 20-30 minutes as you would in an hour. As we all know everyone's bodies are different, but when it comes to calorie burning relatively the same. I recommend…
  • Well, depending on the duration and how much effort was put into the act you can end up burning as many calories during sex as you would if you ran 5 miles.. so look up how many calories you'd burn in a 5 mile run at your current running pace and that should be a good estimate. This is by no mean 100% accurate, but from…
  • I would appreciate your support and also give you mine as well.
  • Alright, so a good way to burn fat and calories in a little amount of time is interval training. If you do not have an elliptical or gazelle or treadmill i recommend asking for one as a gift (people practically give them away on Craigslist). I recommend High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT total time needed is about…
  • The best advice I can give when running in the cold is to put a plastic or gortex fabric directly against your skin.. it will increase your body heat and help keep it in. I am from Oregon so I to know a bit about cold weather running. If you put like a snug windbreaker against you directly it helps cut down on layers. I…
  • your welcome to add me.
  • It seems we are all a part of a prestigious club of scale addicts, I have wrestled my whole life so needless to say I am a slave to my scale or was I guess. I use to weigh food and drinks and everything else, but now I fight the urge and weigh in at the end of every week in the evening.. at first it was difficult, but you…
  • You could add me, I'll motivate you.
  • I don't have that exact brand, but try to go you YouTube and see if there is a "walk through" to help. Thankfully I am a watch kind of guy and know my way around them well enough because it was tricky setting mine up.
  • Congrats man!!! and out of curiosity are you from Oregon? I ask because that's my home state and you are wearing a Duck shirt!!! Keep up the great work. You are a true inspiration to others!
  • Well I can say that I saw immediate change when i stopped eating fast food and soda. I have not partaken of fast food for about 6 months and drink nothing but water and the occasional a glass or two of milk. But mostly my weight gain was from lack of exercise and my horrible food portions.
  • Yeah, well if it helps any I to will be extremely tired tomorrow. I had duty tonight so no sleep for me!
  • Still tired!!!
  • I think that your family is more happy that you will be attending the holiday lunch and not so focused on what happened. I am sure that they love you unconditionally regardless of any decisions you ever make.
  • But procrastinating always makes you feel more accomplished, that way you can say not only did you complete it, but you completed it in a time crunch :)
  • I'm wide awake as well.
  • 22, just improving on what i already have!!!
  • Even though i don't recommend cooking a separate meal and that portion control and moderation are keys to success here, I'd suggest that you cook meals that are tailored more towards your weight loss, but still enjoyed by your family as well. I think that from the little bit you shared about (Meat and potatoes/fried fish)…
  • Here is just an example of some basic kettle bell workouts. http://www.womenshealthmag.com/fitness/kettlebell-workout hope it sheds some light on the subject for you.
  • You can send me a friend request if you'd like, i'll throw some motivation your way man!
  • You can fully enjoy your holiday food without gaining back all of your weight or doing anything that will negatively impact what you have accomplished. Just eat in moderation and make sure you have small portions. And even though its nice to relax on the holiday make sure to get out and do some moderate cardio to keep the…
  • You can indulge in the holiday foods without going over your calorie intake limit. just make sure you enjoy in moderation, the holiday food and desserts are not worth backtracking all the hard work you've done to get where you are. just focus on portions and you will skate by and not have to make up for it on the back end.
  • The best time to weigh yourself is maybe once a week and at the end of the day when you know that you are done eating and drinking anything. Weighing yourself in the morning will always be a little lighter due to the fact that your body is in a metabolic fast state. throughout the night you float from anywhere between…
  • I am currently training for Search and rescue school and here are a list of sights that have great swimming workouts and good info. I swim everyday and these are phenomenal sites that help get good results. www.swimplan.com <http://www.swimplan.com/> What I use to do my noon 30-45 min swim workouts. Sign up is free and the…
  • I will be at the Worlds Toughest Mudder Championship next year, me and my buddy (he broke his ankle this year at the championship) will be there and we wll be attending multiple mudders throughout the year.
  • Good luck with your goal, just stick with it and pretty soon you will look back and the goal of .5 will have changed into a goal of 1.5
  • When I first started running I didn't track the distance I just ran what seemed like forever, and at the end when I called my buddy to pick me up he told me that i ran about 5.5 miles. I was never a big runner in any of my sports, in fact I was that guy who hated running and always complained, but since that day I run 4-5…