CountryGirl84 Member


  • 6 months postpardum with my 2nd baby boy and officially weigh less than when i got pregnant! now working on the extra 20lbs i still have from my 1st pregnancy lol
  • I really don't think it has anything to do with them not wanting to look at your friend, with the way lawsuits go in the US i think it has to do with business owners covering their *kitten*! If your friend were to pass out while on a treadmill for example and she were to sue it would be a terrible ordeal for the business…
  • Thank you to everyone who replied. I like the 100lbs for 5' and 5lbs for every inch after, that would put goal weight for 5'6" at 130lbs give or take 10lbs so that puts my goal at OK. Honestly I feel healthy & am super active having a 6 month old and a 5 year old plus i tend to waitress 5 days a week so I'm always moving,…
  • Food! Even when it's a lifestyle change I think food is still the hardest part! Like if friends want to go to meet at a restaurant I feel guilty after having pasta or a burger even though those are things I want...I miss eating what I want when I want without thinking about calories...though for the most part I eat…
  • I have a gross income of $18k a year and have 2 kids to support, I'm a permanent resident not a US citizen so don't qualify for state aid but still pay all the taxes & deductions. I am Canadian and have a 4 year degree from Canada & would go back to the free health care & higher paying jobs if it weren't for the WI law &…
  • I decided to try it for free from youtube first, you can't actually get the video but you can get videos of people doing the insanity workout & you can hear shawn t in the background. not as good as the real deal but it will let you know if you want to invest in the real thing,,,,I want to try it a bit longer yet it's a…
  • This is my 1st time! With my 1 month old baby it took me 3 tries to actually make it through day 2, but I did finally get the whole workout in! Definitely not 100% keeping up though lol I can see how you would get serious results in 60 days!
  • I guess I will log as circuit training though I feel like I burned more calories than that although that's likely just because I barely made it through day 2! This program really is crazy I can see how everyone got such amazing results after only 60 days. Having a new baby and a 4 year old at home I may not get to do it…
  • I follow them on my computer, but I know some people can hook up the tv to your computer.
  • I LOVE the 10 min prenatal pilates, you can find most of the segments on youtube which is a bonus!
  • Thank you everyone :) It's nice to know I'm not the only one who is craving the junk food at the end! I guess indulging a bit this close to the end would be ok as long as I try to balance it out....
  • I started out at 150lbs pre-pregnancy too, I'm due Dec 13th, I definitely will need motivation for getting back in shape, but I REALLY want to, in fact I'd like to get down to 140lbs.
  • I lost my mucus plug this morning and am 37w 1d, on Monday I was already 2+cm dilated, but still no contractions...I am waiting...could be any time or I could go late like with my first according to my Dr...I think like with everything else about pregnancy no one really knows why people deliver when...
  • My first pregnancy I gained 90lbs WAY TOO MUCH by eating everything and anything because I listened to everyone who said "it doesn't matter, you're supposed to gain weight while pregnant" I didn't lose it easily afterward but eventually this time around (almost 5 years later) I am 35 weeks pregnant and have…
  • They usually calculate by your weight at your first appointment...I would count from 126 if I were you
  • I am 17 weeks pregnant and have gained 3lbs, I am REALLY hoping to stay at 25lbs total weight gain because I was already starting out 11-16lbs heavier than my goal weight... For me the challenge is to really eat healthy, I tend to be on the go a lot and end up just grabbing the quickest thing which usually isn't the…
  • Thanks your post is inspiring :) When life gets busy it is sooooo easy to just say "well for today I will just eat this and I'll be healthy tomorrow" but I really have to try to focus and behave myself...especially during pregnancy...I will definitely try to keep track of my food better
  • Thanks to everyone who replied. My dr. did give me an inhaler so I have it for when I need it, but he suggested still not doing things that cause me to need it as it can put the baby in distress. Surprisingly no, I had no issues with my first pregnancy and never developed diabetes or anything. The only issue I ever had was…
  • Thanks everyone :) No my goal during pregnancy isn't weight loss, it's just to maintain a healthy pregnancy and healthy weight so that I can continue my weight loss journey after the pregnancy. Baby is priority one :) But I also know staying healthy and fit helps during delivery and that is important too! I also am…
  • I'm 9 weeks pregnancy and my DR said any exercises go for the first trimester as long as you keep it low impact, for me IE i can't run anymore and I can't ride horses but I can still do my at home exercises and small weights including squats and planks. IF any of the regular exercises cause my breathing to be labored I am…
  • I'm 5'6" and started around 160lbs, currently around 151lbs, but now 9 weeks pregnant so I haven't really been trying to lose at the moment but more maintain and not gain excessive weight so I can quickly resume the weight loss journey after pregnancy. End goal is 130 :)
  • I totally used to over eat my favorite gluten filled foods too! I think perhaps I ate my life-time limit and that caused celiac disease lol Thanks for the tip! I googled a little bit and it looks like something I can incorporate into my week!! Hopefully I stick with it, it would be nice to actually reach the goal I have…
  • I could use a challenge! I feel my motivation slowly draining but I really want to keep on working toward my goal!
  • I don't think you're wasting your time at all, change can happen at home or at a gym. I think the main difference in which method you persue is dependent on the type of person you are. Can you actually stick to a diet/exercise program at home? Or do you need someone - like a personal trainer - telling you what to do and…
  • thanks guys! it's nice to know other people hate level 2 too! i too think i'm going to start just alternating level 1 and level 3 that sounds like a good plan :)
  • hi all, so i have been doing the 30 day shred for a little while now kinda off and on, sometimes i do yoga instead or sometimes i take a day off etc. anyways, today i decided to try level 3 and the weird thing is i found it easier than level 2! don't get me wrong it is very challenging and i didn't do the advanced level of…
  • I am new to the site, but started my weight loss journey at the start of 2009 and have already managed to lose 12 pounds! Yay! Although lately I feel I have been slacking a bit so I thought where better to find a little support?! A little about me: I am currently a stay at home mom but will be working out of the home once…