Anclote Member


  • Hey girl me too, currently 22 weeks and due in July. Not really trying to restrict calories, rather just making sure my nutrients are there and I’m eating as healthily as I can for my little babe/ getting the exercise we need. Anyone else feel free to add me if you’re on a similar journey! Do -An
    in New Momma Comment by Anclote March 2019
  • Hey! I’m also pregnant, due July 21. I haven’t used MFP all that much in the last but I’m committed to start now to help maintain healthy weight gain for the remainder of my pregnancy and to help stay on track postpartum as well. Anyone add me for a new friend :) Xo -An
  • Hello my fellow craft lovers! I eat mostly vegan, and exercise all the time, but I work in craft beer sales and I have to drink it like it's my job because. Well. It is.
  • Ive been pescatarian for many years, but am eating increasingly vegan without even noticing until the end of the day, so I'm going to try eating vegan (consciously) for a month and see what happens. Feel free to add me for recipes, an occasional kick in the pants, whatever :)
  • Hey y'all! I'm 5'4'', mostly vegan, just trying to get fitter and lose a few pounds! I could use motivation too :)
  • I guess plant based then.. just looking at food for now, not clothing or anything. I do already avoid gelatin after learning a few years ago how they're made from hooves..?! Gross. I think I'll continue to use honey, however. I'm just looking to make a positive change for the environment, for compassion, and for my health…
  • Check out Larabar! They're made with anywhere betweeen 3 and 6 ingredients generally. Only the peanut flavors have nuts. They're absolutely delicious!
  • Have you tried powdered peanut butter like PB2? It has fewer calories than normal peanut butter, you can't mindlessly binge on it since it needs to be "prepared", and it tastes really, really satisfying. I add 2 tbsps to my morning vegan chocolate protein smoothie regularly.
  • Hey guys! My fellow craft beer lovers: please add me as a friend so I can creep on what you're drinking :) I love beer more than anything. If I weren't already married I'd propose to Boulevard Saison-Brett, most likely.
  • Costco makes Orgain which is the BEST vegan protein powder I have tried. It comes in chocolate fudge and vanilla flavors. It's 100% organic and has no soy as well for all you dudes. Seriously. Get it. I'm currently replacing two meals a day with smoothies in the weird limbo between holidays, so I'm trying to stay…
  • I like Oscar Blues Ten Fidy :) for 10 oz. it's 300 calories, but it's a sipper at 10.5% alcohol. You will not need another beer.
  • Costco makes a VEGAN protein powder called Orgain that comes in chocolate and vanilla and is AMAZEBALLS. It's 100% organic and also contains no soy if you're concerned about that as well. Seriously. Buy it. Down with dairy. Pimples be gone.
  • Costco sells a completely vegan protein powder called Orgain that is also 100% organic and contains no soy. I have the chocolate and vanilla flavors and they are both AMAZEBALLZ. These will definitely help up your protein and are great after a workout! My current two favorite smoothies to make: REESE'S CUP SMOOTHIE…
  • I'm currently replacing two meals a day with smoothies in the weird limbo between holidays, so I'm trying to stay interested with just chocolate and vanilla protein powders. I'm so happy this thread exists! I'm going to try ALL of these :) Here are my two favorites right now. (Can you tell I have a wicked sweet tooth?)…
  • I'm replacing two meals a day with smoothies in the weird limbo between holidays, so I'm trying to stay interested with just chocolate and vanilla protein powders. I'm so happy this thread exists! I'm going to try ALL of these :) Here are my two favorites right now. (Can you tell I have a wicked sweet tooth?) REESE'S CUP…
  • I drink seltzer water all the time. It's just carbonated water, so no sugar or salt or yucky aspartame or anything like that. If you must, add a couple drops of orange or vanilla stevia to make it taste like orange or cream soda x Or add lemon, lime, cucumber, strawberry, whatever suits you! Believe me, it's so much better…
  • Hey guys! I just started eating about 90% vegan as of the new year. I think a lot of people are afraid to commit to trying out the diet/lifestyle of no animal products precisely because of judgement about it, some of which I saw in comments previously... Of course there are some vegans who are extremely political about…
  • THANK YOU everyone for your nice comments! I am right there with all of you in your journeys. Go kick some *kitten*! xo An
  • Hey Jasa! I did start running on the street. That being said, I was living in a pretty big city in Poland at the time and it was a little dicey at times... I would say that it's worth it to get into your car or onto a bus, and go for a scouting mission. Look for neighborhoods where you see people running and where you…
  • I'm 5'4''. Top weight was ~200 lbs: (I'm the curly-haired girl in all these) Here I am today, ~140 lbs: Hope I could inspire some people. -Eat clean, less meat, and more vegetables -RUN -Lift weights ... and that's all. Calorie counting sucks. Run. You can do it, guys. xo An
  • The secret is your diet. If you eat the right foods, you will have a nice stomach even if you never do another situp again! I looked on when I first started my journey for some examples of what I should be eating on a daily basis and went from there. You can get there... xo An
  • :))) Thank you everyone
  • Ah! sorry, I'll add that to the post. I am 5'4". At my heaviest I was about 200 lbs, and now I am pretty much plateaued at 140 lbs. I would be happy if I didn't lose another pound, but I want to sculpt my body more. It has taken me about 2 years all told... from deciding I need to change to today. Long process if you do it…
  • YAY!!! You look phenomenal. DON'T STOP :)
  • NO. Sugar substitutes like aspartame were put up to the FDA no less than EIGHT TIMES and was denied because it's so unhealthy. (It gives rats cancer, so it might give you cancer, too...) Here is a video on why sugar substitutes are so awful. Copy and paste in your browser:…
  • Anyone who told you bananas are not a good diet food is insane!! Fruit is pretty much the *most* perfect food in existence. It's high in enzymes so it barely requires any work to be digested, which makes it IDEAL in the morning. It effortlessly passes through your body when your metabolism is still waking up, it gives you…
  • To be honest, I'm not sure what made me start on my journey. Everyone has that breaking point, and mine came with the number 200 on the scale. I really wish I could help you, but I know that inspiration is not something anyone can give you; you have to make your own. I wanted to be 110 when I started, and I still want to…
  • We're not twins, but we are all about a year apart, and we all look like my mom :)
  • Thank you so much! You can do it if I can, it just takes time. I friended you so you can take a look at my food and exercise journal. I try to eat tons of veggies, lean protein like fish and tofu, fruits, and whole grains for the majority of my meals. That being said, I have a wicked sweet tooth and sometimes I eat too…