

  • Live in maid with "f. buddy" benefits.:noway: Let him know how you feel or face a life of misery. Not all men are like that.
  • ^^^ THIS^^^ Coconut - Almond is a close 2nd.
  • Mr. Darling and I work in a factory - steel toes required - we naturally wear boots that already come up over our ankles - so we just wear our work boots LOL.
  • I'm definitely gonna have fun shopping! I'd like to have something that compliments the color of the bike - found a place online that does tank skins too - and mini ones that i might consider putting on my helmet - the "badass" yet "girlie" factor - this is gonna be FUN!
  • still...a DARNED nice pic (even if the bike is a friends) - you definitely look like you belong on it! :bigsmile:
  • [/quote] I LOVE my mesh jacket! So much better when all the wind is flowing! After looking at my jacket I decided I want one that is a brighter color! I want to make sure that I am seen!! I saw the other day that Schubert has come out with high vis yellow and hi vis orange helmets! They are actually WAY bright!! [/quote] I…
  • I LOVE that website! After I get my bike (hubby will take it home on his truck)...I will be ordering my mesh jacket. I already have a regular jacket for cooler weather. Would like to have something that matches my bike - I'm odd like that LOL
  • The poor woman is still traumatized by it. I feel so bad for her. I like to share my plants and things with her - I tell her often that I have too many or whatever. She has a huge amount of guilt, and I'm hoping she can get past it.
  • I'm really glad you made it!!! My husband and I were on our way to work. His mother was on her way over to our house to get our boys off to school that Friday. It was her that I met head on. Poor woman witnessed the entire thing. We were less than 1/4 mile from our driveway...I still had it in 2nd gear.
  • I think (personally) I'd feel stupid in leather - never tried it to be honest with you...and the live free or die - I'm with ya - my hide (and the ink within it) is much nicer on my body than it is on the pavement!:bigsmile:
  • I like your stance on her being fully geared. I don't think I'd be comfortable with Aric on my bike at all, come to think of it. I know KY has the option of helmet or not - but like you, I'll not ride without it. My accident was <25mph, for the record - so no matter at what speed, I guess it just depends on how you land.…
  • Tell me about your 10 yr old. My youngest is 9. I would not have him on my bike until I'm comfortable on it again, myself. Of course, I would wait until the MSF course. The last thing on the planet I'd want to do is for something to happen to all.
  • I just feel more security with the armor. Looking around for a replacement mesh jacket for warmer weather, also have to find another good helmet. I do have the riding pants, but currently (other than not having a bike...) my @ss is too big to wear them properly - maybe by the time cooler weather hits, it'll be down to…
  • My crash was in August too. 26th
  • I'd still have my first bike had I not totaled it in August. I LOVE lookin at bikes! Can't wait to get my next one...didnt think i'd ever want to ride again.
  • Anita 45 Mt. Sterling, Kentucky 6 boys (4 mine, 2 hubby's) - 21, 18, 18, 14, 11 and 9 1 new dog (also male). My first bike was a Kawasaki KLR 650. I'm looking for my next bike. Is it odd to feel a "bond" with your bike, or is that just strange? LOL
  • That's incredible - and you look GREAT on your bike!!!
  • I live outside Lexington, Kentucky. Only woman biker at work-that's kinda fun LOL Well, that I know of, anyhow. I dont have any biker girlfriends either. I was surprised how many of us there are too!
  • Scorpio ROCKS!!! November 7th
  • Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
  • :laugh: I never knew!
  • Hayabusa is HAWT! It IS nice to meet other women bikers! Our own little club! LOL:bigsmile:
  • I'd LOVE to see the custom paint! Congratulations on your license!
  • Armor saved my hide - felt strange when they cut it off me LOL It's amazing how fast that mesh comes off. They left the back plate in place and the ER people couldn't figure out what it was LOL "it's my armor" They were amazed that I was totally armored, and had no broken bones (other than neck). Messed up the knee i'd had…
  • The weight of a bike is intimidating to me as well. Worry that my knee will give out - so I'm lookin for something smaller...yet able to go on a road trip. I absolutely LOVE riding my own bike behind my husband - there's nothing like it...the sheer freedom
  • hdsgirl, i can TOTALLY understand the fear. even when i'm in my vehicle, i get nervous where i wrecked met a minivan head on in a blind curve - before sunrise my choice at that split second was hit her head on, or try to get around her i chose the latter and ended up head first in the ditch got a life flight to uk med…
  • kpleet, I hear you on the weight thing. I don't even have a helmet yet - and hubby's 650 just isn't built for 2 I've got a pair of riding pants i wanna fit into, and gotta get another mesh jacket. I'll never ride unarmored...
  • I'm a rider as well. Had a bad accident in August 2011-crushed 3 vertebrae in my neck, now sporting some hardware. HOWEVER... I'm looking into my next bike. I had a Kawasaki KLR 650. I've got my eyes on a Kawasaki Vulcan 500...or someting similar. Looking forward to gettin back in the saddle... CAGE FREE WOMAN! lol
  • With Neil Med - do NOT use tap water - use distilled ONLY.
  • Headed in the direction of Veganism. It feels like the right thing for me to do.