JillStone17 Member


  • So, to get back to the 21-day fix extreme...is there anyone still doing it? I'm starting tomorrow and would love some support from people who are doing it as well :)
  • I'm currently laying in bed thinking of reasons why I shouldn't do cardio 3, I have now wasted enough time that I will now have to do it later tonight or go for a run instead......I hate that workout! Congrats on the 15 pounds! Awesome!
  • Hello everyone! Last week was NUTS! Mon-Wednesday was Girl Scout camp and I kept up on my workout, but I left early Thursday morning for a wedding 7 hours away, so I modified my workout that morning and then did a run and weight lifting workout in the hotel gym Friday morning, but no workout Saturday. I decided I'm going…
  • I hope your knee feels better. Mine have definitely been sore since I started 11 and 12. It's all the jumping and plyometrics I think. I'm not one to have knee pain so I know that's what it is. It took everything in me to do Cardio 3 today. I'm so bored with it. Love the strength workouts HATE the cardio. I think I will…
  • I actually skipped cardio yesterday because I was so sore!!! Feeling better today, got 11 done and getting ready to shower and be ready for the day....yes it's almost 11. I love summer vacation :)
  • OH.MY.GOSH. So workouts 11 and 12......wow. Well, I hate holding chataronga, I hate scorpion push ups and I hate wheel push-ups......so.....looking forward to Thursday, NOT! Glad to be able to do a few of these moves though. Maybe by the end of next week ill be able to do everything? We'll see. I might spend a few weeks in…
  • I'm a teacher too! What grade? I'm fourth, I have 2.5 more days! I'm dying to be on summer break!
  • Oh Lordy, I haven't even seen 11 or 12 but I'm scared since 9 and 10 are still kind of kicking my butt! I'm proud to say that I haven't missed one workout!! I love getting up every morning and doing this program and I'm really starting to see some results. My size 4 shorts were loose yesterday and I remember a few summers…
  • That is so awesome! Your hard work is definitely paying off! So proud of you!
  • Good luck with doubling!! Ouch!! Ok, so I work my @$$ off during these workouts and I can't seem to burn more than 255 calories! I have my HRM on and I know it's accurate because when I run I use a couple different apps and they always calculate the same so......what's the deal? I was dripping sweat, out of breath and at…
  • DVD 10 was HARD! I thought I would like it better than 9 but I burned more calories on 10 than I have on any other strength DVD. Good workout though! My legs are trembling! Good luck everyone!
  • Where is everyone? lol Did everyone die at the end of weeks 7 and 8? Gatx, good idea on getting my heart rate back up in the strength workouts. I will try that if I can stand it. Workout 9 was hard! But not impossible. Looking forward to 10, I haven't previewed it yet, guessing it's hard but I will probably like it better…
  • I'd like to join this group :) I'm starting week 9 tomorrow :sad: scared! I belong to a couple other groups but there's not a ton of posting going on. I like to read up on people every day. Keeps me motivated :happy: So far I've lost several inches. Not a lot of weight but I didn't need to really lose weight in the first…
  • Does anyone else use a HRM during your strength exercises? I do and I don't burn nearly as many calories with WO7 as I do with all the other work outs. Wondering if it's just because WO7 is so hard for me that I'm not keeping up? It doesn't really seem like it but that's all that I can think of. WO7 is so hard so you would…
  • Was totally just thinking that!
  • I'm on weeks 7 and 8 and LOVE this program. I've lost some inches and gained a few pounds (I know it's muscle) need to clean up my eating in these last few weeks so I can really see the differences. I love how strong I am getting and I love the workouts! I belong to the Body Revolutionaries starting April 1st group and…
  • Funny that you thought WO7 was better than 8, I was the complete opposite! I'm cursing her in workout 7 the whole time! It starts off so brutal! I can really feel these workouts throughout the day and the next day where as WO 1-6 I didn't really feel them later. Hoping for some more inches off soon, I'm not eating as good…
  • So I started my Monday off by NOT waking up until 30 minutes before I was supposed to leave for work, so needless to say I did not work out this morning. But, I did it tonight! And can I just say......WORKOUT 7 KILLED ME! Seems like the front of the body is always harder for me than the back. I'm 20 minutes post workout…
  • Did some rough measurements this morning. Looks like I'm down in some areas. Still waiting for my thighs to kick in. They've been the same the whole time and Lord knows we work them. DVD's 7 and 8! I'm scared. I watched 7 it looks brutal, pushups while bringing your knee forward, is she kidding? Oh well, I'll try it I…
  • I can deal with her killing my abs but the circuit three in 5 is the WORST for me! I cuss her out the whole time! I wouldn't worry too much about the weight gain, that muscle you're building will burn it off fast I'm sure. Two more strength and then we're to workout 7 and 8!! Ahhhhh I'm scared!
  • Well no one has been on here all weekend so I guess I'll post something :) Only ran 4 on Saturday, my running friend wasn't feeling up for any longer so we went with 4. Felt so much better than in the afternoon! This weekend I've kind of eaten whatever I want. Not really over doing it but definitely going over calories. I…
  • gatx, I did think about my shoulders in a tank top through that whole thing! lol It was painful! Supermans with weights really suck, I know they are good for me though. I'm also using heavier weights as we move on...I might need to pick up some 15's soon! Ready for my last strength training tomorrow. I need a nice long…
  • Hey you runners.......do you run in the afternoon after strength in the morning? I'm finding that so difficult! My runs suck! On Saturdays I try to go in the morning and I'm fine. Anyone else experience this
  • Ok AGAIN....workout 5 sucks! lol That third circuit where she hits your shoulders like over and over and over again! OMG! I was dying, I couldn't finish some of the exercises! I guess I have something to work towards. I did, however burn the most calories I have ever burned with a strength DVD I think. How is everyone else…
  • You're lucky to be full, I would say just listen to your body. I eat about 1200 calories a day and burn around 200 or so calories and eat every last one because I'm usually hungry! If you feel like you need them they are there, if you don't then I wouldn't eat them just because. That's just my opinion :)
  • Glad you're back tallieterp! Since I have been doing Cardio 2 since the 2nd week of the program I decided to do Cardio 3 today....WOW....it wasn't impossible but I'd be lying if I said I didn't poop out on a couple of the exercises. Burned 250 calories which I think is the most I've burned with any of the workouts so that…
  • Heck yes! Seriously considering it right now. I've worked so hard over the last few years and it's the one part of my body that has done the OPPOSITE of what I want it to do. And there is NOTHING I can do about it unless I want to gain all my weight back....no thank you. It's like, just when I'm getting the rest of my body…
  • Great loss! How do you calculate the body fat? Are you using calipers?
  • WORKOUT 5 SUCKS! That's all for today :)
  • So, busy yesterday and forgot to share my results. I've gained 4 pounds but gone down 2.5 inches! Can't be made at that. Most of the areas I've gone down in is my stomach which is my trouble area, so I'll take it! I still need to take pictures......hopefully today. Any other results worth mentioning? Jill